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RE: Show your eyes color!

in #showyoureyes7 years ago

My pleasure just as reading your post 😉
I also found it hard to find the right picture that really showed your eyes color but then I found the one I used and like.... Ok... Lol
Yes you had a bonus as your boy were in it.
But oye.... Love the story about you as a boy and your blue eyes. But what happened?
You still have the same blue eyes and beautiful on the outside and inside 🤗 never changes.
And now your boy can follow in his dads Awsome shoes. You Crack me up with your weard wiew of yourself but ya I feel you there as I do the same myself... Lol
Yes @enginewitty made my beautiful banner to and it was a beautiful suprise and only one of his many talents.
Have a wonderful evening my friend and stay as you are. Don't you dare change 🤗💕🦄🐴💨