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RE: Things I Have Learned To Live Without ...and why sometimes it's better

in #simplelife7 years ago

This post really resonated with me. We do our best to strike a balance between a minimalist lifestyle and creature comforts. A lot of the purges we have made are for health reasons. Like getting rid of our microwave. We to choose to not consume commercial television programs. You know why they call them programs? Because they program your mind haha. With the advent of streaming services there really is no reason imo to consume commercial tv anymore. We also utilize our local library for renting DVDs and I'm amazed that more people don't.

As for the things that you would get if you could.... I think the concept was introduced to me by Jim Rohn. But basically, the philosophy states that if you are unhappy or not 100% pleased with the physical things that you have, get rid of them. It is only by creating a void and a vacuum that you can then attract the things you do want into your life. Has to do with a law of physics...don't ask me which one though lol. Cheers, you're on the right path :)


I agree. Most North Americans now shop mindlessly. At lunch, after work, during work, on line in bed at night. Shop, shop, shop. I think I got caught up in this at some point. In the last 3 years we have done an early retirement, downsized our home, moved 3 provinces away, got rid of half our things and our attitude on what we need. We cook from scratch and enjoy the things we do have. We are much happier, healthier and we are at peace.

Yeah, my home will never be some zen minimalist magazine cover, nor would I want it to be, but I am working to make it more manageable. If you know The Spoon Theory, I am a low-spoon person so too much stuff is overwhelming. One of the reasons I want a tiny house is because it would be more what I could handle!
The second bit is metaphysics, not physics-physics, but yeah, I'm familiar. I'm a reformed hoarder and have been on this simplification and purging path for about a decade.