Be Careful - Cyber Attacks can come from within !!

in #singhealth6 years ago

Be Careful - Cyber Attacks can come from within !!

I read with alarm this morning, Business Times news that 70,000 members' data of SIAS - Securities Investors Association of Singapore was stolen for 5 years, sometime back in 2013, and nobody was aware of it until CSA - Cyber Security Agency, formed in 2015, came to inform the association this Wednesday, 27 July 2018.

I am not sure why CSA choose to inform SIAS only on Wednesday, or they just discover this breach recently, but it came after 1.5 million SingHealth personal data breached very recently including 160,000 medical records exposed, or to divert attention away from the nation's BIGGEST cyber data security breached on record.

Many ignorant people, including politicians, management, staffs and the public always think that Cyber attacks can only come from the outside.

Many people. I suspect also people at the very TOP, are not fully aware that Cyber attacks can also come from within their organisations, or they purposely allowed a back door through that allows hackers to get in.

This makes the task of hacking from outside the organisation much much easy.

In those days before the digital world becomes prevalent, women using sex, lured men of power into bed and then into their organisational secrets to take down their country.

Then, you need to send James Bond, to do the reverse and save the world.

In modern days, thanks to the internet and increasing digital world, women (and/or men) can be gain excess by employment, especially those IT inclined, and sabotage the nation or organisation from within.

In our quest to become Smart Nation, it looks like we ain't getting any smarter as it is becoming obvious we are being targeted by "State Sponsored" entity, with secret agendas they know best themselves, or for whatever purposes unknown.

Today, our population is 5.6 million, going to 6.9 million and eventually and secretly planned for 10 million. We were just 2.9 million, not so long ago.

With our objective to become a SMART nation, we must have employed many foreign talents in the IT field to assist our goals to get there.

Are we blinded in our quest to be at the forefront of the digital world that we completely overlooked or neglected cyber security by allowing recruitment of foreign talents, especially in IT field.

Be Smart !!


People always say the rot starts at the top, but many are not aware the rot can comes from within.

Thank you.

David Lim. 26 July 2018. Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. Do not reprint in any form or media without permission.