SECRET CRIMES: Episode 5 “DON'T SHOOT. I AM INNOCENT!” (Original Story)

in #sirwinchester8 years ago (edited)

What happened previously?

A woman named Anne Smith mysteriously got shot by a Policeman - the Sheriff's son. She is now in the hospital, in a coma.
Susan, the secretery at the Sheriff's office then overheard a  conversation: the Sheriff was planning to arrest / kill Anne to cover up  for his son.
Now Susan wants to save Anne Smith with the help of her Doctor, Dr. Jacobs.

Dr. Jacobs listened to the tape conversation on Susan’s phone between the Sheriff and his Deputy, and his face changed from shocked to angry.  

He always knew something was not quite right here in this little town, but he could never put his finger on it.
If you can’t trust the police…then whom can you trust? He thought anxiously. They’re taking the law into their own hands. Now, here was the evidence!
The evidence of a previous murder, attempted murder, and corruption all in one conversation, he just could not believe it!  

Breathing heavily, Susan Fly watched him. What was he thinking? Did he believe? Would he help her? She so needed his help!  She now relied on him, as she could not do it alone.
Time was running out. She felt danger coming. She needed his answer… now. Right now!  

Deputy Jim chose to take the stairs up alone. The policemen took the elevator up.  
He felt highly excited; he loved to hunt people down. He was a born hunter. He could find anybody.
The thrill of the search and the chase made him feel alive, but the successful captures made him feel superior and dominant.
At the police academy, he was one of the best officers in Alabama, and he passed with flying colours.  

The tape recording ended. “So Doctor, will you help me? Her life is in danger!”
He looked at her seriously, “you are very brave…to do this! Of course, I will help you! The Sheriff rang not too long ago; he and his men should be here now. Quick! Follow me. We will take the private elevator. It’s only used for the hospital staff with a card key. Come on Susan.”
He turned the bed to the private elevator, which was directly next to the main elevator. Using his key, the bright light came on and the doors opened.
“Wow, we are lucky it had stopped on the third floor,” he said, as he helped Susan to push the bed inside, and the two metal doors closed.  
“Where are we going?” Susan asked, leaning against the cold, metal wall.  
“To the morgue, in the basement.”  

Simultaneously, as their doors closed shut, the other adjacent main elevator’s doors opened and all 4 policemen jumped out. 

The police had missed Susan, Dr. Jacobs and Anne Smith by just 1 second.  

If Susan had known that at that very moment they were there next to her, she would have fainted. She still felt a little dizzy, leaning against the hard wall for support. She was highly dehydrated, but she kept her composure up, or so she thought she did.  
Dr. Jacobs saw right through her. “You are still feeling dizzy... right? You need to take a small break before you collapse.”  
“I can’t, there is no time,” she said.
“Then we have to make time…seriously. You need to get your strength back if we want to get her out of here, and we must talk!”  

Deputy Jim reached the top of the stairs to the 3rd floor, opening the door roughly as he stormed out.  
His men were already waiting for him. “This way, Deputy,” one of the officers said, leading the way to Room 333.  Once outside the room, the men stopped, letting the Deputy come forward first to open the door.  
He opened the door and walked in slowly, bewildered. 

He looked slowly around him. No bed? No Anne Smith? Where was she?  

The room was empty except for the normal hospital furniture, with its plugs and standard devices.
All four policemen looked at each other, then moved slowly back away from the Deputy.
They hoped he would not lose his temper here in the hospital.  
Deputy Jim felt his blood pressure go up. He was angry. He tried to calm himself down.  
“There must be an explanation for this. Maybe they took her out for an X-ray or something. Although, we rang to tell them not to move her… we are coming soon. So why this?” He felt angry again.  
“Find out where she is!” He shouted. “And get the doctor in charge of here. I’ll wait here. Now move, all of you, before I make something happen!”  

They all left the room quickly. 

Deputy Jim walked briskly to the window and opened it. Breathing in the fresh air, he felt better.
He felt calm again. Nothing went the way he wanted it, so naturally it made him mad! 

It was dark in the basement, not fully lit. The air smelled stale and unpleasant. She did not like it here. Her face dropped.  
“Don’t worry Susan…we are safe here. Nobody comes down here, only Dr. Hall, and he’s working today at the other side of this long hall, preparing an autopsy. This is the quietest place in the hospital. Welcome to the morgue.” Dr. Jacobs said calmly.  
“So this is the morgue, where they keep the dead bodies, a very sad place to be. I’ve never been here before, not even in the old hospital. It’s very cold down here. I’m just glad I’m not here alone.”  
“Yeah…this is the place…like I said, nobody comes down here.” He laughed softly, his face relaxing.
She watched him, and laughed too.  This was the first time she laughed in a long time. He knew how to make people feel comfortable with him.
“Thank you very much, I really do appreciate what you are doing for me.” She looked down at Anne on the bed sleeping,” I mean for us,” she said warmly.  
“I’m surprised you’re laughing at all… I thought you would kill me if I did not help you. I was scared, that’s why I said yes.” Dr. Jacobs said.  
“…No…it’s not like that,” Susan said confused. “I would not kill anybody.”  
He laughed again, “got you, I’m only joking…relax.”  
“Yeah, you got me,” she said laughing again. She liked him, he was very kind and funny.  

“Follow me, and then you can sit down and drink something. Then we can plan…what to do next? I wonder… if they are here now?” Dr. Jacobs said.  

The officers came back into the room with the doctor in charge. His face was red and troubled.
“Hello, I am Professor Green. I have checked and it seems like we do have a problem here… The patient Anne Smith is missing. She is nowhere to be found.”  
“And you only just noticed now because of us…Is she not in a coma?” The Deputy questioned.  
“Yes, she is…or was, the last time she was checked; she was in a coma.” He felt very nervous and tired.  “And…who last checked her? Who was last here?” He asked slowly, irritated by the professor’s slow responses.  “Dr. Jacobs… her doctor.”  
“Where is he? Is he on duty? Call him right now!” The Deputy said rudely.  
“Ok.” Professor Green said leaving the room; he felt embarrassed.  

Dr. Jacobs touched Anne’s head, checking her temperature, “it’s cold in here, but she’ll be okay,” he said, tucking the white blanket tightly around her.  
Susan felt much better after drinking two glasses of water. It was so quiet here like they were in another world without the busy noises that life brings. She could understand why Dr. Jacobs liked it down here.  

They were at the back of the morgue now, in Dr. Hall’s big office. The sweet silence was broken by a strange noise. A buzzing noise.  
Dr. Jacobs looked down at his pager hanging on his trousers’ belt. Checking it, he sighed loudly.  

“What is it?” Susan asked quickly.  
“They are looking for me…the Professor is calling. I must go.”  
“Oh, and what about us?” She asked worried.  
“You’ll both be okay here, I promise you, but please be quiet. Remember, Dr. Hall is at the other end.”  “Ok…you are still on duty. I almost forgot. We will try and take her out of the hospital when the coast is clear later on.” Susan replied.  
“Ok.” He said leaving her. 

“Dr. Jacobs?” Deputy Jim said sharply, as he watched the young doctor walk in.  
“Yes, and your name, sir?” He said politely.  
“I am the Deputy here…Where is Anne Smith?” He got to the point, not wasting any more time.  “We have to arrest her.” “Arrest her…Why?”  
“That’s none of your business. That’s a police matter,” The Deputy said, quickly shutting him down.
He disliked the doctor immediately. “Just answer the question please…Where is she? You were the last person to see her. Now she is gone. What can you tell me?!”

Dr. Jacobs paused for a second, thinking. “I was not the last person to see her, the head nurse was here, after I examined her.”  
“What is her name? Was she still in a coma when you last saw her Doctor?”  
“Yes, she was.” Dr. Jacobs answered all their questions, even telling them where to find the head nurse.
He was covering his tracks the best that he could.  

The Deputy watched him with his hawk-like eyes. So nobody knows where she is…so strange this case. Maybe the head nurse knows something!

“Good, thank you for your time. We will ask the head nurse, then we will search the hospital. If she is missing, we will find her!”  

So this was the evil Deputy. The man was as cold as ice. Now he knew what he was dealing with. A very dangerous man!  

After Dr. Jacobs had left Susan to speak with the officers; Susan began to move Anne Smith through the corridor further into a darker section of the basement.
She saw a safe and slightly hidden corner and pushed the bed gently into place.  Anne Smith felt the bed moving up and down. It disturbed her! What is going on here? She thought. She tried to wake up and say something, but nothing came out. She was aware of sound and movement, even light.
She felt the coldness around her. Now all was quiet and semi-dark. She felt afraid.  

She tried again and again to open her eyes. Her body felt stiff; she could not move it.

 She started to wriggle her fingers; it worked. Her fingers were moving. Then she started to wriggle her feet, one toe slowly at a time.  She tried her eyes again, moving her eyes up and down, behind her closed eyelids. Attempting to blink and squint. Then her eyes started slowly to open. 

She felt happy, she could see again. She looked around her, only moving her eyes. Her head felt too heavy to move. Her mouth felt so dry and sensitive, but she managed to open it.  
She let out a small squeak from her mouth, too quiet for anybody to hear. 

Then her memory came back, and she remembered that she was dying!  
She screamed.  She screamed as loudly as she could. 

She was afraid; she did not want to die!

- To be continued - 
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 1
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 2
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 3
Click here for Secret Crimes Episode 4

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© Sirwinchester


I've been reading the whole story since part 1, and it's so amazing how it has evolved! It all started out with someone being shot, but now the storyline has developed into something much deeper and there are so many characters, sub-plots and twists!
Really awesome, and I'll be waiting for episode 7 now!

that's awesome that you have been reading every single part. The story has gotten much more detailed now and there's so much going on - and it's not the end yet!

love how dedicated you are to steemit.
the story is so deep and long, and the gifs fit perfectly.
you're setting a great example!

thank you for the compliment, appreciate it!

I think we are reading here a top-notch story. The writing skill matching with these real life GIF´S is truly amazing. This story is so thrilling I have to read the next part now. Are you gonna publish a book soon ? Hehe would love to buy one!

this could totally be a book, love the storyline. now I guess I have to read all the other parts too!

now I'm anxiously waiting for the next part -.- loved the story as always, keep it up!

thank you! and I'll do my best to finish the next part quickly ;)

I've been waiting for the next part of this story!! the storyline is so tense, and I love thrillers

awesome that you're following along, and glad you liked it!

nooo now her scream will be heard!!! you can't leave us on such a cliffhanger, I want to know what happens next :O

well you'll have to stay tuned!

so awesome that the doctors helps her and covers for her, but I'm scared the deputy will still find them

he's very smart and will definitely not be an easy opponent ...

wow, this part already got me hooked and I haven't even read the other ones! great story!

thank you! When you catch up with the other parts you'll probably notice some more details in the plot

you post a lot of different content, but I think the fiction stories are my favorite. it's so unique, and really as if I was reading a book!!

happy to hear that you enjoy my fiction stories, thank you!