My first time skateboarding in 12 years - 25 sec video

in #skateboarding8 years ago (edited)

Last summer I began skateboarding. It is a very enjoyable way to do sports. I don’t feel that I am exercising until after a good session when I am drenched in sweat.

This video is the first in an ongoing video series of mine where I document my skateboard progress.


keep rolling! and remember - its not a sport =)

I am not sure I understand in what way it isn't a sport. Could you elaborate?
Thank you :)

I think, that depends on what you think a 'sport' is. To me it never was a sport in a way like biking, running or any other olympic discipline. It's more like a 'lifestlye' - you dont do training lessons, there are no coaches no rules no clubs or leagues.
Of course, this is chaning or has changed in the last 10-15 years or something. Brands like Nike or Adidas put a lot of money in this lifestlye marketingwise. So you could say its a sport now, regarding the olympics...

Ah ok, I see what you mean. When I wrote sports, what I meant was an activity where I get excercise without me doing it for the excercise. E.g. Something fun to do which also makes me more fit.