Wow... This is a different take on backwards world... Slayer on Jimmy Fallon?
I have been referring to the world as being backwards world for some time now. Usually when I use that term it is referring to laws, and political events. I've talked about how the "No Child Left Behind" slows all children down to the same speed. I've talked about how bills often do exactly the opposite of what their name implies. Things like "The Patriot Act", "Affordable Healthcare Act", etc.
Today my world shifted. It shifted in a big way. You see I found out that Slayer performed "Raining Blood" on Jimmy Fallon, on the Tonight Show. If I needed further examples of how we've somehow been dragged into a mirror universe that qualifies. Can I blame this on the people firing up the Large Hadron Collider? Did the LHC screw up reality? I don't believe that, and really I am saying it more to inject some humor into this topic. Our fellow steemian @lemouth here is a great guy and actually is a scientist who works on the LHC. If it isn't a joke he'll let us know. :)
Slayer: Raining Blood - Live on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
So let's jump into a time machine. In the late 1980s high schools, colleges, and other places would have "Air Guitar" competitions. Well my friends and I always entered them and injected some metal into the events.
I did in different competitions Savatage "Hall of the Mountain King", Metallica "Breadfan", but the most epic was the treatment we did for Slayer. It was likely in either 1988 or 1987.
I had long hair as one of my posts from earlier in the week shows. Yet during this particular air guitar competition I was recovering from a corneal abrasion and iritis (very painful) and I happened to have a black eye patch over one eye.
Into this I was the frontman in our air guitar delivery of "Raining Blood" but we one upped the darkness.
We actually started it off with the back masked Join Us from the beginning of the song "Hell Awaits" and segued into "Raining Blood" and we went nuts.
I remember seeing people putting their hands over the ears of some kids in the audience and walking them out of the auditorium. Other people were going nuts and enjoying it. In a town of a lot of cowboys and wanna be hippies (before the term Hipster) what we were doing was not the norm.
It certainly wasn't something I would expect to see televised.
Now it is 2017 and suddenly Jimmy Kimmel is not only having Slayer perform the same song, he is kind of acting like it is normal.
I'm looking for the mirror. Perhaps the mirror lies.
Slayer - Hell Awaits - Showing for the back masking part at the beginning... it is "Join Us" said backwards
Slayer - Raining Blood - Studio Version
Tori Amos - Raining Blood - I had to show this again... it's a trip.

@dwinblood He continued: "This is actually the most prepared we've ever been for the next record in our history; there's no reason to not do more work, because it's already more than halfway done. Just write four or five new songs, and give the others some attention, and we'll be good to go. If we get a down period of time, which I know is coming at the end of this year, maybe we'll focus on that and get to it.
The Large Hadron Collider is even worse than backwards.
Imagine a group of scientists wanting to know about how a car works, so the pull the hub cap off and start using it as a frisbee...
That would actually be something, but no, its worse than that.
Imagine a group of scientists wanting to know about how a car works so the take it completely apart, throw away all the bolts and the fluids, and then study the metal pieces for years. Are they ever going to find out anything about car-ness? Never in a million years.
That is what the scientists at the LHC are doing. They will NEVER find anything useful, because they threw all the magic away.
However, they may be all about destroying the universe. So far they are only doing it one atom at a time.
Hi @dwinblood happy to see that in the 80' i wasn't a special case.Always remember those time and my long hair. Today living in south east Asia I never give up on my musical taste and it follows me, of course, it had change a little over the years but as a guitarist too I keep loving the music. Here there are not lots of venues but I manage to see and be backstage at 2 Satriani concert here in Bangkok this year and one in Mumbai. I have posted an excerpt video that I shot at the Bangkok concert 17 days ago on my blog. Good to be in the time machine and see Slayer "Hell Awaits" again and "Reign in Blood". Continue I am sure we are a lot of ex head bangers. Peace and Happiness
even thou they are old ! they are is still rocking the world
i pray for more 10 years of their existence \m/,