Carrot Garden and Spider Webs

I went out to the carrot garden around the full moon time this September 2018 and found these unusual looking mushrooms growing there. I’m really not sure what these little brown mushrooms are but I’m not recommending eating them.

Three carrots growing next to the mushrooms – click for viewing full screen

The carrots are really nice tasting but kind of small. They seem to have some rather unusual properties, perhaps it is from the proximity to the mushrooms. Or maybe I just have some unusual properties, LOL.

Close-up of the little brown mushrooms – click for viewing full screen

Here’s another view of the frog in the flowers with more of a focus on the flowers. This one is enhanced by Google Pictures. I like the way the colors kind of pop in the photo. It's not exactly a natural look though.

Another view of the frog in the flowers with color enhanced by Google Photos – click for viewing full screen

The next day the dew was all over the place and everything looked brilliant in the morning sun. I just like the way everything sparkles. Some spider webs were all covered with dew in the yard and the sun light was shinning just right to cause a rainbow to come off the dew drops. It is difficult to see clearly in the photos but the effect was very pronounced when you viewed it in person.

Maybe next time I see something like this I might get out the Panasonic camera and try to take a few bracketed exposure shots for a HDR. (The HDR setting on the Galaxy S9+ doesn’t work as well as a manual bracket of different exposures combined together) Or maybe just a faster shutter speed might bring out the rainbow effect better? What do you all think?

A rainbow shines from a spider web covered in dew, slight levels adjustment done – click for viewing full screen

Here’s another view of the web. The spiders seem to get big this time of year - there are a lot of fruit flies still around from the last of the berry crop.

A rainbow off a spider web – click for viewing full screen

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright Lightsplasher & Litesplasher.


Great to see you are posting. I really think the sun made that web look magical!

If you eat those mushrooms, you will really think you in fact do have some unusual properties lol!

LOL. Some of my posts have been a bit different recently - perhaps too many of my carrots; I wouldn't dare try any of the mushrooms.

Very good photography, my friend @lightsplasher I like it very much, I really like carrots other than tasty carrots also contain lots of protein, but I don't want to plant them because I don't understand how to care for carrots.

Just getting the carrot seeds started seems difficult for me sometimes. They are so small that they wash away if you're not careful. I don't usually have that much luck growing them but I'm getting better at it.

oh, yes my friend @lightsplasher, how old can we harvest carrots?

They will often last through the winter around here, it seldom snows but can freeze for a few weeks. Sometimes I will let them go for a long time if I don't need them right away.

wonderful article,
The mushroom looks fresh and delicious to eat, but the carrot looks to grow very stunted.
the spider's nest is very beautiful.
Thanks @lightsplasher for shering

Yes, I think the carrots needed some better tender loving care. Oh well, next time maybe I'll get some better soil or water more consistently. I'm not sure I would recommend eating the mushrooms, always check on what they are first - I have my guesses but I'm not sure, LOL.

hi, my friend @lightsplasher how are you there? I am happy with friends because friends have the same hobby as me, a few days ago I had seeded chilli seeds, now they have grown well but many seeds are not growing, this chilli is only 6 days old from seeding maybe 6 days ahead I will transfer the chilli seeds into pots.


It sure is fun to start some seedlings - your own garden grown food is wonderful to have.

Yes, my friend is very nice, but I have always loved my young plants. Since this is my hobby since then my friend @lightsplasher.

OMG Do not eat those mushrooms! Or the carrots for that matter! They are too close for comfort!

Lighty bro tnx for being my sight. But i am upset ur not watching my blood. Im really in bad situations

Hello my dear friend ho are you😘

Wow amazing photography sir. its valuable article. thanks @lightsplasher
Have a great day

Very good smartphone photography dear lighty.
Bro feel free visit me

The red flowers are awesome. You are a great photographer friend.
Listen visit my blog and see my food loving pictres.