Introducing: SMGroups - A Smart Media Group Project(beta)

in #smgroups6 years ago (edited)

Ever since the SMG project started about a month ago, a lot of growth has been happening within this community and other projects as well.

SMG is always looking for ways to help with the growth of the Steem platform, create constant engagement, and user retention. One way of doing it is with SMGroups that also will lead to a better new user experience.

What is SMGroups?

Now that there are more than 1 million accounts on Steem, there are a lot of different topics and categories that peak a particular individual(s) interest.

To better organize content, we are creating communities or "groups" that naturally form among likeminded individuals. The concept of "SMGroups" will help in each category growing naturally and as these categories grow, so does engagement and a helps with seeking new members to join that particular group.

Groups will have members taking posting authority of them, participating in their growth in memberships and rewards.

Smart Media Group will select curators for each category. These curators will have posting keys for group account to vote with and post about category stats or any other content pertaining to the category. Group accounts will grow by author and curation rewards.

Curators of group accounts will receive 60% of liquid SBD rewards accumulated. Payouts happens bi-weekly.

Examples of SMGroups:


The goal of SMGroups is to support media content and organize curation groups to manage and grow categories on Steem. The curation group for each category has the ability to onboard new members to the group and is also responsible for post formatting, guidelines, and help with general questions with Steem and the SMGroups project.

How to be a Part of SMGroups?

Just join the @SmartMediaGroup Discord server for more details. SMGroups are voluntary


This is my home =)

The best home ever! :P

This server is like a couch at home. After work I always head there, chill and enjoy the activities around it. I like my bed, but it is very cozy to fall asleap on a couch too.

Go SMG! It is great to see it grow and evolve with every week!

Artakush is looking forward to chill on a couch in his bush...

spending time with you guys in the smart media group discord is a blast and

This sounds good @smartmediagroup 👌😆

good information. Thank you, @smartmediagroup.

This sounds very interesting, so I will check your discord out.
I would like to Translate this into Korean, Japanese and Spanish.
May I have your permission to translate and cite your article as the original work?

Look forward to hearing from you in the server @shortsegments.

Sure, you have permission to translate the article.

Do your best to make steemit more efficent for users.AnD good luck SMG

Will do our best...

Hi there... I'm @yo-yo from Japan, I just visited your discord today. Actually I need time to understand what you are trying to do because I'm not so good at English yet^^; but I feel positive and intelligent vibes from all of you and your articles.

I think some of my friends speaking English might be interested in your activities or already know about you... but not so sure, so I resteemed this post. Thank-you and good luck for your project ;)

Hi Yo-Yo,

コンテンツをより良く構成するために、私たちは、同種の人々の間で自然に形成されるコミュニティまたは「グループ」を作成しています。 「SMGroups」のコンセプトは、自然に成長する各カテゴリーの助けとなります。また、これらのカテゴリーが成長するにつれて、エンゲージメントも促進され、新しいメンバーを特定のグループに参加させるのに役立ちます。




ゲーム-SMG Art-SMG Crypto-SMG

詳細については@SmartMediaGroup Discordサーバーに参加してください。 SMGroupsは任意である


私は、英語と日本語のcryptocurrencyとsteemに関する記事を公開しています。 それが役に立つなら、私のブログ@shortsegmentsに従ってください。

Yes we were glad to see you in the server @yo-yo!!!

That is great to hear. Just take your time and look forward to meeting your friends! :)

I like the plan of grouping #smgroups . This will help users to get connected with same mentality wise people. Easy to get involve in topic as user's choice and as there is community then new users will get a way to survive in this steemit ocean :)

Thank you. Hope to see you in the discord server ;)

How can I make a Moto Group. There are so many fragmented communities. Need them to be curated. Please pick me.


Just need to join the discord server and we can discuss more there ;)