Smile can make people complete

in #smile3 years ago


In real work and life, if one person treats you with frosty face and cold eyebrows, and another person smiles and warms to you, and they ask you about a work problem at the same time, which one do you welcome more? Of course it is the latter.

A sincere person, he always treats everyone and everything with a smile. A person's facial expressions are kind, gentle, and full of joy, which are far more attractive and popular than his wearing a set of high-end and gorgeous clothes.

A well-known company president, David Stimson, has almost all the advantages that a successful man should have. He has a clear life goal, and has the perseverance and confidence to constantly overcome difficulties and surpass himself and others. He never procrastinates; his voice is deep and mellow, and his speech is to the point; he always appears ambitious and full of vigor; he is well-known for his seriousness and devotion to life, and he is also very sincere to his colleagues and emphasizes fair treatment. Anyone you associate with is happy to associate with them.

But people who saw him for the first time rarely liked him. This surprised those who knew him. why? Because there is generally little smile on his face.

If a person’s deep and stern face is always filled with piercing eyes, closed lips, and clenched teeth, even in relaxed social situations, then, even his graceful dance on the dance floor will almost fascinate all ladies, But few people dance with him. The female employees of the company were even more afraid of him when they met him, and the male employees did not support him much.

It can be seen that the absence of a smile makes him a fearful person, an unwelcome person, and there is no life without a smile. Smile is a kind of tolerance and acceptance. It shortens the distance between each other and connects people to heart. People who like to face others with a smile are often easier to walk into the other side's world. No wonder scholars emphasized: "Smile is the vanguard of successful people."

Smiling is one of the difficult social skills to express sincerity and kindness. It is a kind of civilized performance. It shows a kind of strength, restraint and hint. A middle-aged leading cadre who just learned to smile said: Since I started to smile at my colleagues, at first everyone was very surprised, and then they were happy and applauded. In the past two months, I have had more happiness than the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment I have received in the past year. Now, I have developed the habit of smiling, and I find that everyone smiles at me. People who used to be cold and frosty are now warm and friendly. Last week, the unit engaged in democratic appraisal, and I almost got unanimous votes. This is a joyous event that I have never had in my work for so many years!

A person with a smiling face must be a sincere person and there is always hope. Because a person's smile is a messenger of his kindness, his smile can illuminate all those who see him. No one likes to help people who are frowning and looking sad all day, let alone trust them.

For those who are under pressure from their bosses, colleagues, customers or family, a smile can make them feel that everything is hopeful and the world is joyful. Face everyone and everything we meet with a sincere smile!

As long as you surpass your emotional confusion from time to time, you can maintain a relaxed and happy mood, your face will also have a happy smile and infect others, and the smile of others will in turn strengthen your pleasure and smile. Form a virtuous circle of interpersonal relationships between you and others. This will undoubtedly greatly promote your beautiful personality and perfect image, enabling you to win more people's support and likes.