RE: SMT Testnet is LIVE
Dude, stay insulted but content is needs to be made transactional. Otherwise, you’re philanthropy. In fac5t... you are. And that should insult you so you can come out of your delusion.
Get over it.
Thousands of issues but overestimating the financial traction of creation is definitely among the main ones. Once you actually understand that, then you will be able to start looking for “oh shit, no... we just can’t keep hoping that this cool community with peace and war length novels keep churning out revenue for our beautiful eyes and words. Or proof-of-brain because I am yet to see much brain here. (I only read your first paragraph)
Your words are useless until someone sees value in them. Attacking Steemit Inc for their failure... yeah sure, why not. Don’t forget to read the SMT WP tho.