Adding a new purpose to your current account or opening an alt account?

in #sndbox7 years ago
When I opened my Steemit account, I had very clear intentions about what to post with it. @anomadsoul is meant to publish adventure related and long term traveling content with the ocasional community building and contest posts. I don´t like to get off topic because when I introduced myself to you in early May ´17, this was my content proposal and that is why you follow me.

I have been a passive member of @thewritersblock for the past 3-4 months and, while I enjoy reading its members fiction stories and lurking around this awesome discord server ( created by writers for writers, where you can find workshops, make some friends, share your posts but most importantly, where you can find people who share the same interests and hobbies as yourself.

Since I am 9 years old I write short stories. My dad nurtured the reading habit since I was very young and since I have use of memory, I read a lot and write some more... I even have some short stories written in one of my notebooks, rookie stories if you may, but mine after all.

Wait, did I ever told you I won a *50 word story* contest literally while I was just a 2 week old newbie? It was organized by the literature trail, I wonder what happened to them.

Anyway, the point is, It´s been a while since I wanted to start writing again - nope, you will never read my previous rookie work, stop asking - but I am kind of hesitant about it.

There are two main reasons for my hesitation:

  • I don´t know if I am good enough. I have been writing a lot since I joined Steemit but to be honest, writing story pieces is a whole different thing and it has been a while since I did my last creation.
  • I don´t want to post content that you didn´t signed up for reading when you started following me - you know, the account name, all the travel related posts... don´t go with short stories... - and I don´t know if posting my pieces would be annoying for you, my current followers.
So, give me your opinion, would you like to read my short stories, even if they have nothing to do with adventure, traveling and community building?

Or would you like me to open another account so you don´t have to read my creative outburst which may or may not be good... I understand the morals and personal values of having an alt account but to be honest, I think I won´t be posting stories more than once a week, so if you are thinking about reward pool rape or voting abuse worry not, if you know me you know that´s not the way I drill.

To be honest, I don´t want to open an alt account but if the general opinion is that I should, because of *content diversification, i´ll look into it. Please, let me know what you think about this topic in the comment section!


I wouldn't worry about it and just do you. If people are following you it is because they enjoyed If people are so worried about diversified content I think they might be missing the idea. Steemit allows us to pursue what we enjoy. To post about, read about and enjoy what we want. If we get caught up thinking we have to create different accounts to satisfy the different parts of our personalities then that seems unneccesary. Is this more about community loyalty? Because if you can't step out and do something you love without ruffling that really where you want to be....🙃

I'm with @freedompoint on this one for sure! Do what you love and your followers will simply love another part of you :) Cheers!

Someone said something along the lines "Do you want your blog to define you or you defining your blog" and your comment made it clearer. I am convinced I´m going to post here and see what happens, worst case scenario I´ll lose some followers but that´s it :D

True, the blog must portray our full selves and not just the marketable part of our personalities. Thanks for your perspective my Yeti friend! (Yeah, I do read most of my following base content :D )

At most, you could post a clear title - e.g. when doing a Short Story write "Short Story / Story / SS" or something along with the title. That way, people who are not interested can scroll down. I doubt anybody would unfollow though... the way I expereince my feed on Steemit feels like it shouldn't really hurt.

Yes!!!! Thank you!

well said @freedompoint and I'll add that I think a great use for steemit is creative exploration so I encourage you @anomadsoul to go for it!

i agree this guy's opinion, !!@anomadsoul , do what you want to do and not worry about other things , if you want to do , just do it , steemit is a platform for us to show our personality , not to please other person, i think .

Yup! Agree!

No way brother! Good to see you again! I hope the adventures are treating you well? I say no way to opening a new account just to post your stories! Your stories are a part of who you are. I think a mix of the two on this handle is just a part of the evolution process of this account. This account by the way is you and your stories are you so them being here is no issue for myself. I look forward to reading them by the way. Maybe they'll inspire me to do the same! I can only imagine the stories you'll come up with on your journeys of local lore or well anything I suppose! Exciting stuff brother! Be well my friend.

Your writing skills here has been so good that we even forgot what you told us you were gonna start be writing in your introduction. I think you are more of a very good writer that will write anything and do it well to taste. Short story, adventure, fiction, and whatsoever, please keep it coming because I have learnt so much from your writing. I have seen humanity, generosity, kindness, love, unity, community and Selflessness in your articles. How else does one give to the people in writing. And the amazing thing is you always drive your points home. I'm always fascinating at reading from you and please some of us won't mind reading what you called rookie work that won you the awards back then. Not asking because you said we shouldn't already,but you could be nice to share. Thanks for being amazing.

Pls keep us all following you on this account.

Get “off topic”. It’s how we get to know you.

Yeah. For me I'm okay with this account.
Post your short stories, I'll read.

Please here is my link to the role model contest. I'm sure you will love to read it. . Thanks.

What about sticking with the same account, @anomadsoul , but titling your written stories as a "special" series? Seems like it would offer some flexibility... Look forward to reading more!

I´ve seen some people use [Title] - And the real title goes here. That way it allows their readers to know what the post is about, perhaps I could do that! Thanks!

np! I think that makes sense!

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Great post tnx for sharing I just upvote check out my post steemit all the way

When I first started on Steem I planned to just post about my adventures in 3d modelling. Over time I have diversified. I think we all do to some degree. My opinion, for what it's worth, is to not create an Alt but to bring more richness to your blog, let us see this other side of you. It's the different dimensions of ourselves that makes us all that more interesting.

It´s funny how, as we evolve, our own content evolves with us. 3d modelling huh? Who would have guessed you´d end up co-running the greatest writing-related community here :D
True, I think I´ll go with it, been thinking about it for a while, I guess you´ll be reading more about those inner fantasies I sometimes have.

I figure, if people don't want to read it, they can easily glance over it on the feed. I know a lot of people talk about branding a blog and all that jazz, but my personal opinion is that it does not matter. I follow people that are interesting, and I will read it if I so happen to be there on the feed, like how I just stumbled upon this :).

The tags should also help with filtering (Note to nobody in particular: If I poke at your feed, I should be able to filter out resteems and possibly tags that I may not want. Hum.)

So my vote is, go for it (no alt). It sounds like an interesting read. I won't unfollow if I see a few things I'm not interested in.

Yes, it’s really all about branding, and I didn’t avoid working a corporate job and a major record deal my whole life to become a brand here at steemit. That’s me though.