The War of Insurgency: Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task II

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)


The entire War of Insurgency dates its vestiges from December 13, 2081, the day on which the first human being with "exahuman" mutations was born, it was said that the child was born with three arms and gills, having the capacities of an average amphibian, the case revolutionized the press of its time, but quickly the story was taken as a farce and disappeared from the front pages in less than a month. In the following year, the number of irregular births increased to 124 and in the following years the number gradually increased until by the end of the century, the number of exhumans rose to 1,234,545 for the census of the year 2099, but everything turned upside down more surprising since the beginning of the new century. In the year 2100, the conservative and orthodox minorities began campaigns to "purge" these human beings, which for them were aberrations that could represent a danger to human societies, discrimination didn’t stop until the day of The Great Purge of the year 2111, where more than 3,489,977 exahumans were exterminated in a purge in where’s now Icarus City, the ancient Sydney, Australia. The controversial decision that took the Sydney cabinet caused the fury of the groups that supported the "human evolution", were 5 years of riots and civil wars, but in the year 2116 the rights of the exahumans were established and the laws began to protect them as human beings, at the end of the same year their privileges in society even surpassed those of the wealthiest humans in the most important districts. In the following years, the exahumans were gaining more and more influence. At the beginning of the following decade, the exahmans had already monopolized human societies, the emergence of a new hierarchical system became more noticeable and it was already beginning to be rumored among purist communities about how the exahumans would dominate the world in the near future. By the year 2127 the world would be revolutionized by seeing the rise of Kaleb Karenin as president of Russia, the first of them in achieving that since they appeared as a subspecies in 2081, two years later, Aimee Pfeiffer, another exahuman would be elected as president of the United States and, in 2132 would win by overwhelming majority Wai Feng, the recognized exahuman of nuclear fusion, the presidency of the largest world power: China. In getting hold of the three super-world powers, the exahumans joined in consensus as if they were a unique race, and the three presidents concretized an agenda as individuals with similar goals. In the years that followed, reforms and methods of social separation began; humans were relegated to very small ghettos that were just outside the walls of each city, being stripped of all their belongings, property and all social protection, only acting as simple playthings for exahumans to use as they want. And it was in the year 2139 that they emerged as the new world order, ending human domination. In the year 2141, exahuman leaders took revenge by the gigantic massacre to their people in yesteryears, for that reason they approved the first day of the "Retaliation", a mission that had like aim to retaliate by what happened and to exterminate the whole human race, the same mission would initiate a massive genocide that would last until the year 2159, when many exahumans believed that they had annihilated the entire human population, but there was still a resistance that lived in the colonies of the distant exoplanet Artan, a resistance and they call themselves as “Artans", and they would never forget the billions of humans who died at the hands of exahumans.

October 28, 2164, the humans returned to Earth for the first assault on a mission called "We will rise like Phoenixes."

Shanghai, 10:49 p.m.

The night had already engulfed the panorama. Degel enters the atmosphere piloting a furtive hunting ship with very stylized features, could not see any possible enemy in the vicinity. The conditions were given to propitiate a night assault, which was the specialty of Degel. A hovercraft is equipped and opens the hatch of the cabin; it is launched in a vacuum. Turn on his intercom.

"Kepler ... I'm in position. I need you to do a scan of these plains and tell me how many exahumans are right here," Degel says

"…I hear you. Just wait a moment; you don’t even have to tell me, that's my job," Kepler retorts.

"Well, according to the database there are 5 officers of rank B"

"Ok, I think I can handle that" Degel undoes the hovercraft and deploys the parachute contained in his suit.

“I think we should wait for the rest of the squad," Kepler says, warning of the recklessness of Degel's actions.

No, we can take advantage of the time as they arrive and create an opening. "Degel reaches the surface of the plains and starts moving, his legs covered in the exoskeleton moving gracefully and vertiginously.

He approaches his career on the edge of a slope and just before falling into the void, he provokes a high-altitude jump, raising a cloud of dust on the surface. Degel had managed to equip himself with a tenth-generation exoskeleton, that went up him many levels in the trophic chain of the violent and strict exahumans societies, where all your social position depends on what particularity you have and if you don’t have any, then your most likely destiny is to die at the hands of some exahuman, the law of the strongest predominated over any aspect and stories were told that anyone who wasn’t born with particularity would be considered an aberrant anomaly and, therefore, the exahumans would eliminate it to maintain the purity.

"This is wrong; we had to wait for instructions from Commander Tang"

"I'm here Kepler," says the voice of a hoarse man behind his seat. "You see that boy is still as reckless as in his training days.

"Sir!" Says Kepler making a very impromptu greeting with his hands as he turns around. "Waiting for your instructions, sir"

"Keep calm Kepler, your instructions are simple: you will provide logistical support to the boys on the ground, adhering to your training." The plan, in short, is to exterminate all the exahumans of this city, and this one is totally plagued with them, Shanghai is the most populated city of the exahumans,” Tang says with grim expression on his face.

Kareningrado, 11:01 p.m.

The squadron commanded by Katarina was facing a cold and wild weather, the mission of this squad was to break the defenses of Kareningrado. Katarina is getting desperate while seeing her radar: the mothership has become undetectable, all the commanders of the Solstice’s Army (composed of more than 400,000 soldiers) begin to demoralize when they notice the discouraged panorama indicated by their radars, but Katarina urges them to keep calm and arm themselves with courage.

"Probably due to the strong weather and the interference of the gamma rays, we may not be able to find it until tomorrow, but remember the reason why we have come to this place. We have to reconquer Russia and return Moscow to its former glory! Tonight we must kill all this genocidal and usurping race, the deplorable Karenin dynasty today will be overthrown! Don’t act like damned cowards! How many of your relatives have died in the hands of an exahuman? It's time to take revenge for all our ancestors and take what is ours!” Katarina tells them through her communicator.

The crowd regained its strength, but Katarina, despite her brave attitude and her military experience, knew that she was granted the most difficult district when it comes to penetrate its defenses, not only because of its gigantic almost impenetrable walls, but also because of the fearsome Anastasia Karenina, the daughter of the legendary Kaleb Karenin, who inherited her dangerous singularity of mind control on a massive scale, Katarina has heard the stories told of "The Retaliation", many of them agree that Karenin forced more than half a million people to commit suicide in Kiev (now called Yeven), so Karenina could easily control an army if she wanted to.

Somewhere in the Pacific, 12:00 am

The remaining third of the Artan army, led by General Eindrel Gael, enters the atmosphere by approaching coffers with high-end furtive technology; they approach the sea and break the surface of the water. The coffers begin their sequence of change to aquatic mode and unfold like a sort of improvised submarines.

"Today is a great day. Today we will reclaim our honor as a species and we will return to dominate this land,” Eindrel says through the intercom of the coffers. In the distance, facing the coffers, the waters are abnormally cloudy, small swirls start to be generated. The pressure sensors are triggered alerting the crew. Eindrel realizes that it could well be a natural phenomenon, but could also be the product of the singularity of an exahuman.

"I need you to give me an image of those things and look for a sign of a possible exahuman that’s manipulating the water with its singularity," as soon as he finishes saying, a swirl of great proportions was formed in front of the coffers. The vortex engulfs the group of ships. Inside the vortex you can see the blurred humanoid figure.

"There’s no doubt in general, we’re actually facing an exahuman of rank A"


Shanghai, 12:18 a.m.

Degel lands on the ground and cracks it when he falls.

"There is one that’s isolated about fifty meters to your right, it’s one of the b-listers that I have already mentioned," Kepler says.

"Copied," Degel responds as he starts moving towards the given objective.

He approaches and sees the target, a young man of medium size, rather scrawny and with the rudimentary clothing of the multidisciplinary army of the Shanghai Army. His appearance could be common and ordinary, even a little innocence, but Degel knows very well that this guy was a Rank B, it wouldn’t be easy to kill him.

Degel has never liked murders at distance, although he was trained to perform them almost perfectly, he always preferred the murder to the old school, how he was taught in Artan's ghettos, killing him in the back impregnated him with emotion and adrenaline much needed on the battlefield. Degel approaches him quietly behind his back, observes the nape of his neck loaded with murderous instinct, prepares his dagger to strike the coup de grace and when he was about to finish it off, the exahuman turns towards him with a fireball in his left hand, there Degel realizes that it’s now or never: he must strike a lethal blow in any of his apertures. Degel improvises a somersault to his right flank and quickly attacks him with a stab in his sides that pierces the lungs of the boy, the exahuman by mere reflection throws the fire projectile towards the sky as a warning signal. Degel quickly inform his colleagues:

"Shit! We have to mobilize and break these defenses fast! They have already alerted the Exahuman Army"

Degel, who commands the assault squadron, goes to the sewers to join his platoon.

Kareningrado, 1:25 a.m.

Katarina and her squadron as well as the rest of the Solstice army manage to overcome the obstacles of the violent climate of the forests surrounding Kareningrado, thus reaching the gigantic red walls of the city state. Katarina in all her 51 years of life had never seen anything like that: an architectural creation without equal, immense conglomerations of red rock that reached to the sky and that surely has to pierce the cloud, who knows. Although she had many things to reproach to exahumans, she couldn’t demerit even for a second his architectural works, clearly beyond the expertise and willingness they have, the exahumans also used their advantageous singularities to create monuments superior to those made by the common man.

Katarina and her squad are very clear that climbing them is not even an option to consider.

"Load type Z-4 explosives and place them on the rock. That would easily open to us the way to Moscow"

The explosives squadron mobilizes to destroy the red walls. Halfway they stop, alerting Katarina’s military instinct.

Katarina witnesses with desperation how the five soldiers who were sent just placed the explosives on their chests and detonate them in an apparent kamikaze act.

"I have no doubt about what I’m about to say we’re under the watchful eye of Karenina. Everyone must activate the Cogito system!"

Solstice army soldiers follow the orders of Katarina and put on the Cogito helmets, the ace up the sleeve against Karenina.

Meanwhile at the Red Palace, Anastasia, a 14-year-old teenage girl, writhes helplessly and orders her elite squads to hunt down the intruders. Anastasia doesn’t conceive the fact that some simple humans are disabling their singularity, of which she felt very proud, and that the consciousnesses of these same ones saturate her in the collective reality they have created.

Somewhere in the Pacific, 2:09 am

The vortex created by the Exhuman of Rank A submerged a part of the fleet of Eindrel Gael, who observes with concern how they are dragged to the ocean bottom.

"This is an exahuman that can manipulate the water, we’re at a serious disadvantage in this scenario," Eindrel clenches his teeth and then continues to say through the intercom "I order the units in the coffers that haven’t been affected to deploy offensives maneuvers against the objective.

Following the instructions, the soldiers are equipped with diving suits with exoskeleton investiture. The side doors of the coffers open and dozens of soldiers deploy.

The soldiers approach the whirlpool and sight the target; one begins his attack firing projectiles like mini torpedoes that thunderously hit the wall of swirling water. The exahuman responds, condensing and cooling the water molecules, shaping numerous ice splinters and throwing them towards them.

Dozens of them died crossed by the ice splinters, while they managed to avoid death, they took advantage of the opening created in the wall (necessary to throw the ice splinters) and, they kill him by shooting him hundreds of mini torpedoes.

Eindrel celebrates the success of the operation and directs its fleet to the east coast of Neo-America.

Shanghai, 3:00 a.m.

The walk through the long corridors of the Shanghai sewer system extended for more than two and a half hours until it reached a dome. There they meet four C-listers guards, a challenge that’s far more difficult to overcome than the previous one.

One of the guards begins to generate microwaves, the humidity of the sewer begins to evaporate, creating a mist that obstructed the vision of the army. After some 45 seconds, the soldiers who were closer to the microwaving guard began to smoke, their skins begin to dry out and they start to bleed through their holes until after a couple of seconds they get burned.

Degel shoots him to death with a beam of plasma generated from a device in his right arm.

Two guards lash out at Degel, one throws consecutive bursts of thorns that are generated from the tips of his fingers, Degel tries to dodge them but they dig deep into his shoulder, making him bleed in gushes. The other attacks him with punch of superhuman strength, pushing him back. Five soldiers of Degel's platoon shoot the two exhumans who seriously wounded Degel.

The last guard teleports behind one of the soldiers to deliver a death blow, but several members of the squad shoot her almost to the immediacy.

Degel walks lacerated through the corridors until he reaches the outlet of the sewer, when he climbs, he and his squadron face the Emperor Feng's Palace, Degel warns his army about the discovery.

"Clear road, the whole army has to advance until you reach the agreed exit"

Degel and his assault squadron of just over 30 people is hiding behind an alley that is adjacent to the palace entrance. Degel looks over his shoulders and then he observes out of the corner of his eye the two guards who look fearsome, probably A-listers or even worse: S-listers. Degel realizes instantly that there is no other way: with his critical state and his slightly depleted forces, he couldn’t defeat them.

Degel makes the decision to use his last resort, so as not to allow the guards to show their singularities. Display a hurried race towards the guards, point his right arm in the direction of the guards and project a beam of plasma much more powerful than the one previously used, the bodies of the guards are reduced to ashes and the part behind them collapses in a debris pile. The suit overheats and knocks Degel out, leaving him lying on the ground with his life hanging by a thread.

"Now, the door to the Emperor's Palace has been successfully cleared," he said in a muffled voice.

Cao Feng rushes out of the palace and he’s surprised to see how they have eliminated in one fell swoop the guardians of the Palace, the best warriors in all of China. Cao Feng loses his temper and launches a small orange discharge that makes contact with the surface of the ground and then generates a chain reaction that ends up causing an explosive blast of such magnitude that destroys half of the city of Shanghai.

There was no trace of Degel and his squadron, the resistance army was demoralized instantly upon hearing such a hecatomb, but Cao Feng ordered the great army to pursue and destroy the rest of the Artan forces.

Kareningrado, 4:02 a.m.

Katarina watches how Anastasia's elite forces gather outside the city. Kepler, from the logistics area, warns Katarina and the Solstice army about the death of Degel's forces in Shanghai: more than 400,000 human beings exterminated in a matter of seconds, a failure that demoralizes Katarina but she decides not to spread the voice because she didn’t want to discourage his army. Kepler also informs Katarina about the 515 warriors of rank A and B who have been sent to annihilate them.

Katarina knows perfectly that the Cogito helmets will not help them in the combat, on the contrary, they will put her at a disadvantage due to the immense energy that it requires, even since she already feels the weakness caused by the time wearing the helmet, but she cannot take them away, she remembers the danger that the power of Karenina supposes.

The forces go to the forefront and attack the frontal flank. Katarina makes use of her exoskeleton equipment and incorporates her plasma saber glove, then performs an expansive hack with which she eliminates about 10 targets simultaneously. At Artan, Katarina developed the best expandable plasma saber technology.

Explosions and bursts of all kinds are deployed throughout the terrain. One of the exahumans rests his hands on the ground and makes crackle crack a portion of the land in which were the forces of Katarina. A platoon of bomber soldiers deploys several bursts of missiles at the exahumans, but one of the exahumans employs her singularity: she generates a field of force with which most of the projectiles collide, only a few pass and burn a dozen of them.

Katarina exhausted and about to fall lying on the ground, observes with discouragement and full of uneasiness how her troops are quickly reduced in front of her eyes, impotence dominates her and then she makes a difficult decision.

"Everyone must take off their helmets Cogito, we need to recover the energy to be able to cope with the threat posed by this army of exahumans elite"

The Solstice army regains its strength by dispossessing the Cogito system. Katarina is now able to use all her potential as a warrior, she makes a fan of expansive hacks with which eliminates more than 100 exahumans, considerably weakening Karenina's forces. The squadron of Katarina defeats every exahuman that gets in the way, advancing towards the vanguard and reaching the red walls, the squadrons of bombers place the explosives on the wall and finally cause a large opening in the rocks, hundreds of thousands of Solstice army warriors enter Kareningrado and begin besieging the fortresses of the city.

Katarina puts on the Cogito helmet and urges the others who accompany her to place them also, together with her team, she advances until she reaches the Red Palace of the Karenin. Katarina walks to the throne where Anastasia is.

"Today you will die, your name will become dust, your family and your ancestry will be eliminated from the records of history" Katarina says.

"So that's your little toy... This will be more fun than I thought" She retorts between laughs. "I'm so anxious to see how all this will end!" Anastasia exclaimed excited.

Katarina responds to her irony with swift fury, runs to Katarina and raises her plasma saber glove vertically as if pretending to perform another fan of expansive hacks.

"Ha! I think the game is over darling!" Anastasia says with a ironic expression on his face.

Almost immediately, Katarina stops coordinating her movements and falls completely into submission to Karenina.

"I think you don’t know my best friend yet, he's Kevan, the red knight of the Red Palace of Kareningrado... His singularity is making not work little funky toys like those you bring, they call it electromagnetic waves or something like that, to be honest, that’s just complicated science for me,” She vociferates while letting out a loud laugh. "Now I order you to kill your entire squad and after that, you will have to kill yourself. Haha! This will be so funny, I'm still thinking how I will kill your entire army, they really bore me, playing with your mind is much more entertaining, but despite all, you all should die for your actions"

Katarina assassinates her entire squadron with violent slashes and the Solstice Army, under Karenina's mental manipulation, began to kill each other, creating a blood festival that just excite and serve Anastasia’s sadistic temperament.

Westfal, 5:04 a.m.

When Eindrel and his crew approached the Westfal pier, they receive an encrypted message from Kepler informing them about Katarina's fatidic fate in Kareningrado. Eindrel knew Katarina and Degel very well, knew that they were, along with him, the best warriors of all Artan, and if they have died, what would prevent him from suffering the same fate? Eindrel lets out a sob but replenishes almost immediately to continue the assault, he knows very well that on his shoulders are the last hopes of humanity, he was meant to take Westphalia or die in the attempt, his success and failure depended on the future of the colonists of Artan.

Eindrel's fleet reaches the Westfal coast and, in the distance, with his binoculars, he sees only one man, so lonely and calm, patiently waiting for them. Eindrel began to be intrigued and to ask himself questions about whom or what awaits them on the coasts.

The coffers of Eindrel and his crew disembark on the coasts; the man is still waiting for them in one of the docks, envisioning the ocean that was already colored with the twilight lights that announced an early sunset in the west. Eindrel begins to think that if it’s indeed a good idea to approach that man, while other members of his crew consider that it would be propitious to assassinate him to dismiss it as a future threat, but Eindrel refutes such ideas considering them so undiplomatic, at this point Eindrel knows that he can not only take the offensive route to ensure success and even more if he analyzes the failures that precede his comrades.

Eindrel leaves his crew and ventures to the west side of the piece of furniture, when he approaches him, he notices how he observes him from head to toe as if he were analyzing it, something that bothered Eindrel, the silence of the guy lasted for more minutes, which seemed eternal for Eindrel, so he decided to break the silence that’s hanged between them.

"And you are the welcome committee?

"I'm Walter Pfeiffer, it's nice to meet you," The man says while playing with a coin between his fingers "Now what will happen is that you and I will have an interesting conversation. And I think you're not in a position to refuse.

"... And what’s a guy like you supposed to talk about?

"Let’s talk about life.

“Tell me, do you think we exahumans are superior to you all?

"No, I think that with time and the development of our technology we could even match the abilities of an S rank like you"

Pfeiffer smiles and nods. "Now tell me, do you think we’re gods?"

"I don’t believe that such beings exist, and if they exist, they haven’t favored us at all. You on the other hand... Like my colleagues, I only believe in absolute effort"

"Interesting... That's why I've always admired them in secret. It is unfortunate what has happened to Degel and Katarina, no doubt they were great warriors who died honorably. I am afraid that these have been all the questions for today ... Now, enjoy the eternity that I will award you as a prize!" He says with a mocking expression on his face.

Pfeiffer clicks his fingers to channel his singularity: abscission of space-time.

Eindrel and his army are paralyzed and inert, condemned to inaction for the rest of eternity. The last hope of humanity, Eindrel and his army, had failed in their attempts to reconquer the land...


But the Benevolent Gods were watching them all from their omniscient observer, all the slaughtering perpetuated by the exahumans, a race that they emerged with the hope that they would succeed humans as the next link in the evolution of their species.

The Benevolent Gods were quite clear that the humans represented a threat to the balance in terrestrial life, in less than a century exahumans have extinguished an entire subspecies on planet Earth, they have taken liberties to reform the structure of the entire world order and mainly: they have spent many years teaching an anthropocentric lifestyle in which the Gods have no room, believing themselves even superior to deistic entities, when if it weren’t for them, they wouldn’t have been born with the blessing of the singularity given by the Benevolent Gods.

The Benevolent Gods chose three great anointed ones: the hero of the Great Assault of Shanghai: Degel, the heroic heroine of the Siege of Kareningrado: Katarina, and the brave hero of the Naval Battle of Westfal: Endriel. Humans who accumulated achievements and dared to attack the subspecies that the Benevolent Gods planned to punish. They were revived to begin the Great Fall of Exahuman Civilization and after all, the Resurgence of Human Civilization that occurred exactly 10 years after their deaths, the same October 28, on a night similar to that one occurred just a decade ago, the three heroes who perished in those battlefields: Degel, Katarina and Eindrel returned to retake what is of humans by right, and this time they served for the superior purposes of the Benevolent Gods. On October 29, humanity resurfaced with the capture of Shanghai, Moscow and Washington D.C, in a landslide victory by the anointed ones.


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