The Deep State Wants Snowden, He Might Have The Evidence To Take Them Down - Episode 1517b
IBOR is being pushed forward, those who were profiting and controlling these social media sites have been and continue to sell their shares, the writing is on the wall. Russian billionaire says that Soros funded the Steel dossier. Russian double agent found poisoned, looks like wet work. Trump says he will meet with Kim Jong Un, Lavrov says its a good thing, the corporate media doesn't know what to do with this news. Q wants us to look at Snowden, Q's messages point to the fact that Snowden and Assange might have the evidence to take down the deep state. There will be no deals for the deep state players. Q hints that Obama might run.
I found you on Steemit after watching a few of your videos on YouTube, Upvoted and followed...
When you make a claim such as Trump already met Kim Jung Un in China at the Forbidden City you should at least try to back it up with some kind of substantive evidence or resources.
I know you speculate a lot in your broadcasts and a lot of what you say is backed with logic and reasoning (form most of which I often agree with). But as we are seeking truth wouldn't it be more prudent to be more careful and tangible with such claims?
My 2 cents.
Is this suppose to be some kind of tangible proof?
As far as I am concerned, this whole "Q" thing is one huge PSY-OP designed to buy time for the elite, deceive the masses while giving them hope at the same time.
Until I start seeing some BIG NAMES from the DNC, Pedos, Military Traitors, Current & Former treasonous government officials being PERP-WALKED - CHARGED - and - IMPRISONED, this is all fluff which amounts to absolutely NOTHING!
Each day this doesn't happen hundreds of children are tortured, raped, and sacrificed. So pls get with the program and don't fall for this nonsense!
Thank You Dave,You were so right about North Korea, love your reports.
Part of the strength of the DEEP STATE was anonymity , and that’s why they’ve resorted to taking YouTube channels down . We’ve collectively shined a spotlight on the cockroaches, and all they would really like right now is to turn off the light . Now we just need an exterminator .
Thank you. David, I always look forward to your economic reports.

Thanx for the update... keeop the info flowing!
Thank you Dave, very informative and good points of view.