I'm a woman but I believe men are getting a raw deal from modern feminism

in #social7 years ago (edited)

So......do I believe that title? You bet your ass I do. I'm a woman yes, but I'm also a wife and I'm also a mother and I hate the way that modern feminism would try and say my son is an oppressive misogynist in the making. He's a little toddler and hasn’t even finished cutting his baby teeth but modern feminists would have me believe that he has to be brought up to bow down at the altar of their beliefs and grow up deliberately limited just to make him 'equal' to a girl.

Modern feminism is toxic. It’s destroyed the family, it’s made men fear to express their needs and themselves and its sold women a lie that they can have everything without sacrifice. That they can have the high flying career and be an amazing mother and do all the hobbies and interests that they could possibly want and finish the day off with a sex in the city personal life (all on their terms).

Well................you can’t have it all.....and there is a sacrifice and its men. Its men being told that you can’t be a strong man, a strong husband, a strong father. That somehow being a strong anything is somehow diminishing to a woman.


I’m a stay at home mother by choice because I don’t believe in throwing my children into that indoctrinating grinder of the modern system that would tell my little boy that he can’t run about like a lunatic, that he can’t roughhouse and be cheeky and a little naughty. The system that wants him to sit still and conform. No no no no NO!.

I’m going to let him be a boy and encourage him to be a man. I’m going to tell him it’s okay to be strong and have opinions and that it doesn’t make women less.

And do you know who I get grief off the most cause of my decision to stay and home and be a mother? Women, other women treat me like I’m wrong and misguided and just need to be educated and I will be fixed (rolls eyes and sighs).

I’ve had a career. Lots of responsibilities, long hours and power dressing and I hated it and it made me ill. The happiest I have ever been in life is looking after my kids and keeping the house (I actually get a perverse pleasure from cleaning.....it’s that looking at it when it’s all done...I’m weird I know). So why it is that feminists treat me like an infectious disease to be avoided? Because they know deep down that none of the crap they spout will ever make them happy but they bought the lie, they invested in it and their whole identity and belief system is wrapped up in it. And me? well I got out and broke out of their paradigm and I am never going back and I intend to teach my little girl and boy that they can be a little girl and a little boy and that they aren’t wrong if she wants to play with dolls and he wants to play with trains.

No men aren’t diminishing women but modern feminist women are sure as hell trying to diminish men.

So if you want to know more check out this trailer for a documentary film on this issue. As soon as I have some free time I’m going to watch the full documentary myself (that waits for those rare times the kids are both asleep at the same time and I don’t have a huge list of jobs to do lol). In the meantime I’m going to continue defying the feminists and letting my little boy grow up confident and strong.


Thank you for your words that I sense come from the heart, you touch a very sensitive spot in the way society is today.

Thanks for that :) I just watch my little boy play and dread the how the world and system is ...to be quite honest stacked against him atm. Drives me mad. As you can probably guess I don't have too many female friends anymore lol