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RE: Why I Disagree With The Strategy Of Exiting Facebook, Twitter And YouTube

in #socialmedia6 years ago

We sure see that, but the issue is like this:
When a hand full of good journalist leave the beast, and all the sheep stay with the beast, then they are dogfood...

It seems best to have the journalsist aroound until such platforms are a bit more obsolete. As in no longer a danger to humanity.

Don't get me / us (if i mas say us?) wrong @lighteye we sure agree with you on the general thread. Yet it is a bit more complicated. We need a good strategy. And that may be different again tomorrow depending on new beachheads and fallen bridges.... I hope you can also see how that works?

BTW I don't have a Farcebook or Tweety account, and i'm not planning on going there either.

It's better to stay in the stomach and make the beast sick so it eats less sheep, then being crapped out and let the beast feed on sheep like nothing has happened.

Meanwhile I do very much appriciate your concerns @lighteye. I'm on the same side as you.
