Over 26,000 People...Curious About STEEM!

in #socialmedia5 years ago

I'm not anti-Facebook. That may come to many as a shock seeing the amount of time I spend in this decentralized social media platform...However that doesn't mean I'm not aware of the issues surrounding these mammoth entities....

And with the rumors of 'Libra' the Facebook stable coin right around the corner...Things are going to get pretty hectic when it comes to the marriage between social media and blockchains.

I want to leverage these platforms. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. They have massive reach and I want to do everything I can to spread the word about STEEM...And these are the perfect places to do it.

So imagine my surprise when I log into Facebook the other day and see this notification....

steem facebook

LOL Hilarious....

I had been rewarded the 'Top Fan' badge for the official Steem Network Facebook page. What that means is that the interaction I display on that page plus all my Steem propaganda that I flood my wall with, through Facebook's epic algorithm, told them...I loved Steem.

Duh! Thank you Captain Obvious :)

Yeah, it's no secret I consider myself a 'Steem Fan Boy' and do everything I can to spread the word about Steem. So much so, that my off-chain website is about to get re-launched with a huge emphasis on blockchains and more specifically...Steem!

But here's my beef...

Look at that image again....Over 26,000 people 'like' Steem on Facebook. But then you see the activity on that page....It's depressing.

There has been 2-3 posts in May of this year but before that...The last post was in December 2018.

The 'Official' Steem fan page on Facebook...Gets ZERO attention.

And I'm assuming it's someone at Steemit Inc that runs that page, which worries me because...It looks like this is low on their priority list of things to work on.

This is a HUGE wasted opportunity!

No matter what you think of Facebook, we cannot deny it's reach...And if Steem brags about being a better option...Why not show it!

If Steemit Inc doesn't want to manage it...Someone will!


This community is READY and willing to do whatever it takes to build the Steem brand around the world...Why not support the people doing the work?

I find it remarkable, that we have the GREATEST model out there when it comes to rewarding activity and getting things done...But a simple thing like managing a Facebook page gets ignored.

Let's gooooooooo!

This is our time to shine, especially with all the attention that 'Libra' will be getting shortly. We have positioned ourselves to become the BETTER option...Show let's show the world how great this option can be!

steem training

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/over-26000-people-curious-about-steem/


I stopped using Facebook 2 years ago and deleted my account 3 months ago.
It is so disgusting and anti-competitive that they banned the ads of the entire crypto industry and bracketing it with binary options while secretly creating their own fake crypto coin.
Join the Crypto Industry Class Action against them by sending an encrypted Steem memo to @jpbliberty with your contact details saying you want to join.

Steemit must to have much more active users in order to grow in a good way

Posted using Partiko Android

40-50k daily is a great starting point. Steemit could release some control and let the community manage things like this.

Actually it's a GREAT potential we as a community have to perform well. And getting a 26000 like it's good figure we have. If you can and you want to then please speak with the person who is handling fb page of STEEM from STEEMIT . I know my friend you can do well.

Posted using Partiko Android

i’ll put some feelers out there. and see what we can do with that page

Posted using Partiko iOS

Facebook already deboosted me and i'm fairly certain they already deboost anyone mentioning steem at all. So if you want your entire account hidden from all your friends forever, disconnecting you from the world. Mention Steem or join any of the groups surrounding alt media or tech . :P https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/02/27/facebook-insider-leaks-docs/

Google will definitely quietly deboost you across platforms if they detect certain words and phrases in your posts. I used to get huge reach on Facebook and when I started mentioning cryptocurrency more and posting Steemit links those posts would get virtually no likes.

for sure. i’ve noticed that too. i used to get tons of traction for my sunday live streams. now its tiny amounts of people watching.

Posted using Partiko iOS

oh i know they pull things like that. trust me. i’m not saying facebook are a bunch of angels.

i just see it as a place (for now) where we can showcase steem to people outside of steem currently. even if it’s sketchy lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Frankly, I don't understand it man. It's not like you say it for the first time, and I'm sure at least @andrarchy follows your work at least every once in a while. I've seen him praise you once for what you're doing.

They have this strange love-hate relationship with the community, and the way they're communicating, with huge fluctuations doesn't help at all.

As for the Facebook page, I agree, you would certainly be a much better admin. After all, what are they afraid of? It's not like we're better off with no activity at all. And the timing is good too, as you mentioned, with FB's token and all the hype around it.

i’ll give him a huge pass recently. he got married and has been on his honeymoon. that’s totally understandable.

but they have all these people that were supposed to become more visible and active...but it’s been silence.

and i get it. they are focused on other things. that’s fine. i just hate seeing something like that facebook page go to waste. even once a week update. infographics. community spotlights. anything to show that this is a huge and massive blockchain community.

would do wonders.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ah, I didn't know that. Then it's understandable when it comes to Andrew. Congratulations to him! :)

Didn't know he got married! That certainly is a reason for some time off. However, they should have appointed someone to fill his shoes during his absence. Consistency is super important for building up people's trust especially when they have communicated so poorly for most of the time Steemit, Inc. has existed. Hopefully they'll get back on board once the honeymoon is over :-D

i agree. it should have been a priority to focus on their marketing. huge opportunity for steem to get out there and be known.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds like a great idea to get people in here, have you talked to anyone form steem inc about it?

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not yet. i’ll reach out and see.

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Who knows how they got those likes. I have a page and group on FB (40k followers) where I promote Steem. The thing is, if you are not interacting and posting daily at least 2 posts, fb algorithm will just make you invisible to your followers. That's just how it works. It would be great if they can post 3 posts a day.

Steem group is what we need, not a page. Organic reach of the page is 7%, if they didn't change that lately. So if you have 100 followers, your post will go to 7 people. Ofc, reacting/commenting/sharing makes the reach bigger.

The group has 100% reach and that's why it is much better to have it.

that’s a good point. i’m assuming the grew it big time during the bull run. but you are right. without a constant engagement it won’t matter.

interesting note about the group versus page. wouldn’t need a blessing from steemit inc for that.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, page is nothing compared to a group. Literally. Page is very hard to maintain if you want to reach more people. Not saying that we need to shut it down now, but afmin of the page needs to know what he's doing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow. Steem is getting known here in Uganda big time.

Posted using Partiko Android

awesome to hear that...is there local meet ups?

If Steem knew what they were doing you would be in charge of there facebook and twitter accounts for them. That alone would boost the numbers of people joining Steem and a daily basis. @jongolson for social media manager for #steem

oh they know what they are doing on many fronts. i think they just need help on the social media stuff and have the ability to leverage this community to help.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh I agree they do on many fronts but they could use you when it comes to social media.

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ha ha appreciate the vote of confidence man

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I didn't even know we had a page for steem. I still have my Facebook for browsing more than anything but if there was good content being posted by the steem page we would be able to share it and spread awareness.

Even the simple things like posting the featured posts to Facebook as information or a daily top 10 posts for people to see. If I see interesting content in my feed I will click it. If it's good I might look deeper and join the platform.

I'd do it myself if I was given the chance as it's important to get these things active and spread awareness.

exactly. that’s my thinking. just something regular that highlights the community. that would be so huge.

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