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RE: Cultural Marxism Underway: 'Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling'

in #society6 years ago

Man if he is referring the the uk then he is sadly right. Great Britain is no longer great anymore :( or Well it’s going downhill and a rate that might not be able to be stopped.

Such crazy times we live in, for me I just can’t belive how quick this has all happened. I’m not even 30 years old yet and I can remember how just 10 years (even 5!) the world was not as wild socially as it is today. Then I can remember back just 15 years ago and it seems like the Stone Age in comparison,


back then could you even find a decent donar kabab?

That’s back when they were good!

that's something to consider, in my city we have been taking in Syrian refugees for 100 years but they were all Christians fleeing Muslim persecution so they easily integrated here, now that is not who is coming and they seem to have no interest in integration.

LOL. Yeah, things are going to change bad in Europe in the next decade or more...