
in #sofi7 years ago

What do we gain by back-biting?
Save yourself O Muhammad! for as you sow, so shall you reap.

The saints (favorites of Allah) do not die, they just hide behind the veil,
So what if they leave the world silently?

God! if you show mercy, sinners like me will be absolved.
If you perform justice, even people of pomp and show will tremble in fear.

Life is trapped n agonies like sugarcane in the crushing roller,
O Muhammad! in this condition it is impossible for the juice to withhold.

A million springs of beauty will dissolve into dust,
O Muhammad! love in such a manner that you are remembered for ever.

Don’t watch the thorns of roses fearfully from afar,
Unless you endure being pricked and bleeding you cannot fill your pouch with flowers.

The black stone of Badakhshan(Afghanistan) mines burn in the sun,
As a result, many of such stones turn into shining and precious diamonds.

The seekers never return empty handed, says Hazrat,
Look at Saif-ul-Malook, he gets whatever he seeks.

A true seeker ill never remain empty-handed,
His search was halfhearted if he return empty-handed.

Do not be proud because the breath may or may not come,
The body, which you keep so clean from the dust,
ultimately has to dissolve into dust.

On by one my black hairs started leaving me,
Grey hair has brought me the message to pack up
and prepare for the eternal journey.

Izrael (the Angel of Death) brought the divine command,
Shah (father of prince) recited words of true love (Ishq) and instantly gave away his life

The big black wasp (soul) flew towards the heaven and
to felt the departed leaving behind his worn out boat.
(Boatman is a soul and the worn out or broken boat i the body

The wood-pecker was freed from this prison because the call came from Al-mighty,
He flew swiftly to the city of Saba.
The human body is the cage for the soul (Bird)

It does not behoove the wise to love this world,
This bride is not loyal to anyone,
sje married millions of husbands and devoured each and every one.

Anyone who divorces this child-eater is really wise,
O Muhammad! why should one keep in wedlock such a vampire.

Who is at peace here? Everyone is grieved,
O Muhammad! this unfaithful world is a big racketeer.