Bring me a solution :: not a problem

in #solutions6 years ago (edited)

Finding solutions to a problem before you raise the issue was ingrained in me as a child.

My father, a very talented goldsmith and genius businessman insisted that before I raised a problem with him, irrespective of what it was, I should always find the solution first.

Solutionist Thinking

In todays world of confused politics, the massive social issues we face, the rapid introduction of new technologies and the dire need for business to transform their processes to digitally adapt, it's imperative to adopt a solutionist mindset. Unfortunately as the 'blame game' we've all been raised with in looking behind us at where the problems began means few have the ability to look for and create solutions to the problems that exist. Whether that be socially or in business.

I don't know whether one can transform your mindset to being one of finding solutions before raising issues. I was raised that way. As a child I'd watch my father making jewellery in his workshop, asking questions, constantly searching for answers. This was encouraged. His attitude was: there is never a stupid question. He also encouraged me to listen to conversations he'd have with builders and servicemen during alterations to our properties. He'd encourage me to watch him design jewellery and houses.
All the time encouraging questions.

The moment I raised a problem, however, he'd insist I go away and find a solution first, then return with the problem and how I'd solved it.

This has been instrumental to my ability to resolve issues for clients within their marketing, business models and even with employees.

Finding Solutions becomes a mindset

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Business Solutions ; Digital Marketing ; Brand Growth & Strategic Alliances

Contact Bonnie Crofford, Strategic Thinker Linkedin