L'Arendsian Orbital Mechanics - Hypothesis.

in #space3 years ago

“inverted magnetism” == “L’Arendsian Orbital Mechanics”.

Personally i think the inverted magnetic lock concept works on any scale, or even without any scale (bigger than human scale). a push and a pull, held in a inverted magnetic equilibrium, a magnetic lock, creating a "spin" by a central, turning, magnetic flux with a body captured in a circular steady orbit (orbit is magnetic lock between 2+ bodies + rotation + spin) around it as a result. (circles in space only "appear" elliptical optically, under perspective causing dogmatic "science" many "problems" like "variable" orbital velocities through optical observations). and as massive objects found in space are buoyant, relative to the space it is found in, this is why our "patch of space" optically "appears" flat, as from a further distance we would appear to circle our sun on the same constant plane.

Personally i do not think we are "falling towards the sun" (centripetal), i think our orbit (magnetic lock) has forces going outward naturally (centrifugal), our earth's mass naturally wanting to leave its (central sun) orbital grip, yet we can not ever escape its majestically balanced magnetic pull on matter found in our earth's crust and core. Thus "if" the sun attracts the metals inside our earths magnetic core, or mantle, while the total mass of earth rotates around the center, and spins around its own axis, wants to escape from the center, yet is magnetically held, locked in place/space (a constant distance from the center object), "then" gravity is the result of multiple causes, gravity is the effect we observe, not the cause. the magnetic push AND the magnetic pull create the distance held (magnetic lock distance) from the center object, the orbital velocity and spin of the orbiting body then caused by the central bodies repelling magnetic flux.

Like galaxies rotate around a central core, like planets (and or moons) with polarized magnetized metals found fixed in their crust, around their (electro magnetic) sun, magnets held, as if forced, fixed in a plastic holder as shown here in the image, even down to the subatomic or molecular scale could this magnetic equilibrium, be the final answer, (atoms do not easily escape their cores influence or magnetic lock, as they naturally remain a in tact binary system, without manipulation) the ethereal mechanism i sought that explains all orbitally locked, angular yet planar motion we observe. (or atleast as what we perceive to be, through our methods of observation). it also appears we have renamed magnetism on a different larger scale, to gravity, which is a result not a cause. magnetism has already been demonstrated to function within a vacuum, while the current concept of gravity was not. light itself does not bend, (not even at great distances) as light is merely seen "on" matter (when local/close), thus merely appears to optically "bend" over great distances but actually the matter light is seen on, is influenced inside a medium, not lights local straight path when observed locally to the source. light indeed has been shown to be influenced by matter, again, not by gravity.

This magnetically locked system, causing orbits and turning of bodies, could explain orbital mechanics on all scales in one single explanation. from the atom all the way up to entire galaxies (galaxies are a optical result of light having to travel over distance, creating the "apparent" swirls in them, not visible when much closer to the actual source itself), one actual system, found on all scales, functioning the same. too bad my hypothesis will never actually become true, as that would indicate our entire solar system, was actually and truly a "created" system, perfectly balanced, to maintain the system (eternally, relative to the human average lifespan, human (distance + time) scales) without need of correction (placing a body in a orbit on a certain distance where the lock between bodies is active), as science no longer allows for God in their "equations".

Do you think life found here is an accident? Or that we live in some type if an accident, when the sky functions like a perfect constant cosmic clock for us, when orbital speed combined with a turn or axial rotation creates a system for keeping time? a day night cycle, accidentally? when plants found here are even known to need this exact day/night cycle to grow optimally? would a God able to build pyramids out of space-time not be able to set or fix the bodies orbital velocity, their turning speed and distance from the central source of light, thereby creating a "time" (on/off/ dark/night/ repetition we can recognize) and thus average lifespan for the beings on the surface? would we not (have to) search for a planet with a certain compatible speed, distance and turn, relative to a central sun ourselves? on a different body, our total life spans would not change, we would just die younger or older according to the system of time you brought there, or was forced to use, if this body was already inhabited.

De Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves postulates that any particle of matter that has linear momentum is also (PART OF) a wave.. emphasis mine because a wave is never a single thing, never a single object. (thus is not necessarily true, all the time, for any given single particle with linear momentum). again, i personally believe there is no light in space, because there are no waves in space, for space is a said to be a near empty medium/vacuum. particles projected from our sun move linearly through a near empty medium, and only when the medium change happens, from nothing/straight line/longitudinal "wave" to suddenly encountering something/cascades/transverse "waves", inside a planets atmosphere where local particles are already known and shown to exist, only THEN do these linear particles become visible when in direct violent contact with the first matter the particle creating the local light encounters, also forming a flat 2D image on its edge, right up there where the medium change first occurs. right up there where name and form seize to exist, what we call information, as light is only seen ON matter, not in between any objects nor particles, as light travels in straight paths from their source, creating (optical) effect across distance (multiple causations needed) only.

Time is counted, not measured, as time IS the measure.
Time itself can not bend, as you can only record it locally.
Time is only constant, when multiple motions are constant.

The inverted magnetism principle uses 3 magnets, 2 strong ones, and one weaker one with a inverted polarity. a strong magnet and a weak magnet are forced together and held by a shape, this results in a push and a pull where the pull is never stronger than the push, the repulsive force. the 3rd magnet is attracted, yet also pushed away and thus kept in a magnetic flux zone where it can not escape from once inside. this principle is how i hypothesize planetary orbital mechanics work as well, a strong magnetic core of the earth, or other bodies, with a mantel charged with a different polarity, pulling in objects yet also pushing them. this way the moon might get a little closer but the equilibrium has a variable range over the function of time. the moon is held yet also kept at a prefect distance for mankind. i do not subscribe to gravity, as magnetism was not really invented in Newtons time, how could he have known that magnetic connections are being made invisible through space? gravity was a good place holder for the cause of motion in the heavens, but we today now know how magnetism works and that magnets have special properties unknown in Newtons time. everything, in space, is already buoyant in a weightless, compared to space, environment. there is also no visible light possible in the vacuum of space. matter is needed to see light upon, hence the stars are only visible from inside our visible light allowing atmosphere. we look at space and see 2D projections formed by light, 2D circles we call planets, yet we do not observe any mass directly, we observe well a projection on a flat atmospheric, backlit projection screen. the atmosphere serves as the first matter, light can interact with and become visible to the adapted human eye.


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