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RE: Spain vs Catalonia in the middle of EU - why no one is taking care of solving it without an armed confrontation

in #spain7 years ago

CATALONIA IS SPAIN: some politicians want an illegal secession from Spain, ILLEGAL FAKE VOTING!

Imagine that Babaria in Germany wants to separate from Germany, or that Provence wants to separate from France, or California wants to separate from the USA.

Do you think that Germany, France or the USA would allow such secession to happen?

Obviously not, because they are integral parts of their countries, the same than Catalonia is an integral part of Spain since the times before the Roman Invasion of the Iberian Peninsula.

If such an attempt of secession would happen on those countries, they will apply the law to stop it and the police and even the army to enforce the law because that is the reason of being of the police and the army.

That's exactly what is happening in Spain, the law, the Spanish Constitution and the orders from the Judges are being applied to stop an illegal voting instigated by the insurgent regional government in Catalonia.

The police is closing the places where the illegal voting is attempted and seizing all the illegal material, but the police are finding resistance and violence from some people with wounded people and police as result. The police need to use the proportional force when required to complete the work that the judges have ordered them with to enforce the law.

Catalonia is an integral part of Spain and it will always continue to be, that is not negotiable.

In the S.XX the secessionist took us to a Civil War, we are now heading to a similar situation so a future second Civil War in Spain is unfortunately now possible. We hope that this time the international community, Europe, and the UN supports the democratic government of Spain to reject the insurgent secessionists and avoid war.

Catalonia already had an autonomous government with more powers that the government of Scotland have

But what the politicians from the Catalonia region want is not self-governing, that they already have, but complete secession from Spain and that is utterly impossible.

Spaniards are very friendly and peacefull people but we cannot allow some local politicians to execute a secession are steal part of Spain from all the Spanish people.



thanks for yr explanation,, but .....Freedomvigilante...... (freedom is freedom, also the freedom to vote, freedom to choose new path, freedom to leave of join !!!) for sure till now Catalonia was part of Spain, but after what I saw yesterday (full-geared policemen beating old women, throwing peoples around, confronting even firefighters and using force to enter schools for limiting a popular election, even not in conformity with the Costitution of one of the member of EU, I think that the Government of Spain has made a big mistake using inapropriate force without any reason. Please note that Spain should also take care of international convention and the Memorandum of EU and should never use NEVER, NEVER military or paramilitary forces against its population, as we both agree that untill October 1, Catalonia people was part of Spain and no one should beaten them like the pictures below.

Very simply: People has the right of autodetermination and it is just a question of time to get it hoping not to see picture like yesterday one from Catalonia (absolutely part of Spain still today!!)

I wish all the best both to Spain and Catalonia to find a mutual or independent way without armed forces involved in beating normal and peacefull people.

I have to agree, really disappointed about the way of handling, brutal force never pays!!!

It is stealing my land, and we are ready to fight for it. On the 6th of October of 1934 Campanys declared the Catalonian State and we went to the first Civil War. Now 83 years later, on the 4th of October Puigndemont is going the declare again the Catalonian State, and we will win the war again!

mah, everybody is free to do what he wants, but in my opinion both parties should start dialagoue, which for 8 years one part of Spanish politics (not all) refused and not fight, as you are writing, then up to you what to do, I respect all the opinion, but still thinking you are wrong and allow me to adjust yr statement that 1934 was a little different Europe as it is today and I hope you are not dreaming about the Europe of 1934. My post was originally about why a state is using Looney Tunes ships for transferring national police to Catalonia, but after October 1 violence I think that a lot change.....and brutal force never pays, as I stated yesterday !!

no sir, you are wrong, be sure that after the first military intervention, as you are suggesting and innocent blood someone will take care about this issue, because Spain today is part of EU and we all are citizens of EU and it is forbidden to send military force against people. If that should happen then Spain risks to be suspended from EU and there were already cases about that in the past with other EU members for really little issues, so this is not the way of handling this situation anymore.

I regret to have seen GC beating people just for preventing a vote and failing to prevent anyting, this was the wrong way. If the referendum was illegal as you are writing, should still happened but not be recognized and managed as never happened , but seems someone was scarry about the results of a referendum to try to prevent it.