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RE: So I just flagged a spammer with ~3400 accounts voting numbered comments..

in #spam7 years ago

Great job! I've been flagging quite a few spammers today actually. I found one and went all the way down his copy/paste comments and flagged every one of them that had an upvote. I'm just too tired of this crap to try and educate anymore. It's not like they want to hear it anyway.

It is a shame about the voting power though, I had to turn down the weight of my flag quite a bit.


This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @wolo! For more information, click here!

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Thanks to both of you...don't give up, THIS is the type of moderation we need!!!

I have flagged a few of these...not blatent like this one, but copypasta crap....but then I saw a member that got retaliated against....
That sucks!
Anyway...supporting all that you can do to make Steemit a healthier and more fruitful platform!!
✌ Peace!!!!

Yeah, the retaliation sucks. For me it's about picking my battles. I can't go up against someone with the same Steem Power, but I can battle the new accounts with low SP, without really feeling the retaliation. I did meet a particularly sore loser earlier this week, but those were just a few minor flags and insults. Reported him to Steemcleaners and that was the end of that :-)

If anyone wants to help on this effort, here is a link to the string of comments mentioned above. Most have been downvoted to nothing, but there are still a few comments with a some earnings left that should be squashed. Click "Show" to reveal the comments with earnings.

I'll be searching thru the list of accounts involved in this looking for more abuses and post them here when I find any.

Set some flags there too.

It's fucking ridiculous eh? Money that could be rewarding actual users is being stolen by greedy whales making circle jerk bots. Glad I vote for @ausbitbank for witness.

Yep I really like that he investigates oddities of the steemit too.

I guess an upvote velocity tracker outside of the defaults would be good for catching these automatically.

This post received a 4.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @wolo! For more information, click here!

Always agreed with this!

I just got them down to like a few at .05 or .04 cents each, hopefully someone finishes them off.

it would be great if there was a syndicate that would intervene when righteous Spam flags are retaliated against by the spammer : that should trigger an avalanche of flags to the spammer profile so his profile gets burned to the ground. It would be very bad for this community to allow spammers not only to spam but on top of That get away with intimidation tactics to scare people into not flagging...

Spam should be flagged
Anti flag intimidation by spammers should be squared flagged !
An example should be set to show the spammers what happens .
That would be super useful for anyone who is counter flagged by a spammer ; if the spammer doesn't remove the counterflag then the legitimate flagger can point to this example case of spammer profiles BEING BURNED TO THE GROUND by the community!!

I think that is already how it partially works. Atleast for the newer accounts with low Steem Power. The problems come when it's an account with high SP doing the abusing. If you have a bad whale here, hardly anyone would stand up against them, especially non-whales. We'd be too afraid of retaliation from them, due to them basically being able to blast you down to zero. Counter flag or not, it would ruin your account.

Sure, we as a community could burn his/her reputation to the ground, but he/she/it can take a lot of us down with him/her/it.

Retaliation from a low SP holder doesn't hurt too much and if it gets bad enough, any respectable member can ask the community for help in chasing this person off. It's when you stumble upon a rich prick who's a sore loser that you get into trouble either way...

I say what's right is right and we should blast them all regardless of SP (says the minnow) It's fun to watch @dan and @freedom get involved and stomp on bad whales

Hey you, good job, nice to see your comments and work paying you back here also PF!!

Thanks @barrydutton! Nice to see you show up here :D

I like you, I miss hearing from you LOL.

I love seeing newer people grow on here and find their way, it makes me happy!

Aww thanks so much! Though I don't really feel like I'm growing anymore. More competition makes for hardly any eyes on my posts lately!

I too have flagged quite a bit mostly for pure copy and paste aswell i flag my vote power is down to 12.5%

so if anyone reading this fells sorry for me (or if you think i should just not care) you could make me fell better by following :) i dont care about you upvoting really i just want people to get only good content so ill keep flagging spam

but good job @playfulfoodie and @ausbitbank

Yeah, I made this 'mistake' before and got down to 2% from flagging...thats when I learned flagging eats your voting power too! :-(
I still did it some today after reading this post...but refused to go below 40%. I havent been back to 100% since the day I joined...
Between upvoating everyone and flagging.....😜
Peace fellow Curator Officers!!

Sorry my friend @jackfitton
How can i know my voting power ?

You can use this tool to monitor your voting power
Your power is 62.62% at the moment

Thanks a lot for your help dear bro @deirdyweirdy


I'm new to steemit and do not really understand what is going on but I do have a way I deal with spammers anywhere. I don't get too many here since I am a minnow, but when I do, I send the most appropriate of these three comments back:

You are not supposed to ask for followers here at steemit. Search for "how to comment on posts" for ideas. But in general - write a few sentences about what you see in the post and tell the person if you upvoted or resteemed to help them. Then they might follow you anyway. Good luck!


You are not supposed to ask for votes here at steemit. Search for "how to comment on posts" for ideas. But in general - write a few sentences about what you see in the post and tell the person if you upvoted or resteemed to help them. Then they might follow you anyway. Good luck!


Look up "how to comment at steemit" so you can learn what they like here. The big guys will crush you if the see this type of comment repeatedly. You need at least one sentence and it needs to say something specific about the post you are on. Three sentences is even better! Good luck :)

I use copy/paste (!) to send these replies, but I do alter each a bit. I get about a 50% reply and most often that reply asks me to explain what I mean. They don't realize they are doing something wrong. I assume the other 50% are real spammers so they do not answer.

I've been doing this same thing with different wording for spammers in my email, fb, and Twitter for years and I get a very similar return of about 50%.

I open at least 200 posts a day on steemit and comment on 30-50. I have noticed in the last days that the spam is getting grayed out. Previously I rarely saw gray on the spam.

I want to thank all of you who are helping in this effort. I was wondering how posts with only a video and one line of text or a link with one line of text were getting $50+ payouts and I guess now I know.

I came here for the alexa ranking and useless comments on dumb posts make things look bad. The awesomely great content here should be what rises to the top, and I hope it will by your efforts. I'm happy to see no downvotes on this post. That gives me encouragement.

Thanks for your awesome reply @fitinfun! That's a nice idea of the copy/paste comment to reply to spammers. I have something similar lately, though I admit that I don't use it a lot. I got so tired of the spamming that I basically just flag those comments now, making them greyed out.

I'm sure it is magnitudes worse for you than me - I might only get one spam on a day or a post, so it's no trouble. but if I had 20, I might very well be on your page.

Thank you for all your efforts. We little guys are too confused and small to help much!

atleast you get some thanks

Good on ya girl. But do not over tire yourself. The balance will come.

Yeah, I'm not on a witch hunt just yet! When I come across such things though, I will definitely keep on flagging.


Yeah the idea is to publish original content.

It always is... on your blog, on websites, on youtube.... fb... all places. Original content, then sharing it and like it. But always when money comes in place or other ponzi fonzi schemes... there always be trollers or people who profit from others naivety.
Here is about the money... but if the sistem works, they will be gone soon.
That's the whole point of theese new sistems. Hope it works.

As a newbie this thing suckss.
Report and smash those people

Doing what I can within my limits :-)
Just now I had someone commenting on three of my posts in quick succession. I'm sure he/she/it didn't actually read the posts, but he/she/it did post an appropriate comment to the theme of the post, so I'm not sure how to handle this one yet.