I got into a Ponzi - Million Money is scam?

in #spanish ā€¢ 5 years ago (edited)

Ohhhhh no way!!! I got into a Ponzi scheme šŸ˜±

This is a translation of the original post in Spanish, made with the translator deepl.com

In this post you will find:

I see that many people register through youtubers accounts for example with many subscribers. These people arrive at our Whatsapp group lost and not knowing how to search for referrals. They thought that by registering from these people they would have hundreds of referrals per spill.

The large accounts that have many referrals are the slowest growing. It takes a long time for a stroke to reach you. But in my opinion the most harmful thing is to belong to a team that doesn't work hand in hand with you.

Our team has a face. It doesn't hide with a pseudonym and you will grow with us.

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First of all let's define what a Ponzi system is for those who are not familiar with this name.

The first thing we do when we read an unknown term on the internet is ask Wikipedia and that's where we find out that Ponzi was the last name of an Italian immigrant who came to the US with $2 and became a billionaire by running a pyramid scheme, now considered a scam.

The Ponzi scheme aims to get people to invest in the promise of big profits, without doing anything but spreading the word to get new investors. The money paid to old investors comes from the money received by new investors.

This system is controlled, so that its creator can close it down when he realizes that the incoming money from new members is decreasing compared to the outgoing money to pay for old members. At that point they begin to stop paying and the pyramid falls. Some payments may continue to be made to maintain appearances and in the hope that they will continue to refer people to see if the pyramid is maintained further.

1 Main Characteristics of a Ponzi

Certainly calling it a pyramid doesn't make it much clearer, as there are many systems that are shaped like that that are far from a Ponzi. We have the marketing or multilevel networks that present a similar model. Even most traditional companies have a pyramid shape in their organization chart.

But there are some unique characteristics that distinguish a Ponzi:

  • There is no real product or service that corresponds to the value of the investment
    Even if it exists, it can't sustain a ROI that big
  • Without new referrals, the system falls apart
  • They avoid legal formalities
    This can be a very subjective issue. Because there have been Ponzis who had offices, registries and people who stood up for the project. So the fact that they have a legal framework doesn't guarantee the lack of fraud and the fact that they don't have it doesn't guarantee that you're going to get ripped off.
  • The creator wins from everyone
    You get a percentage of the referrals and another one goes up to the creator
  • To recover your investment you need time
    The system won't let you get a return on your investment in a short time unless you bring a lot of referrals. They need that investment to pay you back.
  • The system is centralized
    The creator has the power to stop it at any time

2 I got ripped off on a Ponzi

Some time ago, looking for ways to make money on the Internet, I came across an ad that promised me 150% profit in 30 days.

The story was fabulous and I believed it. It was a company that was buying space in cargo ship containers. Spaces that had not been sold and that were being auctioned off as the time to leave was approaching.

You as an investor put up capital (from $10) to buy part of those spaces that were later resold. This company could lower the prices by buying a lot of spaces with the money of the investors.

It turned out to be a Ponzi scheme. I only got my first investment back. Out of $10 I got $15 and as a greed I got $60 the moment they decided not to pay anymore.

From there I learned what HYIP's are and started researching everything about them, to the point where I became passionate about the world. I knew all the HYIP's were closing, that it was all part of a game and I never felt ripped off again. Because I confess to you that the biggest scam is emotional, when you get excited about that income and make plans to help thousands of people, then you find out that it's all a lie.

The scam is only when you think it's true

So when I learned all about the world of HYIP's I stopped feeling cheated and participated in many of them, winning some times and losing others. I saw it as going to the casino, and yes, I ended up with a positive balance, but bored because it didn't take me to any important points.

In that world of HYIP's there are many people, mostly Russians, and everyone knows that they are fake. They just gamble on when the page will close and they love the adrenaline rush of reinvesting in riskā€¦

3 Million Money Ponzi level God?

When I was invited to Million Money the first thing I said was "Ponzi level" and that is that I have an automatic rejection when I am invited to a business with certain signs that I know.

But there was something different about this case: **? Intelligent Contract ?

Those words and the amount of the investment (less than $5) made me investigate thoroughly.

What is a Smart Contract

It is a computer code to regulate agreements between parties. They are created in a blockchain so that they can never be modified. No one has control over the smart contract and will always execute what was programmed before it was published in the blockchain. Most are public and open source.

This is why Million Money made me so curious. If it were a Ponzi, how come its creator does it in a smart contract so he doesn't have control over itā€¦

4 Is Million Money a Ponzi?

I'll leave the answer to you. I will only place the characteristics that bring it closer to the term and those that take it further away.

They bring him closer to being a Ponzi:

  • The system depends on the input of referrals
  • You do not have a product or service

They keep him from being a Ponzi:

  • It's decentralized, no one controls the system
  • You can't violate the network. It remains as it is forever
  • Payments are direct without intermediaries. Peer to Peer
  • You earn 100% of your referrals
  • There is a limit to the number of levels you can win
  • The system cannot be stopped by anyone
  • You don't need a website to work
  • It's open source and visible to everyone

This is why I decided to go into business. I see a real opportunity to make money and also to have an excuse for more people to know about blockchain technology and cryptomontages.

5 How to win with Million Money

It's simple.
You invest 0.03 Ethereum in activating the Smart Contract and searching for referrals. Don't worry if you don't have experience in this, because you will also have spill referrals; it means that you will get dropped for the work that the above do.

When you enter you activate level 1 which has the possibility of bringing in 2 referrals. Each one pays 0.03. With one you get your investment back and with the second you are in profit.

You can stay there and only earn 0.03 or move up a level to increase your income.

To move up a level you must pay an amount depending on the level. This amount increases as the level increases, this makes the earnings higher.

For example. Level 2 is activated with 0.05 that you already have from level 1 where you got 0.06. So when you activate level 2 you will have 0.01 ETH left

This is the case at all levels as this box shows and most importantly

You only get your money's worth the first time. Everything you invest in the system comes from the profits

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Each level lasts 100 days. Once this period has expired, you must activate it if you want to continue receiving income in that same level. This is great since you will always earn, not just for the first time your referrals invest.

How do you earn 100% of your referrals and also of those who come to you by spilling?
With this ingenious model you can earn not only from your work getting referrals, but from the work of the entire network.

You will earn 100% per level. For example: you earn 100% of your referrals on level 1 when they come in. On level 2 you earn when they go up to level 2, not when they enter. From your level 3 you get paid when those people activate their level 3 and so on.

6 How to get referrals

Many people reject this type of business because they can't get referrals. The first barrier is the fear of rejection, of being told no by their circle of friends.

We all know people and especially those who want to make money. But most people we know have that same fear of rejection, which is why we reflect it.

There are many ways to get referrals and more for a business as simple as this, unlike the network marketing or multilevel companies where you have to meet, explain the business, convince, "help them get the investment," close the sale, start the business, motivate them constantly, and so on.

In systems like Million Money it is enough to do promotion in social networks or in pages to earn money like faucets, HYIP's, PTC's, etc. On those pages you reach directly the target audience that is looking for an opportunity like this.

Other ways are writing, for example here at Steemit. Making a post like this. You imagine that Steemit is filled with posts about Million Money People will start to wonder and you could go viral like the BytesBall Airdrop did.

You can also write on forums about making money online. There are many, even in English. The Russians are also very active and with the google translator it could work.

Making videos for youtube is another option. Right now there are few on Million Money so you could easily position yourself and especially over time as this is just beginning. If your video is one of the first you have more opportunity to become a reference.

7 Summary. Million Money Opportunity(https://lk.million.money/a/24648/)

  • Low Investment. With approximately $5 you can make more than 200 thousand dollars
  • Decentralized. No one controls it, therefore no one can close it
  • Peer to Peer Transactions. No third party holds your money, only you.
  • No minimum charge. You receive the money at the same time as the referrals pay
  • 100% profit. You receive everything without any commission being deducted
  • Transparent. All transactions are verifiable in the Ethereum blockchain
  • Anonymous. Your membership is anonymous, only a number identifies you
  • Safe profit. The only way you won't get your investment back is if you don't have any referrals for 100 days; either from you or from a spill

8 Chance to get on my team

Many know me at Steemit and know the work I've done to bring users to this platform and build community.

Together with @enmy I formed @rutablockchain the first community in Steemit dedicated to the diffusion of the blockchain. While others were dedicated to healing, we focused on promoting.

This is why we have experience in finding people for new projects. We will have the same passion at Million Money. That's why we invite you to register with our links, so that you can take advantage of the great work we do.


  • Steem's biweekly raffle
  • Facebook Adds with no commission for the first month
  • Free or 50% discount passes to our face-to-face and online workshops
  • Free online personal brand consulting
  • Free online advice on graphic design
  • Free online photography advice
  • Free online life coaching
  • Free Steem counseling
  • 50% discount on graphic design
  • 50% discount on photography
  • Free cryptology advice
  • Free advice on creating communities
  • Free Basic Level Online Marketing Classes
  • Change of cryptom currencies to bolivars without commission the first month

With the 50% discount

  • Basic Relaxation Massage (4 hours intensive)
  • Advanced relaxing massage (4 hours intensive)
  • Exotic massages for spa deluxe (4 hours intensive)
  • Reductive massage and lymphatic drainage (4 hours)
  • Facial cleaning and facial care ( face-to-face or online)
  • Face Lift and Anti-Aging Face Massage (3 hours)
  • Introduction to Ayurveda (face-to-face or online)
  • Advanced Ayurveda (face-to-face or online)
  • Eastern and Western first aid
  • First aid for children
  • First aid for the family
  • Ophthalmic emergencies (for health personnel)
  • Introduction to Iridology
  • Advanced Iridology
  • Personality diagnosis using Iridology
  • Hebrew Pendulum, consult like a professional and discover all its secrets
  • Quartz pendulum and chakra alignment
  • Beat the stress with 20 foolproof tricks
  • Increase your self-esteem through self-coaching
  • Change your limiting beliefs through thetahealing
  • Definitive weight loss (combines western and eastern homeopathic medicine and aesthetic techniques)
  • Techniques for increasing attraction in a relationship
  • Development of objectives and strategies to achieve what you want
  • Discover and overcome your limiting beliefs with thetahealing
  • Heal and improve your ailments with acupressure
    This list will continue to grow

We have a group of Whatsapp to solve any doubt, we wait for youā€¦

Referral link: https://lk.million.money/a/24648/

9 Objections

The main objections to this business would be

  • I can't get a referral.
    We teach you and you'll get referrals for spills
  • I don't have the investment.
    Publish on Steemit and you'll have it in no time. If you have time on this platform you can do a power down and then return them. Remember, it's not even $5.
  • I don't understand cryptology.
    We teach you and guide you to understand this world and gain from it, that is our mission
  • I don't have the Internet.
    You don't need to be connected, only when you register and you can do it from a cyber cafe.
  • That's a Ponzi, a scam.
    Scams are deceptive offers, promises that won't be kept. There's no such thing here, it's totally transparent. No one promises you something they won't deliver. There's no small print.
  • I don't like it because it doesn't have a product or a value proposition.
    The value lies in the fact that many people will learn about cryptology and how to use it thanks to this business. You can also contribute your value proposition, for example by giving courses or providing some service and that part of the payment includes the 0.03 ETH of the registration.

10 How to register at Million Money

The first step is to create your Metamask wallet from the browser. To do this, go to metamask.io and select the option on the right. You will be prompted to install the browser extension where you are, either Chrome, Firefox or Opera.

The most important thing when installing your wallet is to copy and save the security phrase. This is the only way to get your wallet back with your funds if it is uninstalled or something happens to your PC.

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Once metamask is installed, you proceed to deposit 0.033 Ethereum in it.
For that you give it to deposit and

it will give you an address which you will place in the wallet from where you will make the payment or you will give it to whoever is going to pass you that money

With the 0.033 ETH in your wallet, you go to this link https://lk.million.money/a/24648/ place the page in Spanish and click on the red registration button

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You will then get a window where you enter your metamask wallet address

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Then it's important that you check where it says "guest ID" that the number belongs to the person who invited you to the business to stay on their teamā€¦

Ready, depending on the option you gave him on the transfer. It may take a few seconds or several minutes. I recommend the one in the middle that doesn't charge as much commission and doesn't take as long as the first one on the left.

When the blockchain confirms the transaction you will be in Million Money XD

If you have another objection you can leave it in the comments, as well as any doubt :)

Remember that in our whatsapp group we help you in everything. Group only for those who are not registered in Million Money

Main equipment registration links