Let's praise God --- Alabemos a Dios

in #spanish9 months ago


Let us praise God, let us express what he represents for us, his love, his salvation and the joy that it produces in us to recognize all this! The wonders of him for us.

Praise Jehovah, call on his name; Make known his works among the peoples. Sing to him, sing psalms to him; Talk about all the wonders of him.
Psalm 105:1-2

God bless you today and always!

Alabemos a Dios, expresemos lo que representa para nosotros, su amor, su salvación y el gozo que produce en nosotros reconocer todo ello! Sus maravillas para nosotros.

Alabad a Jehová, invocad su nombre; Dad a conocer sus obras en los pueblos. Cantadle, cantadle salmos; Hablad de todas sus maravillas.
Salmos 105:1 - 2

Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!