Abinta, Tarihi and Pharaj

in #speculation6 years ago



Yesterday, one year before the Holi Artisan killing, five jawans hosted guests of the restaurant last July (Eid a few days ago) and killed twenty-two people in a foreign country. The level of atrocity of this assassination stunnes the countrymen. The militants of this same group have been killing regularly for almost a year and a half. The victims of these killings were mainly progressive bloggers, publishers, gay activists and university teachers. Immediately after these killings a common pattern was noticed in the rehabilitation of ordinary people, intellectuals and law enforcers. Similar online activists condemned these killings after the killing, came down the road, But simultaneously, an overwhelming amount of satisfaction was also seen in the countless comments of ordinary people on Facebook and other online. There was a lot of talk about Facebook, which was a big crime in the name of the atheist religion, and by publicly killing someone. That is the case that Abhijit Roy and other bloggers made the first strike with 'atheism full article online, now the militants are counter-hit, the militants should not be killed, but if the religion is written by hurt, some of them may have killed and killed. The mainstream intellectuals have also condemned these killings, but they seem to be more worried about the 'lack of security', more than the murder of Abhijit Roy, that is why the killers have managed to escape by killing so close to the police, They would not have been worried if Abhijit Roy was killed in solitary confinement. The law enforcement agencies were too busy to study how much 'blamed' by the bloggers who were killed by the writing of militants, after every murder they were being heard, they would be 'investigated' by the bloggers. The police-chief advised not to violate the 'boundaries' of the still living bloggers. However, we never knew what they had reached the decision of the bloggers killed. The police officer could give an online 'correct atheism' written online, and it did not happen even if the bloggers received instructions about how to live within the bounds. Another wondrous theory was heard in this regard, that the government has created an environment to create such a 'fear' in the country which is a militant aid. This means that if the militants open their minds, they will not be killed. That's why the government has created an environment to create such a 'fear' in the country which is a militant aid. This means that if the militants open their minds, they will not be killed.

Italian and Japanese citizens of Holi Artisan were killed after the assassination, who had expressed their joy on Facebook after the atheist killing, they are not very happy even after the death of 'Jewish Nasara', law enforcement forces are not interested in 'writing' They fell into the ground very quickly. We saw that in a short time they were searching for various militant shelters, not only that, the militants started from the flames of Goddess Saradha and all the field workers were killed very quickly. The reason for the closure of this 'investigation' is because the foreigners were killed in Holi artistry, from the country's prime minister to the small seller of the sidewalk, they realize that the fire of the nation is on fire (say ass on on fire). If such a thing happens, the garment and manpower export will collapse, The flow of remittance will decrease and the help of various projects from abroad will stop. The devout (but not fanatic) Muslims of the country also realize that Islam will not get rice in the stomach even after Islam. Because of this, atheist Abhijit Roy or the unbelieving muññaras were not happy even after the death of the so-called 'Jewish Nasara'. The political and administrative leadership of the country also reached the ears of law enforcement agencies to 'set fire on the kidney' and it quickly reduced the militancy threat.

It is not that they had information about the law enforcement agencies after the Holi artisan attack, but they had information about them, but the 'atheist' blogger Abhijit Roy or any Hindu priest was killed when his reaction was to raid the militant dorm. 7-8 people can not be killed. In this, human rights are violated, and religious fanaticism of the country can also be hit. They had to wait for the raid to burn the nation's fire. At the start of Holi Artisan attack, two police officers lost their lives, while law enforcement personnel had taken a terrible risk while several raiding operations in different militant dorm rooms, some were also killed. Not only did they give life for the sake of duty but they knew well what 'Father of the soft zodiac of generosity' Islam, What is the militant Islam But they do not have to do anything until the upper body is set on fire.

Whether in Bangladesh or in any other country, the fight against militancy is not just a gun battle, it is essentially the fight of the narrative. Those who send militants to attack, they see the number of casualties, but more than that, the Public Reaction. That is to say, the public should put fear into it, fear comes from reverence, respect comes from admiration. If some people are loyal, terrorist attacks can be increased, at one stage, the government will give up or power sharing without failing to stop the terrorist attacks.

After the Charlie Hebdo assassination in Paris, some Western Liberal killers, as well as cartoonists killed, also blamed the cartoon for inciting the killings . Most of the Western newspapers have kept these cartoon prints with respect to the religious favors of Muslims. As a result, those who supported or supported the killings thought they were their winners. If a few cartoonists are killed, the rest of the cartoonists can be 'respected', but what is evil? Despite the murder of Abhijit Roy, the same reaction is seen in Bangladesh, he wrote what he wrote and what it hurt in the minds of the Muslims, that his murder surpasses anyone. The killers also understand that the purpose of the murder has been successful. When the intellectuals of the country see the rise of Sub Alton in Hefajat ,"Due to lack of democracy, militancy is increasing ," he said , but while pretending not to see the elephant in the house, the militants understood that the situation was going to them, and if there were some major attacks, fragrance of power would be available.

The three friends of Holi Artisan killed Abinta, Tarişi and Faraz are also discussing again, despite having the chance to survive, Raja did not leave his friends, but he died with them. Everyone praised this boy's courage and humority, this praise is his praise. But it should be remembered that these children did not want to be photographed when they were 19 years old. 71 Rumi and his companions died in this nineteen years of this, because of the 19 year old Abinta, TariShi and Pharaj in the independent country can openly laugh and laugh. Losing the fight with militancy means not just losing the debate, but for the continuation of the picture of Avantha, Tarihi and Faraz forever.

Anita, Tarishi, Pharaoh and the Italian woman killed with them have endless love for the unborn child.