Hey Minnows, Stop Spamming in the Comments, Try This Tip Instead!

How to Become a Steemit Legend
Ok here is a simple equation to build a successful blog on Steemit!
- Strong Following + Quality Content + High SP = A completely lit blog that all of your friends will be jealous of once Steemit goes mainstream!
Life is simple and simple is never easy, and all three of those variables above are now where easy to develop!
Especially the trial of obtaining a high amount of Steem Power, but if you put in the right amount of time, mixed with a positive attitude and hard work, you will start to see progress in no time!

So How Do I Gain A Strong Following?
There are a few ways to build up your followers, but the method I found most effective in my 8 months on this platform, was pouring all of my energy into making friendships! Once you realize it's not about the amount of followers you have, but the quality of supporters and friends you've made, then you will be heading in the right direction!
If you can mange to befriend a few authors and curators that will support your every post, then all of the other hundreds of followers you will get in the future will organically fall in line!
Joining discord communities and living in the comments of your favorite authors are your greatest tools in your quest for Steem Glory. Utilizing the comment feature is a double edged sword, in that you can quickly turn into a spammer who is very susceptible to flags!

Heres How Not To Comment!
- Hey @waphilip great post! I just upvoted you, so please upvote me back!
So what was great about my post?
Did you even read it?
What value did this comment add to whatever I was talking about?
Not only am I not goin to upvote you back, I might even get my buddy @overkillcoin to feature you in his next spam rant animation so flags can rain down on your very annoying and shallow comments Muwahahaha
If you don't have the time to properly read an article, or don't have anything constructive to add to the conversation, then it's best not to comment on that post! You are most likely doing more harm than good.
Heres How To Properly Comment!
I think one key idea that most new people (funny enough) miss is that it's supposed to be fun. No one can keep up flowing posts day in and day out for months if they don't find joy in what they're doing and are just in it for the money. Something that relates to the networking and community building that you refer to in this post.
I take your advice to heart, if you by any chance are into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, otherwise, solid content and keep the good work up brother, I'll see you around :) - williamwest
Do you see how @williamwest found a way to add value to my post, while still promoting his page?! Will was very sincere and added value to my post through his comment, which to me opened a door for a possible friendship in the future as we continue to interact with each other on and off the blockchain!
It's also important to note that I upvoted Will's comment to the top of my post, which indirectly advertised his blog to whom ever decided to swim by for that day!
You see how far a quality comment can go?! Will was the inspiration for this post so please go checkout his page if you get a chance :)!

Just Be Patient
It's a long process to grow from a minnow with nothing into a full grown dolphin with 100s of supporters, but it's a journey that has a ending, which if you play your cards right, will be a positive one!
My advice is to be patient and don't concern yourself with high payouts for the first few months! Focus on discovering what your passionate about and creating interesting content!
Focus on finding new communities to join, that will not only make your better at your craft, but also introduce you to talented authors you can't wait to support and grow with each and every day!
Focus on finding efficient ways to grow you Steem Power so you can not only have a source of stable income, but also have the influence to bring those up who deserve it!
Once you realize that this community isn't all about making money, but rather an avenue to connect and grow with the few of us who believe in the future of crypto and Steemit, then this will all feel less like a job, and more like a life style that will pay dividends in the future!
This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger!
Nice post, really cool. I like your post!
There... :P
Nah just kidding. I find it hilarious to read some replies here on steemit. Some are so weird you know right away they did not even take the time to check what you are blogging about!
I hope this will change and I think blogs like these are very helpful!
Now, my next point...
I don't want to be in your friends animation and get flagged but I think I am preeetttiesssss enough to be the star in the show. so.... Introduce me.... pwease? No? Oohh and again I am kidding of course!
Best wishes
Hey Snekky :)
I literally don't understand some peoples thought processes when they leave the "great post" and "Good Job" comments ahah I wonder if some authors actually upvote those comments, which is why they keep writing them!?
Oh so you want me to introduce you to my buddy @overkillcoin?! I'm sure he will be swimming around here later so I will grant you a proper intro ahaha
And your are more than a star in my eyes haha More like a Legend!
Sick post!
The spam comments are annoying.. I wish there was something that could be done about them, throwing a flag always feels kind of overboard to me. Like even tho you know it's 100% spam it feels like an overkill response. And plus it spends your voting power and it'd add up if you did it on all of them. Maybe a separate "spam" flag? I dunno.
And then there are the people who respond after like 3 mins but obv just scanned for a few key words and throw a dart lol
Haha thanks Full!
And honestly, I am kinda excited about the spam because it means I'm getting sort of popular on here! Ehhhh actually that feeling just passed and I'm annoyed agains haha.
And yeah flags have always seemed super over board to me and I honestly used to be just like them 5 or 6 months ago so I know the struggle haha. They will eventually learn that spamming comments is just a waste of time.
And yeah haha! I wonder if they actually think they are clever when they leave a comment and clearly didn't read the post ahaha
Ya, it means you're marked as one of the blogs with some action going on!
This is great! I remember when I joined Steemit I was thinking how can I make money with this, I need to post and comment a lot was my thinking then. But then I decided to invest some of my money into it and I have seen Steemit grow very much this last month and so did my SP. Patient is key to everything. Now I think of steemit as a platform where I will find great content and new projects instead of thinking it will make me alot of money.I have also learned to write better since I joined steemit. Have a nice day and keep on steemin' :)
You definitely have the right mindset! What ever type of energy you put into Steemit, is what your going to get out!
So if your patient, support others, and blog about what makes you happy, then you are going to continue to grow :) Happy you were able to invest some before the price exploded haha!
Yeah I'm happy too but I think it will grow more so I will probably invest more into it.
Nice detailed through post that goes into a breakdown of commenting and building up a social network it is fun that steemit kind of mixed instagram with facebook and twitter and reddit all in one well and youtube get followers to subscribe I mean follow and grow over time with a strong base ^^.
Ahh man, amazing brother. 🙏🏼 So funny, was just reading your post, all casually, then all of sudden I was like "What? I really recognise this.." before I realised you were referring to me haha 🙌🏼
No but really, thank you for the kind words, had a quite exhausting day so to read this last thing before beds really puts a big smile on my face.
Quality content as always 🙏🏼
(Also, your text-divider image looks great, did a first iteration of my own today but still got some ways to go in photoshop before I can make some magic happen 💯)
To add to my previous comment, have you find any discord channels you personally engage at present? I've participated in a couple but to be honest I haven't really felt that any have been quite in my taste. Would love to get some tips if you do 🙏🏼
Haha aye I'm happy I could add some positivity to your day! Hopefully your blog can start getting some more traction because of it! And as far as discord groups there is a good one called whaleshares where twice a week you can promote your post and get tokens called whaleshares and beyond bits to trade for whale votes in the future! I'm also in the bloggers guild which would be a good fit for you because your a vlogger!
Alright, noted, I'll look into them 🙏🏼
I was once a big fan of creating friendships. Then I realized that a friendship can't be just crafted artificially. You'll know that something is artificial if for some reason you don't feel comfortable or you feel that you make people feel bored.
Instead, you need to show who you are. Then people see you and get to know you better. Then, those of you who find themselves attracted for some reason come and say: "Hi" - this is my own way for establishing friendships here and in the real life :)
I completely agree with the notion of real friendships steem from showing who you are as a person, and unfortunately it's hard to do that effectively on the blockchain.
But I believe that if you are able to capture a fraction of who you are by sharing your thoughts and what your passionate about through blogging, join a few communities and actively contribute (I see your in the Writers Block!), and add value to others lives through comments, the right people will effectually gravitate towards you and say HI here and there :)
Thanks for stopping by @steemfluencer :)
True! I joined The Writer's Block a week ago and I was given the 'Honorary Member' status within the first 5 minutes. I wasn't aware that people there have promoted my contests and knew about my activity in general.
So glad you are touching on this. Ironically as soon as one of my posts hits trending, here come all the spammers. "Hey check my post, I upvote u" or "Great job, now check my page" all that crap.
Like I said in my video today, build real relationships!
A feature in spam rant animations haha. That's clever.
Your post actually inspired this! Another good thing about building relationships is that it's a great way to become inspired and keep those creative juices flowing!
Appreciate the support bro!
Great tips @waphilip I am one of your minnows, trying to build a following here on steemit, but I agree people would be better off putting their time into quality posting rather than two word comments on trending posts hoping that a Whale will randoming come along and shower them with riches.. Resteemed!
You sir are appreciated thank you for the Resteem!
And your completely right! I rather have 10 minnows who I can have a conversation with everyday supporting me than one whale who can swim away on a whim :)
Listened to you on the radio show yesterday, and you sounded like a reasonable guy, so see: here I am! Trying to find friends on Steemit :D I seriously think that works indeed: make your name more visible on the informal channels, have a chat, help one another out, and create lasting relationships. Especially finding people in your favourite niches so you'll never get bored of reading there content (because, let's be honest, there's a lot of 'meta talk' on Steemit, and although we all love Steemit, I want to know/read more about Steemians themselves!) is the way to go. Discord helps with that :-)
Oh great, yeah I love Ma1nevent and Snekky's show! It's a great way to meet up n coming minnows! Thanks for stoping by and I would like to let you know that I just smashed that follow button so I'll be looking out for your posts in the future!
And yeah we are on the same page! Although there is a lot of meta talk, I found that throwing in some meta steemit posts are a good way to get a base because it's a topic we all can relate to and build a base from there!
I'd LOVE a GIF of you smashing that follow button! Thanks for creating a connection! And sure thing, Steemit is what binds us, so I'll probably write a meta story as well, first one might be about my first month on Planet Steemit - it's such a wild ride! :-)
Well...tanx man! I'm new here and I'm glad i came across this post. Im I'm kinda guilty of wat you have mentioned. Now i know better!
Hey it's a new day, so vow to never spam again and were cool ahaha