Join the Soul-Revolution

in #spiritual7 years ago

Are you doing your part in YOUR Soul-revolution?

Most Americans can attest to experiencing some form of dissatisfaction with the operation of the U.S. Government. Whether it be foreign trade, foreign policy, or foreigners living at home(U.S.) instead of their home(illegal immigration): Most have less than positive feelings towards the inner-workings, or lack there of, all these issues concern. Myriad other operating inadequacies to choose from, let your ultra-patriotic American dis-heart-ened disenchantment run wild.

Let's center ourselves together within the hospices of human dignity. ...



Right Where You are.

'Here? It Feels Weird.'

This Place the place, "The Place," where YOU are removed from your physical attachments, and by thought alone, navigate to the central focal point of another You, another Me, and see the same situation again but from this new perspective.


A common colloquialism would be; You can't really understand another Person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

'Oh. Right.'

This Place, The Place, is where we all seem to gather in together when an enormous tragedy unfolds before our collective eyes, and, we are left in varying degrees of breathlessness, looking around, aimlessly waiting, feeling alone in a crowd, wondering how the hell we, individually and collectively, descended into such barbarity: And slowly, as grief subsides and the pangs of acute agony force their way to the forefront of our individual awareness.

"Why me, why now, what do I do;" we cry out in our mother tongue into a cacophony of similarly different sounds.

'I guess... I get it. It's a common place where people go when times are tough. Like a church, synagogue, temple, a safe place.'

The Place is This Place, every where and any where You are. You can access This Place any time you desire. At any time you can walk a mile in another's shoes, so to speak. You are free to be as congenial as you desire. It is encouraged to practice mobility in cognition so as to be agile and nimble when transferring to new perspectives.

'So, it's seeing the world through other People's eyes.'

It is Seeing, or more aptly, Feeling, the World, the environment, making room and preparing awareness for infinite views and perspectives.

'So it's seeing the world from... I lost it. Explain more.'

In a group of likeminded individuals, individuals with agile cognitive ability; the traffic between views will change with the momentum of the conversation. A group of individuals operating as individuals will demonstrate more awareness for each member and more awareness as to the direction of allocutive impetus.

'You are using these, big, I don't even think are words. Be more basic.'

Imagine You are in a classroom of higher learning. A moderator, teacher, professor, navigates through their curriculum which hopefully will invite students, You, to participate. Every student will have a differing view point on topics raised. Heated moments can be extinguished by removing oneself from their current view and navigating to another point of view.

'I'm trying man, really. It's just so long. Shorter, easier sentences. Please.'

You are apart of a family. You have narrated at least one role in Your family. You are able to speak from this position. You communicate Your views openly. You get into an argument with another family member. You get mad. You take some time. You think about Your own views and why they should be seen. You are still mad. You think about the other family member's point of view, and try to see it from their perspective. You start to feel better. You understand there are more options than the most optimum for Yourself. You return to the family member more able and ready to compromise.

'K. I think I'm catching on. Seeing the world from my pov and yours.'

Seeing with a well practiced personal procedure to transfer Your perspective promptly to another's. It may take time alone to figure out how to detach just enough of yourself to not bring personal/emotional attachments along with you; Only your perspective. And, not too little so you are just staring at nothing, glassed over, head in the clouds.

'I should do this all the time? Sounds like a lot of work.'

This is a fundamental reprogramming of your personal belief matrix. You must see the worth in changing the way you process ALL information, ALL experience, ALL Feeling. It is a major change and it takes a lot of work. Changing an operating procedure means You will have to take your body down to an inactive, receptive, state and access your Sub-Conscious. This is not a one time thing either. Accessing the Sub-Conscious requires repetitive and regular input.

'So when can I do that? Shouldn't I be lying down?'

Meditation. Mindful Awareness. Making an appointment to see a Kinesiologist. Exercising Endurance. These are a few ways to access the Sub-Conscious.

'So I should get a gym membership.'

You should choose a modality that works for You. If you wanted to sit on your ass everyday for 20 minutes for the rest of your life, you could become adept at accessing your Sub-Conscious programming. This is, IF, you practice. Do one, do them all, make up one of your own. You can achieve this if you try.

'I don't know. It all sounds like a bunch of hippy nonsense.'

It is, until it isn't.

IF you take part in your own soul-revolution and see the connections between yourself and your environment, your community, your world; the path to your doorway will become very clear. Almost unavoidable.
There is no way to help you open your doorway to this 'New World' view. The doorway is often hidden under years and years of cluttered remnants of dally distractions.

This is why each must take part in their own soul-revolution. Once the doorway is found and opened, again, traveling past comfortable ignorance is another free-will choice each must make for themselves.

Those who are revolting from centuries of spiritual misinformation are finding The Place is just inside the doorway. Some are paused looking in seeing the possibility but maintaining attachment to the life so comfortably lived. Once your completely inside the world looks very different. The distance from me to you now seems indifferent to the feeling of connectedness.

'I'm not ready to find the doorway, The Place.'

It's ok. Thank you for reading.

The Doorway to The Place where we all see each other from each others' eyes is a fantasy, until it isn't. This is where we are currently. Some who are living their lives inside The Place, and so many others living day to day looking for their Doors in outward distractions.