As I Get Older, I Am Sure Of The Following Few Things....

in #spiritual7 years ago

peace love and light.jpg

As I get older, I am sure of the following few things:

  1. Life doesn't stop just because you have a problem. Learn to get along or you'll get left behind. Zero excuses. You're smarter and more brilliant than you realize.
  2. Just because something sounds good doesn't mean it's true. And sometimes, it actually ISN'T good. Learn to figure out the difference.
  3. When you stop trying to be what everyone else expects you to be, there's less struggle and the ones that see you, love you anyway.
  4. Love is not enough. But it's essential for connection.
  5. Personal truth does not equal actual truth. Truth itself is not subjective, so don't hang on so tightly to what you think you know. You'll feel more alive when you let yourself discover new stuff.
  6. Your value is actually 39 cents, as per your elemental make up from the periodic table. Your worth is every bit as the same as another's. Remember that.
  7. You cannot save people...nor should you try. Aside from projecting your wants and needs on to others, you rob them of the opportunity to rise into their divine recognition and magnificence.
  8. Self-discovery, while essential for awareness, is an exercise in futility. You didn't go anywhere, you just haven't been very nice to yourself. So cut it out.
  9. No one has it all figured out. But we are all trying. Habits are hard to break, but the choice is always our own. Focus.
  10. Fulfillment is not your birthright. The Universe is indifferent to your wants and merely responds to who you are.