Awaken The Dragon; Embody the Grail

in #spiritual6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to @MetaRadiant! A Sanctuary where I create original poetic rhymes filled with magic, inspiration, wisdom, spirituality, and humor from my real physical and lucid experiences. Enjoy!


Seekers of the Grail I share this gift
a Meditative Experience for sewing rifts
to Transform, Ascend, Transcend, & Shift

Children of the Grail we Begin
Awaken the Dragon born within
Dimensional Light Language DNA spin

Allow the Pink Lavender Waterfall
Cascading on the Crown to Recall
Memoirs of this Moment Sangreal

The mind filled with many thoughts
Of previous beliefs and feelings of naughts
Observe, Flow, Let Go the expectations of oughts

The spiral yin yang of universes Flow
The darkness and light above and below
The Way Within is Upside Down; Do Know

Flip and Experience Consciousness Inside Out
Entering the Golden Ruby Temple we Shout
I AM the Infinite Already Manifest within without

A Prince/Princess of the SOURCE One
Born thru MU and the spiraling Codex Sun
Light Codes unlocking sacred geometries done

Be as Sir Galahad pure of heart, seeker of the Grail
Christ guiding Within to start, illuminating the Trail
The Transform Transcend Art, Reality Bend Unveil

Al khemistry from Amenti delivered by Thoth
Shared by the Dragon Comte forward twas brought
To Embody Love Wisdom Divine Power previously sought

You are the Master guru you sought to Find
Free of the Matrix illusions of the mind
No Longer shall ye walk binded and blind

Liquid Golden Flame ignites the script of Sacred Soul
Ancient knowing living Beingness goal of being whole
Weild the Sword of Allelie slicing illusions of control

For Truth to Shine forth of Cosmic Freedom's Ray
The Dragon Awakened, Grail Embodied in full display
Being Christed Love in Action; in all we think, do, and say




Very very beautifully put! 💚 I love your new artwork which reminds me of sacred Trinity! ☺

I like it

Another great poem, thank you!

Thank you! Let me know how the meditative experience of this feels for you. =)