Full Moon Rituals and Significance – July 2018 Red Moon

in #spirituality6 years ago

Prior to this year, I never took too much notice of the moon and its cycles. However, that changed when I went through a massive transformational shift in my personal and emotional life at the end of last year. The path I was walking on crumbled beneath me and I felt lost. As a result of such turmoil in my life I began to go deeper into my spiritual practices and this included partaking in new and full moon rituals by myself and with others. I have even begun to lead lunar circles in Australia and in Thailand.

How the Moon affects us and why it is important

I believe that the moon can affect us in so many ways and that it represents the cycles we go through in life. It takes between 27 and 29.5 days for the moon to orbit the earth and this cycle correlates with the cycles women go through each month. We are also made up of 75% percent water and as the moon is powerful enough to affects the tides here on earth it can also affect us to. Each full moon is a chance to connect deeply to ourselves, to release things we want to let go of and to set intentions for the next coming cycle.

It is thought that all full moons bring out deep emotions and feelings that exist in your subconscious, this can mean that leading up to and shortly after the full moon you may feel more emotional, sensitive and volatile than usual.

Each new moon and full moon will have a different energy effect depending on what Astrological sign it falls in. This full moon is in Aquarius, which means that as the moon orbits the earth it is travelling through the Aquarius constellation and that constellation has an affect on this earth and each of us individually. The Aquarius energy is collaborative, creative and playful and this makes this full moon a great time to be shared with others.

A Blood Moon and an Eclipse

This full moon is also a Eclipse Blood moon which means that as the Earth passes between the Sun and the moon a red glowing shadow is created on the moons surface. It will also be the lonest Eclipse we have seen in the 21st Century with the totality lasting 103 minutes. Eclipses are known to bring things to a head, as emotions are brought to the surface they are released and in their place is a chance for growth and positive change.


“With Aquarian energy in the cosmic mix, this starmap helps us visualize our ideal futures”

Your Ritual

As you become more connected to the moon you may want to join some circles that create rituals and practices for the new and full moon or you can do your own. Typically, the full moon is a time to release that which no longer serves you, to let go of ideas, beliefs, people, careers etc that you no longer need in your life.

The first thing I like to do is to clear the energy of the place you intend to carry out your ritual. You can do this with with sage to clear the energy of your space or alternatively you can imagine that there is a beam of silver sparkly energy washing over your body and the space. Imagine any negative charges and energies washing away.

You can make the space warm and inviting by playing music, putting nice cushions down and lighting candles. Is it also a good idea to fill a bowl with water.

Begin your ritual by consecrating the space and setting an intention/prayer for the ritual. Either in silence or to music begin a small meditation, take some deep breaths, centre yourself and start to write down on paper all the things you wish to let go of, the limiting beliefs and the things that are preventing you from being your truest highest self.

After you have written down all the things you wish to let go of you can begin to burn each piece of paper. As it burns you can say to yourself or outload “I let go of …..” and then “so be it”. This is your declaration to the universe to set in stone your intentions to let go of each belief, idea, or aspect of your life. Place one corner of each piece of paper over your candle, allow it to burn and then drop it in the bowl of water.

Once you have burnt all your writings, you can complete the ritual by putting on music that allows you to centre yourself, see yourself becoming connected to the very roots of this earth.

Although setting intentions is not usually part of a full moon ritual, that does not mean you cannot still add in intentions which you wish to manifest over the next month, months or year even. In order to incorporate these into your ritual.

When you set intentions think about writing them as if you already have what it is your desire e.g. I am, I have. Keep these intentions in a nice journal or in a sacred space and you can revisit these intentions over the course of the month. Spend time visualising your desires and when you reconnect with them daily make sure you do the same thing. During your meditation you can tune in to your intuition and ask to be guided in the right direction and ask that the action steps that need to be taken will come to you.

For all of you out there who are going to be connecting to the full moon tonight I hope that you have a magical night xx

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Interesting!.... Since you talking about moons i heard that Nigerians will see a blood moon tonight..... Are you aware of this?

Thanks, yes it will be seen from many places all over the world :) x