Judaism is Egyptian Spirituality.

Well, not in totality, as the Hebrews made lots of additions and moulded it to their proclivities. But what I’m saying here in inarguable, in my opinion. I’ve covered many times the name IS RA El itself. Egyptian goddess and god (as well as Canaanite EL). So we have the fusion of Egyptian and Phoenician…RA bbi is clearly a reference to (Amen) Ra/RE–SOLAR cultism. KA is Egyptian for life force or spirit; Ba is Egyptian for soul–so the root of Kabala. Moses means ‘son of’ in Egyptian; it is not meant to be the personal noun of a person per se. So we know Moses the person is a myth based in Egyptian spirituality along with other syncretism’s like Sargon Of Akkad, or Akhenaten–who many, including Freud, said was Moses. My belief is it was Akhenaten’s cult which eventually morphed into what is now Judaism. This is one of the reasons the number 18 is so important to them as it was the 18th dynasty 33 centuries ago…So the Freemasons ran with this but Freemasonry is Kabala for the gentiles–but as you see it’s all Egyptian at it roots. Whether this links to Atlantis is not a part of this blog. We see Moses’ 10-commandments are directly taken from Egyptian moral codes. On that link: I don’t get caught up in skin colour in these investigations. 

Yah was one of the moon gods in Egypt and is likely one of the roots of the Judaic lunar time system (calendar). Egyptian spirituality asserts a positive god with no evil adversary–a god who is the origin of both good and evil. This is precisely the foundation of Judaism. In Judaism the absolute name (YHWH) is not to be spoken and that is the same inKemetism. Set/h is the adversary entity in Egyptian religion and performs a counter-balancing act within creation. This is not dis-similar to how Judaism views Satan although there are subtle differences here. In both religions evil is ‘god’s will’. Yahweh is said to be totally transcendent as was the Egyptian idea of Neter. So both religions have a supreme transcendent deity at the pinnacle of their systems. Egyptian cosmology starts with the VOID which they called NUN’and a void was on the face of the deep’. The 7-days have their root in the idea of MAAT–which is basically the idea of universal truth and justice. 

One of the names for Egypt was Ta MERI. Again, Ka means spirit. So (T) A MERI KA means Egypt’s spirit. The country beside Egypt in antiquity was Canaan; today we have Canaan (ada). Miss ISIS is the Mississippi which is also the Nile. Both having wars between the north and the south. It clear who is responsible for colonizing the America’s and naming them. All the power-brokers in this colonization were Freemasons. This is why the pyramid and the Eye of Re (Rebbe) is on the dollar bill and why Egyptian iconography litters the wests architecture. The idea of Messiah is taken from the Pharaoh who was the only direct link to the gods. I suspect we shall see a New Pharaoh soon in A MERI Ka and will be the 47th president. Look to who was born in 47 B.C. for the concatenation of that bloodline. So Judaism’s political Messiah idea is directly taken from the god-king Pharaoh. The word Messiah is likely taken from the crocodile oil used in ritual anointing called Messeh. 

A primary difference between Judaism and Kemetism is the idea of Tikkun. Saving the world. This is strictly Judaic as Kemetism held no such notion. The cosmology of Egypt predicted eternal recurrences of creation and destruction. Many of you know that I’m not fond of the idea of Tikkun at all. I think it’s a grievous spiritual error and the consequences will not be good for anyone. Mind your own business and practice the Golden Rule in economics would achieve far better ends, in my opinion. 

Egypt had exoteric and esoteric compartments within their religion and we see this in Orthodox Judaism aligned with esoteric Kabbalah. 

I should note that the religion of Kemet did not view the demiurge (PTAH) as malevolent. Nor did they view the body and its pleasures as evil. Again, this is more or less consistent with Judaism. 

If Christianity was the invention of Jewish and Roman elites (see America today and the video linked below), and this is my view, and they’re bloodline descendants of the pharaohs, then this blog elucidates why Constantine’s church ended up looking so much like Egyptian religion with Osiris/Isis/Horus. See my take on THOTH HERE…It’s why the obelisk sits in St. Peters (Ptah) square. And London, and Washington. On the bloodlines: if the Phoenicians mixed with the Pharaohs then one of their lines eventually merged with the greeks and eventually Cleopatra. One of the lines was also the light skinned and red haired who eventually became known as the Ashkenazi. 

A note on Kemetism. Suppose I Steel Man these spiritual codes and accept that for some reason the common person could become a ‘god-king’ on earth. My question then is where are these god-kings who teach MAAT (truth and justice)? In light of the fact that FIAT CURRENCY is a worldwide criminal Ponzi scheme I would think there is a glaring SILENCE from the god kings. Here is a list of the consequences of this currency: 

-it has robbed the common people who end up paying the taxes on the bonds and the only way to pay the taxes on the bonds is to keep printing more funny money. ‘

-it has made the people who created this crime rich on an unimaginable scale and with the richness came enormous cultural power. 

-it has caused massive inflation since 1913 which is another form of theft on the commons. 

-creation of the Federal Reserve was directly linked to the Taxation of Income. A banality under capitalism. But at this point the quibble is meaningless. 

-it has created an economy of infinite growth on an earth with finite resources. So it’s directly responsible for many of civilizations pollution problems. 

-it is unmerited wealth via a criminal act. In my opinion it is also a ‘spiritual crime’. 

-this scheme is also the foundation of Marxism. Central banks are fundamental to Marxist ideology. 

-by the nature of how this currency is distributed it has given the commercial banks privileged access to assets first. This allows them to buy assets like real-estate first and before it becomes inflated. 

-through imperialism it disrupted every culture on earth and colonized long standing and environmentally sane societies. The central banks and their partners also captured every nation on earth and have made a mockery of representative government. 

-in my opinion the agents involved in this scam were also the promoters of material ideology (HYLICS) which is a disaster for the earth and is creating what Paul Kingsnorth calls the machine. 

-the solution today, via a flu virus, is to correct the woes of usurious economics by implementing digital fascism with digital funny money. Always doubling down on bad hands!

That aside, Kemetism also closely resembles the religion of the Brahmas that it may as well be classified as the same religion. Fasting, meditation, invoking rituals, initiates in caves, etc. etc. etc. Neither tradition is able to cough up demonstration of any supernatural ability today in controlled settings. So I’ll stick with Christian Gnosticism and say these religions of the ruling archons (Pharaoh Kings ) are bullshit!

A bit more on Freemasonry: Hiram Abiff and the narratives around Solomon (Sun and Moon) seem to me to be later iterations of Thoth— known as Hermes Trismegistus by the Greeks. Ralph Ellis elucidates the lack of any historical evidence for a Judean Solomon (or his grand empire) but rather finds correlates within the lineage of the Pharaohs. 

And this: the Egyptian word ‘NU’ was used as NOUS as in to perceive. The Shabaka Stone and the Egyptian ideas contained in it’s writings were the foundation for Greek philosophy (Logos) as well as the foundation of Christian theology–or, at minimum, contained the roots of Christian theology. 

This VIDEO covers the ground of everything I’m saying here. That America and Canada were founded on Egyptian (and Phoenician) ideology. They were designed to fail so the ‘order’ could implement the ultimate agenda: total control of the WHOLE world. Try and ignore the presentation and focus on what is being said. 

This VIDEO suggests that Egypt was multicultural–that’s my take, too. Sound familiar? And their implementation of MAAT (law) ended up being exceedingly bureaucratic! Sound familiar? 

The Sefirot in Kabbalah’s Tree OLife is taken from the long pre-existing metaphysics of Egypt: 10-spheres of existence: the Decad, Ennead, Ogdoad, followed by the other seven. I have many blogs that go into delineations of why Kabala’s YHWH is not the father of the Aeon Christ but the demiurge. That YESH (as distinct from Ayin) is the demiurge personified (this universe), but this is the replicant Christ created by Yaldabaoth–known as THOTH in this essay. There are a few Jewish Kabbalist’s that are Christian (Cabala) as they associate YESH with their Yeshua (Jewish Jesus). But Yaldabaoth has blinded them to the truth of who the real Christ is…

THIS Yahweh Loves YOU? blog goes well with this as does A Jewish Jesus? blog….HERE and HERE