What I learned from being sick. My HARMONY story

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


Millions of us live with some mysterious disorders wondering why we are feeling unwell and being unmotivated.
Auto-Immune diseases, Allergies, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Thyroid Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, the list goes on and on. There are so many names to name one thing - disHarmony.

In the “old world” we have been offered only one solution, one for every kind of disorder/disharmony that we might have - medication. Believing that we have no other options, we go for it.
We are trained to trust the system, we are convinced that people in white know better than we do.
We have been dis-empowered, mis-educated and trapped into thinking that we have no choice but to depend on the machine.
Yet.. we do have a choice, and that is what my story is about.


I was unwell from a young age, living with an undiagnosed auto-immune disorder.
It is only a few years ago I connected the dots and understood the reason for the lack of well-being in me, and in so many of us - vaccines. Some of us got extra shots to deal with!
I kept wondering what was wrong with me, confusing my family and doctors until I was finally diagnosed with Lupus at the age of 31.

In case you are fortunate not to know, Lupus Erythematosus is a disorder where the intelligence of the immune system is compromised to a point of total confusion. Instead of protecting, the immune system attacks its own cells, resulting in a lot of pain in organs, muscles, and joints.

Feverish, confused and often so unwell that I could not function at all, I spent most days in despair.
What did I do? I locked in and hid from the world. I did not want to be here.
I also cried and raged a lot, praying for a miracle.
At the time of diagnosis, the part of my brain that is responsible for the sense of balance was “under attack.”
When I thought I was walking straight, I was actually turning either left or right.
It is funny and surreal to remember it now, but at that time I felt cheated by life.
The most frustrating thing was that I did not know what to do, I had no guide for how to be this dysfunctional, out-of-order human being.
None of us does.


At that point of my life I did not believe I would last more than a couple of decades.
I was convinced that I would die young and I did not mind.
There is no life without health, and that is all to it.

Right after the diagnosis,
I decided to check into a well-known health spa in the UK to process the news.
That is where I first discovered the healing value of raw organic foods, peaceful supportive environment, and listening to myself.
I was in heaven - my green juices and yummy salads were freshly made for me every day, I had saunas, yoga, massages, and went for long walks in nature, I also meditated (tried to) and leaned to listen to what is called Self.
Even though I did not heal my wracked immunity in three weeks, I did find myself feeling better: I was more clear in my mind and much stronger in my Spirit. That was enough to motivate me.


I find it beautiful to realize that it is in our darkest of the dark, in our toughest challenges we are being offered a gift of transformation, an opportunity to expand.

My 'inner medicine woman' nature was awakened by my health challenge.
I felt with every fiber of my being that taking pharmaceutical drugs for healing my immunity was wrong, in spite of seven doctors convincing me otherwise. I was told that I would end up in wheel chair by 40 if I did not follow the protocol. I must say it was not fun to hear the prognosis. I did feel fearful, but mostly
I was determined to find my own way.
I did not know how or where I would find it, I just knew what I wanted - to be well.... to feel good... to find my Harmony.

I started collecting data, I visited natural/herb doctors who were pointing me in the direction that felt right – to Nature, to Harmony, to Truth.

I went through a lot of “weird” stuff: detoxes, all kinds of cleansing, fasting, drinking melted ice water, sprouting whatever can sprout, performing enemas, hanging upside down, oil pulling, liver flushes, zapping, etc. I visited some private healing centers in the middle of nowhere run by doctors who were blacklisted by the government, a few times I stayed in healing centers where you have to pay 'an arm and a leg' for one day of healing program..I even found myself doing The Clear program with Scientology folks (must say that was the only thing I did with them).
I learned about pesticides, chemicals and additives in what we call “food” and made a conscious decision to stay away from it, as far as it is humanly possible.

The more I learned/remembered, the more empowered I felt.
My progress made me optimistic – I could see very clearly: when we detox, stay clean, and stop bombarding the body with the unnatural stuff, we self heal.
"Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers, MD, became my table book.
I got into yoga, breathing, and energy healing. I got into Nature and what is called spirituality.

For some time I had this pattern - every time I felt better, I would jump right back to what is considered to be "normal," - I would go out with friends for a drink(!), or to have dinner at the conventional restaurant that serves what i call "old world food" - meat, dairy and eggs(!!), or even buy some beautifully wrapped chemical bombs, called treats(!!!) and.....guess what happened? My body would make me regret it every time. I kept falling sick again and again.
... until I learned my lesson and deleted the pattern.


One thing is for sure – cosmically intelligent machine called the “body” knows.
It knows what the mind forgot.
The human body is the most sophisticated machinery there is.
If we treat it correctly: move, cleanse, purify and give it the right fuel - it heals itself.
Having that experience,
I came to view the human body as a teacher, as our point of reference to the reality that we live in.

It took me a while to see that my super sensitive Body was speaking to me.

The body speaks to us every single moment, giving us feedback about the choices that we make every day.
Are we listening?

I am delighted for you if you are super-healthy and don’t know any of these struggles.
Please cherish your good health. A gift like that should never be taken for granted.

If you are unwell, lacking energy and vitality, as someone who has been there I want to tell you this – good health is your birth right! Not only it is possible, it is inevitable, if you choose it to be so!

Believe you can heal.
You have the power to change e v e r y t h i n g.
If I was able to do it, so are you!


At 50 years young, I feel the happiest and healthiest I have ever been in my life. Can you imagine?
I have been free from all Lupus symptoms for quite some time now.
I am not taking any pharmaceuticals, I eat one plantbased fresh homemade meal a day: super foods and fruits to snack on, detox a few times a year, yoga around, and hang out with Nature and those I love. I am more mobile and flexible then I ever was, I feel amazing, and I do not believe in age.

And that makes me feel like I want to give the world a hug.

By all means, if pills work for you, take medication.
But if You, just like me, do not resonate with that approach to health, dare to explore and challenge the “accepted-and-ordinary.”
Many of us took that road and we never looked back. You can, too.

We always have a choice!

You have a choice!

So, what did I learn from being sick:

  • Trust your True Self, not the system.
  • Claim your power back. Say No to victim-hood.
  • Start listening to Your Body - Fast, Detox, Cleanse.
  • Eat plants, learn a new way to fuel yourself.
  • Protect your mind. Watch your thoughts.. some of them are not yours. Dare to THINK for yourself!
  • Stay away from chemicals/toxins of any kind or form, they alter our DNA, lower our frequency and damage our brain cells.
  • Stick to Nature and her powerful ways. She is on our side.
  • Have courage to be You, regardless what others think and say.
  • You are only responsible for your own path.
  • Love and honor your human journey. Healing is HARMONY, to be a part of that - is sacred!
  • Have heaps of FUN while You can!
  • Learn to Love!!!


Those who dare to break from the ordinary, and venture into the mystery, into the cosmic field of unlimited possibilities, are instrumental in changing the world. The more of us - the merrier this human party is.

Anna Suvorova


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Hi @annasuvorova
Very good article. Very well explained.
And since you have gone through these many different conditions and situations. Now we all should take you as an example. And start believing on our self.
And we should follow the points mentioned in this article.
Thanks for sharing such an important informative and good article.

Thanks for your wonderful post! :-) I totally agree with you. Our body is our best teacher. Each sickness is a sign, that something went wrong in our life. Unfortunaly we learned, that illness is something bad. So we went to the doctor, in hope that he will heal us. Years ago I also believe these. But the reality was shows me thats not the case. I went from doctor to doctor, without any success. So than I looked myself for other ways. So I started clean eating, change my work and integrate yoga in my life. My body quickly shows me that this is my way. Wish you all the best, greetings your steemflower :-)