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RE: Men and Women Don't Age Differently, We Just Objectify Them Differently

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

The photos of your daughters with your wife are so very cute and so loving.

In spite of appreciating that, I must disagree with the premise of your blog. You’re blaming society but the reality is the evolutionary biology of a female means her reproductive worth is coming to a close in her 30s. Your wife is astutely tuned into reality whereas you’re not helping her by lying to her about the reality of her evolutionary biology and teaching her and your daughters to blame society for reality.

Fact is you can continue impregnating females until the day you die, but her reproductive window is closing. And subconsciously this is very important to humans because our hindbrain is programmed by millions of years of evolution.

However, your wife will get over it and find new passions after menopause. So reality is not all negative. And she will apparently be fulfilled throughout her life by having many offspring and a loving family. You have a lot to be happy about. But who ever taught you that reality should be some perfect fantasy where everything is egalitarian, was lying to you.

When I read this loony stuff from SJWs Westerners who think they can just make reality go away as a form of social justice or egalitarianism, I realize why the West will collapse into economic devastation because Westerners have lost touch with reality. Your wife is naturally feeling her reproductive window coming to close and lying to ourselves about reality will not help us. Instead acknowledge the reality and work on making the transition to menopause and post-menopause as inspiring as it can be by developing those interests beyond reproduction. Also there’s potentially something else going on here, which is that she has apparently been saddled with a lot of children from one man, but females are instinctively hypergameous so it’s quite natural that at age 30 women can hit a crisis point where they feel an instinctive need to go get impregnated by the baddest boy possible, even if they are consciously not aware of it.

Here’s a resource for your edification.


It should come as no surprise that I completely disagree, you said as much in your opening line. Initially, I was looking forward to a rousing back-and-forth because people often just ignore the things they disagree with and you chose to interact instead, which I value.

You last line made me realize that we're coming from completely different understandings of reality, biology, and academic foundations of how the brain works.

females are instinctively hypergameous so it’s quite natural that at age 30 women can hit a crisis point where they feel an instinctive need to go get impregnated by the baddest boy possible

But then I read your attempted "edification:"

Men fuck around. They beat women. They are violent. And nature needs that, which is why women are attracted to that. ... Also women need to need men and need violent men to capture and “rape” them.

It seems we may be so far apart in fundamental assumptions about life that it would be difficult, if possible at all, to have a constructive conversation.
