Life is easy (for the single minded)

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


I promised you an easier topic in the last post and here it is! 😀
Life is easy. It really is, but (and there always is a „but“), you have to make the right choice. For that, you have to know your options.
Before we can embark on the easy side of life, we want to have a look on…

Why life is sometimes so difficult

The main reason, why we experience life as difficult is, because we seem to have so many options. From which food you choose from the menu, over which people you want to spend your time with, to which path you want to take in your life in general - the more options you have, the more difficult it gets.
What makes decisions so complicated is, that you may choose the wrong option. There is always the risk, that you may regret your previous decision and then feel like a failure.
This may just result in a minor anger about the choice at the restaurant and because the food of your spouse looks better, but could also result in a deep depression, when you realize, that even your spouse sitting next to you is the wrong one!
„That’s life!“, I hear you say, „Sometimes you lose and sometimes the other one wins!“
Is this really life, when you focus the whole time on choosing the right option? Is this how you want to live? Worrying about past choices and fearing the future results of current ones?

There must be an other option

If you have lived your life until now in a constant emotional up and down, depending on the complex choices you had to make, you may come to a point, where you ask yourself, if there isn’t another option?
Spoiler altert: There is one! …but it may not be, what you think it is!
Let me start by saying, that to arrive at this question, is actually a good thing.
If you reach a point in your life, where you question the whole construct your life is based on, some people start to distract themselves, some use drugs or alcohol, some may even consider suicide and few will head over to spirituality.
You guessed it right: Spirituality is the right option to take! 😉
The reason for this is simple, that with spirituality you move your focus away from the world of form to the world of content.

Switch from the world of form to content

If you want to be content, you have to focus on the content! (I guess this would make a great t-shirt quote 😉)
For that to happen, you have to be aware what content really is.
To make it easy:
Everything you can perceive - inside or outside - belongs to the world of form. Whether it’s a pizza, a car, your spouse, an emotion, or a thought - everything that has borders and is therefore different to something else is form.
So you may say, that this is true for everything?
Yes and no. It is true for every thing, but there is „something“ that is not a thing: content.
When speaking of content, I am speaking about the formless, universal Mind - you may call it spirit, for a lack of a better word.
In the world of content, you only got one choice and therefore everything is very easy. The reason for this is…

Only one problem - only one solution

Let’s face it: Being a body in relationship with other bodies is complicated. Being a Mind is simple! (Please be aware, that I’m not speaking about the „personal mind“, that is „inside“ a brain. I’m speaking about the universal Mind = Spirit)
On the level of Mind, you have always only two options. The reason for this is, because your Mind (=you) is split in two parts.
As explained in my ACIM series, one is called the „ego“ and inside this part, you seem to be a body, that is separated (=different) from other bodies and everything has form (time and space). This is also the part, that is called „reality“ and where everything is complicated.
Worry, fear and death rule this world. It’s a horrible place to be.
It’s like hell, but the ego part in your Mind promises you, that if you make the right choice, you will be fine. You just have to do, what it tells you.
This promise is unfortunately a lie, because in the end, there will always be death.
The other part of your Mind is called Heaven. There is only eternal Love and Peace there. This is the place you want to be.
The good news is, that each and every moment, you can decide, in which place inside your Mind you want to live.

Why do I constantly choose the wrong option?

So why the hell (pun intended ;)), if each moment you have only to decide between heaven and hell, do you choose the hellish „ego option“ so often?
There are many answers for this question, one being, that the ego option in our Mind seems so familiar and we even forgot, that there is another option. If we believe to be a body in a world of form and we have forgotten the content, we are lost inside this self-made prison.
You are lucky, that you found this article, that remembers you of your true being! This is a wake up call! ring ring

Even when you now know, that you are a Mind and are split into two, you may forget this fact, because your ego has built many very strong resistances against it.
In case this happens, it may help to remember, that :
The problem is never on the level of bodies - NEVER!
And guess what? Neither is the solution.
So the next time, you try to find a solution, that involves bodies or you feel familiar emotions like fear or worry, you just have to remember, that you have chosen the wrong option.
Then, you don’t have to feel regret or guilt, but just remember, that each and every moment, you can chose again!

You think this decision is difficult?
It’s not, because you decide every moment anyway!
Here is a quote from A Course in Miracles:

(Vll.6:l-2) Decision cannot be difficult. This is obvious, if you realize, that you must already have decided not to be wholly joyous, if that is how you feel.

Jesus is saying: “Do not tell me you cannot make a decision, or that this is difficult. You have already made one, so you need only reverse what you decided.”
In other words, we are really not making a decision, but undoing our previous one, having realized it has not made us happy.
It’s easy to decide, when you know your real options (and their results) and you can always undo your previous one.

Life is easy, if you know, that you are a single Mind.

Welcome to Heaven!



I think that as a species we have forgotten that we are spirit in physical form and therefore unnecessarily over complicate things.

Since my epiphany I now realise that in fact nothing really matters ~ and I mean nothing!

The spirit is eternal and whatever the body endures is of no long term consequence; everything is an opportunity to learn.

Gotta let things go. Kinda just be and live fully through the senses.


That's beautifully expressed. I wouldn't say, that you need the senses to live fully though - in fact, the senses are very distracting from the content, since they always are focused on the form. ❤️

Yes the senses are distracting.

I was confused when my spirit guide told me to go outside and listen, see, smell, hear and even touch so as I could really feel.

To clarify what I was told I said;

"You mean ~ be in the moment?"

They replied:

"No Linda, BE IN THE LIFE."


Yes, maybe they wanted to teach you to use the senses to get in touch with the real content.
Actually one of my favorite quotes from A Course in Miracles is:

Nothing so blinding as perception of form.

Perception is projection, so all we can perceive is only the content of our mind.
So even when you are "being in life" you never leave your own (universal) Mind. You are literally touching yourself, since ideas leave not their source
Thank you, Linda! 🙏

I love this. Choice is a superpower! And self-realization helps us know that we are the observer that can always make the choice.

The way you phrased this really blew me away:
"So why the hell (pun intended ;)), if each moment you have only to decide between heaven and hell, do you choose the hellish „ego option“ so often?
There are many answers for this question, one being, that the ego option in our Mind seems so familiar and we even forgot, that there is another option. If we believe to be a body in a world of form and we have forgotten the content, we are lost inside this self-made prison.
You are lucky, that you found this article, that remembers you of your true being! This is a wake up call! ring ring"

Thank you, Stephen! 🙏

You're welcome!

Relaxing read!

To the options, I concur. There was a time when I had two great computer games as an option to play, but I simply couldn't decide so I let it be altogether. Yeah, I could have said let's start with the one, and once done start the other. But in my mind it wasnt like that, my indecisiveness caused me headaches. Or: should I take the shower today or tomorrow? 😃

Especially as we opt for the spiritual path, everything is being turned upside down, leading to ridiclulous paradoxons: we leave our bodies and purge all those fears which most deny facing, yet those things which the most "unaware" person handles with ease causes nervous breakdowns (ok, a bit exaggerated, but to highlight my point).

Weird, weird :)

Oh yes, I guess everyone on a spiritual path has doubted it after a while, because life was getting rougher than ever before. All the previously suppressed stuff comes to the surface and then it's time to be brave and focus on where you are heading.
The gaming and shower question doesn't get easier though... 😉

Hot stuff!

I always try to escape the reality of making a decision by not making a decision, by that I mean by seeing no differences and by that it makes me wonder where the options are because I’ve been contented from the start 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, in a sense it doesn't matter which decision you make in the world of form. As long as you have made a decision in your Mind for heaven, nothing in the world of form can effect you.
If you are content from the start, deciding in the world of form becomes easy, since whatever option you choose, it doesn't change the content in your Mind.
Thank you and much love! ❤️

That state at which whatever “option” was chosen it don’t change the content in the mind because there’s content from the start;
That’s some true contentment ;)

My pleasure! 🙏🏻

Life is easy! Really!

You are absolutely right! Spirituality is what brings me back to life, every time I give up. I am a very sensitive person and anything can make me laugh or cry, what makes my life more complicated. When I meditate I feel a bit relaxed and happy for a while :)

I like this topic, all decisions will be accepted with sincerity, immortality will never exist in this world, all felt when my friend died
What I think, what life looks like after death, it makes me think simple in living this life.
This is just my personal opinion, about the meaning of life is easy 😊

I understand...
When the appearance of the body is gone, you are still spirit - the same universal Mind, that you are now too. It doesn't change your power to decide - even after "death". In fact, there is no death. Death is just a thought in the Mind, that seems to proof the independent existence of the ego.
I may write about this topic in one of my next posts.... Thank you! 🙏

Decisions and regret are what makes life so hard. When you are presented with one opportunity rather than 2 It is easier because you know that this is the guaranteed path, however with 2 options it's more like what if this happened or what if that happened.

Yes, as I wrote in another comment: if your decision in your Mind is for Peace and Love, it doesn't matter which option you choose in the world of form.
The results will not disturb your peace. 🙏

People used to have to think in survival mode, food, shelter, fire. They had no choice, we have choice or what I call luxurious problems. When your mentality is about survival nothing else really matters. Good post.

Insightful. and that quote up there will surely look cute on a T-shirt. 😉 lol

Nice one... Thanks for the enlightenment
I need to resteem this so that others can learn

Thank you! 🙏