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RE: Redefining Spirituality - Embracing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Being Human

in #spirituality7 years ago

Practice sitting in the shit and sort of feeling it from the perspective of infinity

Are you resisting it and condemning it and trying to overcome it? Ask your body where it is in your body and ask it what it needs from you and breathe into it.

Feeling bad will never feel good and enjoyable. But I think we can still embrace it and thus not reject it and resist it so that it can't move.

Depression is stuck energy that's not moving. Get it moving any way you can by breathing into it or doing a tiny Kundalini yoga exercise. Breath is pure energy. A little goes a long way.


I guess I view depression as a hibernation now . I've learned to stop trying to force it to move, and being ok with non-movement. A lot of the frustration from within depression comes from wanting movement where there is none. Tiny is the key word, do a little, see how that feels and if its not ready to move, let it be. But, yeah, the hope that I could view the bad times with the same poetic eye as we do once they are past was probably a bit naive on my part lol ;)

I think "depression" is part of a healthy life cycle. The reason I put it in quotes is because of the bad association with it. I watched a Matt Kahn video that I found incredibly interesting. He talked about the phases of energy. One of these is when we're bringing in new energy, another is when we're integrating this new energy, and the last is when energy is stagnant. In both the integration phase and the stagnant phase, we are resting and don't want to add any new energy in. He encouraged us to see the distinction and know that sometimes what we call depression is actually the integration phase, and we beat up on ourselves needlessly. Just an interesting thought for you. I don't know what your state is like, and I have definitely been at the bottom of the emotional scale myself. I personally have come to value all the phases. Short bouts of depression have become a part of my healing I guess you could say.

totally, I agree with the phases