DMT & the Pineal gland: Origin of God? Part 1

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

DMT & the Pineal gland: Origin of God?

Part 1 the legacy of DMT.

Is reality not what we see? Are we stuck in Plato's cave, ruled by the expectations of the brain? Does changed frequencies change the world we see and is DMT here to give us a glance of what's beyond?


This post intend to shine some light on how and if DMT was used historically up until now and investigate what the usage has lead to!

I like DMT due to it being a simple molecule that we produce in small amounts in our brains, but also due to the profound effects it have on the human psyche and its legendary status in the ancient world. It has many names besides DMT, The spirit molecule and God particle are among some of them, so lets see it those names can be justifiable!

There are many tribes that have used it medicinally or spiritually, which is only logical, given its severe psychedelic effects. At least that is what science would call it today, but many have different opinions, such as DMT giving us a glance of what is outside our brain or ego rather.

It is hard to deny that DMT causes life altering experiences and long lasting effects on the psyche of humans and in this first post of 2, I intend to investigate the non scientific interpretations, meaning not studied clinically and not turned to theories based on empirical evidence. This post will focus on the experience one has when trying DMT in one shape or another. This is a more subjective approach, but just as important in this matter. It could even be possible that what is experienced is non subjective since the brain state are altered so much, it has no relation to your memory and previous perception, lets see!


We know pretty well how DMT affects the brain, it is a neurotransmitter and 8 different EEG studies exist, we also know how the molecule looks, a simple tryptophan derivative(an amino acids with modifications) and how it interacts with some enzymes. We know how to make it in labs, which has been done since 1931, but let's forget that today and focus on the legacy of DMT!


Egypt & Amazonas

Something interesting that struck me is that the Acacia Nilotica tree and its leaves both contain DMT and is the source of the first gods in Egypt, who were given birth from this tree, also called the tree of life. The tree of life is depicted all over ancient Egypt findings and is very similar to the Acacia tree. Looking at the rituals that uses these leaves, it is obvious that this is what's being referred to. Osiris was believed to reside in these trees and I found two translations that is interesting:

Kurt Sethe (1930) proposes a compound st-jrt, meaning "seat of the eye", in a hypothetical earlier form *wst-jrt;

this is rejected by Griffiths on phonetic grounds but later another variation caught on.

Wolfhart Westendorf (1987) proposes an etymology from wꜣst-jrt "she who bears the eye"

Seat of the eye or She who bears the eye, the third eye perhaps?

Did Egyptians know about the third eye? or the Pineal gland?

They did perform surgery in Egypt and knew a lot about anatomy and they also where very spiritual in many ways. I think the resemblance between the eye of Horus and the brain section with the Pineal gland & Thalamus are very striking at least.

Is the resemblance a coincidence or did the egypts worship our pineal gland / thalamus which is linked to the third eye?

The third eye is portrayed as the portal to an alternative consciousness originated from the pineal gland or the eye of Horus, since it could be the same thing that is being referred to. That the pineal gland is involved is nothing strange to suspect, since it does produces DMT. The rest of the brain becomes more connective and increases its gamma wave occurrence and it seems that the Egyptians knew this very well.

Not surprisingly to me at least, is the similarities to the beliefs of Amazonian people who experienced Ayahuasca, containing DMT and inhibitors to make it possible to take DMT orally without breaking it down prior to effects.
They believe in an entity called mother spirit, which is also common to be mentioned among many DMT users of today. This entity guides the DMT users or those experiencing reality through the third eye on the journey.

A DMT smoking pipe from 2130 B.C found in Argentina

More surprisingly a piped used to smoke DMT has been found in Argentina, made of puma bone. We have used C-14 to verify the age and verified the plant material in a lab. So we know that DMT have a 4200 year + history and likely much longer! There are also snuffing trays found throughout many cultures, cool huh :)

Smoking pipes from NW Argentina and associated Anadenanthera seeds, dated to c. 2130 B.C., and snuff trays and tubes from the central Peruvian coast (c. 1200 B.C.), represent the most ancient use of psychoactive plants in South America.



Ayahuasca in the making, how did they know this recipe? Why boil 1 useless leaf with another, with no knowledge of the molecules DMT or the inhibitor in the other plant, MAO inhibitors? All the plants made without each other was induce vomiting so no one would care about them? I like many, do not believe in coincidences.

To make ayahuasca effective the Amazonians mixed it with a certain leaf, the only one in Amazonas containing a certain inhibitor, MAO inhibitors, which prevents an enzyme to function, one which otherwise destroys the DMT. The ancient Amazonians claim to have gotten this knowledge from a spirit as well. The fact that 150,000 other leaves would not work, along with a cooking procedure that takes a while, is a strong testimony that someone gave this knowledge to them, interesting!

So both these cultures and modern DMT users depicts a similar thing, the third eye and a spirit guide or entity that communicates with telepathy.

Hindu, Zoroastrian traditions: Soma

Soma is a beverage that is highly celebrated and mentioned in texts like the Vedas, used in rituals by both Hindus and Zoroastrians. It is depicted as a vomit inducing, cleansing, hallucinogenic and highly potent substance. I think it sounds very similar to ayahuasca as described by Amazonian traditions.



Many modern DMT users talk about Hindu like shapes or entities being experienced in the same way as gods in Egypt was or the spirit mother in Amazonas.
There are many similarities between the vedic gods and those worshiped in ancient Egypt but many words from egypt are still untranslatable, so the described personalities of each entity is hard to compare.

Looking at how the Egyptians depicted their gods and the origin of them, it is very likely that DMT was involved. The similarities and involvement of Soma, points to a possibility that all these entities could have one origin. Are they similar? I think so, but why? have a look!

Krishna vs Amun


In Egypt, Lord Amum is written as ‘Ymn’, which is pronounced as ‘Yamunu’ or ‘Yamun’. Thus it can be easily concluded that, the word is distorted version of Yamuna (A river always associated with Lord Krishna and His abode Goloka or Gokula). Thus the word Amum or Yamun actually means ‘The Lord of Yamuna, Krishna’.

There are many more similarities, like blue skin color and feathers in the head piece, another coincidence?

Subhadra vs Mut


Just like Mut, the word ‘Subhadra’ also means something auspicious, splendid or fortunate

They both are depicted with tigers and necklaces and share common attributes!

Hanuman vs Babi or Baba


The list goes on, Daksha vs Khnum, Garuda vs Anzu, Seketh vs Narishma and so on, I think it is safe to say that these deities share a common origin, could it be DMT?

More pictures and the full article can be seen here:

Judaism & the burning tree

Guess what kind of tree that caught fire in front of Moses? Why not Acacia Nilotica again, which grew all over the Middle East and Africa. It is very logical knowing that three subspecies all with DMT, grows in the Sinai desert and the Jordan valley!

With a DMT content of 1-3% and if the tree burned down Moses sure could be affected by DMT. If it happened in a cave or semi closed of space, it is even more likely, interesting!

He also originated from Egypt and could have used DMT prior to seeing the bush catch fire, since some depict the events to not consume the bush in flames but just a bush flaming with light which was preserved afterwards, sounds trippy!

The ark made to carry the Stone tablets was made by Acacia wood and also had a jar of manna inside, is mamma psilocybin containing mushrooms? These seem to be very central in many older cultures and used by progressive thinkers all across the ancient era.



Jesus had an Epiphany in the desert whilst visiting John. He was baptized and placed under water for an extended time, perhaps so long that the body thought is was drowning and produced DMT & melatonin or some other neurotransmitter, which could happen at near death situations. I ll check in on that in the next post. After which he was fasting for 40 days and nights in the desert where he discovered both angels and demons and the devil who tempted him. This could probably be explained by DMT and melatonin production in the brain during the starving, along with hallucinations from excessive sun in the desert and general fatigue!


There are also references to , manna, the bread of life which was eaten by Jesus and many other during this era.
Manna is depicted as having psychedelic effects and go bad within 24 hours and harbor worms if not eaten, it sure could be mushrooms with psilocybin. Interesting aspects which sure could influence the rising of Christianity!


There are rituals within the Freemason society based on Acacia plants up until the late 1700´s so it is possible that Franklin and Washington had used it and where thereby progressive in their approach to society just like Moses and Jesus was, in one way or another.

Their symbols often contain the all seeing eye, the third eye or eye of Horus maybe? We also often see a pine cone depicted which could be a reference to the pineal gland.


The leaves are believed by some to represent the leaves from the acacia tree.

Could the moral we got passed along from our founding fathers have been influenced by DMT, I think it is possible!

Modern rituals

There are actually still different places where you can go and get a guided DMT trip, some using DMT from the frog Bufo alvarius. It has DMT stored in glands that can be extracted / secreted, dried and smoked. There are also possibilities to go and drink ayahuasca with guides as well. The different centers or programs all claim to heal both depressions and addiction and I genuinely believe that this is the case!

There are so much to read and many many eye witnesses that have tried it and the more I read, the more positive cases I do find. There seem to be no dangerous effects and the lasting positive effects seem to affects all of those who tries it out.

We have a strong drive to consume, leaving little room for discovering our purpose which I think DMT would facilitate.
If you are going to try it I would suggest one of the guided alternatives, since it can be difficult or dangerous to try and buy it yourself, since you can't verify what it is. It can also be difficult to find a setting / surrounding that is positive and relaxed enough.

There is many that lack purpose or faith, which is a highway to depression and I suspect this is were DMT does the most difference. It seems hard to deny that what we see is all there is, after taking DMT.

The great importance these cultures placed in Acacia or Manna rituals is a testimony to its profound effects which are hard to turn a blind eye to.


Can this be the source of god? Could Egyptian and Hindu gods share an origin? Could it be the same one origin as the spirits that shamans describe or the God of Judaism / Christianity, maybe even the moral standings of our founding fathers? Could it all originate from this simple molecule and the experience it induces? Could we justify calling it the god particle or spirit molecule?

It seems more and more likely and I must say that there is nothing strange about an altered state of consciousness when the brain waves are altered, since the brain generates reality in the first place. The reality we see, taste and hear that is!

There is now two options at hand

1: Reality outside or without the brain is more real and we are conscious prior to experiencing with the brain. We then generate an experience of the brain, which in its turn requires time and space to explain existence, which sounds very logic. We then forget about the higher state of conscious and worship the brain and what we can touch and taste as a result. This explains why deactivation or alteration of the brain function would produce a common experience and the logic of the third eye / pineal gland since it is the brain part that produces DMT, naturally.


2: What we see is a pure hallucination produced by the brain, meaningless and a result of toxic molecules in the brain.
What we see is then based on personal subjective preferences and self associations. This sounds very irrational, since experiences are so similar and very safe, no one died from it or had brain damage, I think. There seem to be very little subjectivity lending further strength to conscious existence with no brain, as in 1, or are we simply a biological machine?


I might be highly partial to number 1 since I've written a lot about DMT / LSD & Psilocybin, recently about LSD as a antidepressant here at SteemIT. I genuinely believe that LSD as an antidepressant would free many of the addicted patients from their shackles, it is non addictive and would be used at micro doses, under the psychedelic threshold, read about it below.

I am also 11 years into meditating daily, which has changed and is changing my life in many ways and given me a slightly altered perception of consciousness, I advise everyone to meditate more often if you don't already :)

Explaining existence from the standpoint of 2. has this far been impossible on all levels, Mathematical, philosophical and on the level of thinking.

This makes me more partial towards 1 since it solves time, space and origin paradoxes by always being there. This is a topic for another post thou :)


When researching DMT and its effects, I´ve noticed that many talk about experiencing their deaths. They then exist in a timeless state prior to being reborne. When back in the material reality, they claim to be changed, all in a good way!

This falls in line exactly with everything I´ve read about and all what the ancient and modern DMT users describe.
It explains the origin of the God of death and rebirth, like Osiris or why not Shiva, the destroyer of unenlightened concussion or perhaps Kali destroyer of the enemies of men, the ego, or the christian god even, all seeing.

It could explain both their aesthetics as well as conduct and properties, interesting I must say. There is also the possibility that Yogis could and can experience similar states without DMT or just indigenous DMT in meditation and fasting states.
There is nothing strange with depicting 10 similar gods after such an experience, we are bound to use the brain when telling about it or painting it, which adds some personal preferences / suggestions, but the similarities all around are striking I think. There could also be multiple deities or it could have to do with the concentration of DMT, which will control in which extent your brain is affected.


Smoking or injecting it might provoke seeing a single entity, the end of the line, while slower and smaller dosages might result in a greater variation due to the brain activity!
The users that only drank it as tee, commonly describe many entities but the injectors and smokers like modern users, tend to describe a single entity, a combination of all other attributes perhaps.

The fact that DMT is illegal along with LSD and psilocybin is sad, since these compounds got so much to offer and might be responsible for the religions of earth. They could be used vs depression which often is a result of loosing faith and purpose!

I wonder about Moses, did the smoke that tree prior having a chat with god? Why not?

In part 2 we will investigate the Pineal glands function and DMT´s clinical / semi clinical datasets.

While you wait for part 2, watch "The spirit molecule" or a documentary on ayahuasca!


Since I am a biochemist I look forward to writing part 2, the Scientifically proven aspects and I can say now, that we tried DMT on rats kind of recently. There has also been semi clinical DMT trails a while back along with 8 EEG studies during DMT trips with some interesting results. Stay tuned!

Stay tuned for part 2 friends and as always, thanks for stopping by, much appreciated!


What do you think option 1 or 2 or your own version? Leave a comment, Peace!


Where do you get this stuff? Most of this stuff I knew already but its good to be reminded. With your Wizard like knowledge, If you practice telekinesis, I bet you could catch something on fire. Lucky I figured out the read aloud feature, cus the letters start jumbling around after a paragraph or two, could be a combination of ADHD and DMT. That was a great listen. I am moving to a new experimental site called SteemitCentral with the help of an incredibly bright man username -Gandibaba. I call him the Grand Habiba. You will see our upvotes. It's an experiment in bot stuffing and voodoo. :-0 , Just kidding, or am I ? :-0

SteemCentral ey :) Glad you liked the post, I am making part two now but so much to read through yawn!
I ll come check your project out!

Tell me if you need any help with the project I got like 3 months vacation atm :))


You are so in, I was Hoping you would ask. I'm open for Ideas. I've been following Gandibaba for long time and he passed me in reputation and earned almost 500 SP the hard way. So I asked him if he would like to consolidate efforts, and he is all over it. I think SteemitCentral can become something. To start we're bot stuffing with a bunch of steem and would love to feature your posts as well. oops the wifes callin

Got a discord? I see @Steemitcentral is live :) I would like to help out of course could delegate some and I always like being featured hehe

I got discord, although I didn't get it yet. You know what I mean. It's like a crowded room where you don't know anybody. I'm figuring it out s l o w l e y

@clausewitz we need you to join hands with us in this new project @steemitcentral. Let's see how we can make some turn around and impact this community. You've got some witty skills. Cheersss, friend.

I´d be glad to lets set up a Discord! Should i do that?

Yes sure. You can do that, so that we would meet and discuss what the plans are.

Wow. This is great and swift. @clausewitz. I am joining in right now.

Such an awesome read man. I also wrote about DMT days ago. Check it out here 😁

Thanks, I ll check it out :)


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