Possessed By God :: Thoughts On Anarchy + Faith

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

The etymology of ENTHUSE boils down to possessed by God.

Enthusiasm and joy used to be my signatures. How I was known to be.

They are still there, but the blind innocence is gone.


The reinforced and disabling illusion that I was BORN INTO (!!!) wretchedness and powerlessness dropped away.

And it has been hell going all the way back, to bended knee with Grandma, memorizing the 23rd Psalm... consciously choosing to KEEP THAT... and many other good things from my religious indoctrination... WHILE RELEASING ideas I'd accepted that were very UN-divine.

It is hard work to re-visit oaths, promises, and vows you've unconsciously made. What kinds of outer rulership do you submit to? Is your submission voluntary, or forced? Is it fruitful, or draining?

I found it incredibly inconvenient, and equally essential, to face and address these things. Doing so builds the inner infrastructure, that eventually supports outer freedom and a self-directed life.

I had given over my confidence to all kinds of outer authorities. I had uncritically accepted scripts, protocols, and orders authorized by various people who were certainly unfit to do so.

Because NO person is fit to be your ruler. But everyday-life suggests everyone BUT you should have the keys to your own dwelling-place.

While you pay its rent/mortgage.


  • Government
  • Police
  • Judges
  • Federal Reserve, which ain't even Federal!
  • "Experts"
  • Teachers/Professors
  • Medical Doctors
  • Media
  • Priests/Preachers/Rabbis/Gurus/Ministers

It wasn't my conscious plan to do so, but I spent the last three years REVISING the many agreements I made with a fractured mind, and distorted vision, that were both operating with LEARNED mental limits and flaws.

Desires for approval and acceptance all came home to roost.

And I signed off on me.


Now free(r) of various legacies of enslavement, I welcome a more matured enthusiasm. Refined by the fire of consideration.

No political atmosphere or touchy culture can influence me to downplay God's/Spirit's co-leading of my imperfect and beautiful life.

Full circle. But fuller. 💜💙


Thank you @erikaharris I am so Done with What These So Called Leaders have done to the Sheep (which includes Me over my lifetime)...........If The Spinning Globe Feels Like a Merry Go Round just Remember you can Get Off Anytime You Like..................

"Now free(r) of various legacies of enslavement, I welcome a more matured enthusiasm. Refined by the fire of consideration."

Very powerful words and conclusion.

Very powerfully stated. Our own liberation depends primarily on our commitment to making nothing our ruler.