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RE: On Being a Spiritual Chameleon

in #spirituality8 years ago

I believe that if more people shared this way of thinking, this world would be a better and more peaceful place. So much conflict seems to come from people trying to convince others of the "truth," or just doing things based on belief. And I'm not just talking about war, though that's a big one, often based either on religious belief or belief about who owns what.

Conspiracy theory is a funny one. Some people are absolutely convinced they know the "truth" based on stuff they've read on the internet. And if you don't believe it, you're not "awake." Sorry. If you're not directly involved somehow, I'm gonna have a hard time buying it. Doesn't mean I believe a particular theory isn't true, it's just that I don't care enough who killed Kennedy to find out. I know it was either some nut job in the government or some nut job not in the government.

One thing I'm 99% certain of though, is that whoever killed Kennedy did it because of their beliefs. And maybe if they had not been 100% certain of their beliefs, Kennedy might still be alive today.

Either way, there's probably nothing I can do to fix it, or prevent it happening to someone else in the future. Except, maybe, by spreading the idea that you don't need to have an opinion on everything.


I agree that one of our biggest problems is people being absolutely sure about things they don't have enough information to be sure about. Maybe it's because we spend the first twenty or so years of our lives being rewarded if we believe what we're told and repeat it back correctly.

Uncertainty can also be scary as hell, so I understand why many people grab hold of beliefs with both hands and won't let go.