My Spiritual Journey - 21 - Creationism vs. Evolution

in #spirituality6 years ago

Once you enter into the esoteric, spiritual and religious realms, it almost seems as if you have to throw away all previous scientific “beliefs”. From the religious perspective, the “creation” story in 6 days is most certainly incompatible with the Big Bang theory. From the esoteric perspective, the “seeding” of Planet Earth by aliens is incompatible with the theory of gradual, natural biological evolution.

And yet, what if I told you that all of it can be true without there being any form of contradiction?

This article will heavily rely on the one about the mysteries of “time”, so I invite you to read it now or afterwards.

To cut the story short, the reason why all of these “narratives” about how the Universe was created are true, is due to the way that the Universe and “time” function. The basic metaphor to explain this is the following: take the entire spectrum of visible light, ranging from the lower red vibrations to the very high vibration ultra violet. You do agree that between these two extreme points, there are an infinite number of possible shades of color or frequencies, just like you could subdivide 1 into an infinite sub-parts. Now, imagine that God is pure white light: all of the colors combined, which is equivalent to all of the possible “stories” or moments in time, everything that ever existed and will ever exist. How does God start experimenting with all of the various colors that are contained within him/her? In the idea above, God would start precisely in the middle, if there is such a thing. He/she would start with whatever color is situated between ultra-violet and red. Alternatively, you could say, if nothing (the void) is represented by the color black, and everything (God) is represented by the color white, then you would start with some shade of grey.

This is linked to most of the “basic” religious creation narratives, where the Universe was created in a couple of “steps” instantly. Indeed, in the “beginning”, if there was only God and nothing, then whatever is in the “middle” appeared instantly out of nowhere. But then, God starts subdividing into more “colors” or steps, there are additional shades of grey or colors that are added to the “story” or narrative leading from nothing to God. And the more steps you add, the more the narrative changes.

Think about this: take a movie like Lord of the Rings and try to tell a story on the basis of only the very first frame, the middle frame and the very last frame. If you were trying to tell the story from the perspective of an “observer” or incarnated being in the middle frame at that point in “time”, how would you explain that you “exist”? And how would you make sense of your world? And of course, in that situation, there is no other way to explain this then by saying that “God created everything instantly”, which would be quite accurate.

Now you see, from this illustration, that time not only moves “horizontally” in a linear fashion, but also “vertically” in a logical fashion. By adding more and more colors, more and more steps, more and more “frames” to the story, suddenly, you can explain the existence of the Universe from multiple perspectives.

If you have only 6 colors, and you jump from one to the other without any form of transition, you can only explain it with God and the creation narrative. If you have, say 10000 colors, you can explain it with the narrative of various “spirits” creating the Earth, and aliens seeding the Earth with life, if you have 7489433890894089403 colors, you can explain it using mainstream science and the theory of evolution.

Look at the picture below which illustrates this pretty well. As time goes by in a linear fashion from our perspective, we also “shift” between various logical layers. 5000 years ago, when the ancient testament was written, we were on a timeline where indeed God created the Earth in 6 days. But as “time” moved forward horizontally, it also moved “vertically” by adding new “shades” of color or new “frames” to the story, which made it possible to tell a longer, less instantaneous story or narrative for the existence of the Universe and of human beings.


Here is why “mainstream” science is still very much important and relevant. From the moment that Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution, it suddenly enabled souls to incarnate and experience his theory directly. In other words, our thoughts have a retroactive effect on reality. Any theory about why we are here create a parallel timeline or narrative in which souls incarnate and get to experiment, in flesh, whether those theories work or not. The reason why it’s important to keep as many of these theories alive is that they allow for more experimentation, quite simply! If the Universe was created in 6 days, and we “popped” into existence instantly, well, the souls of whatever creatures were created were pretty void of any prior experience! No prior incarnation, only whatever instructions God imbued into them. However, from the evolution and big bang theory, souls get to experience billions and billions of lifetimes, as a rock, a plant, a bacteria, a plankton, a fish, an amphibian… You get the picture. That is why it is said we were created in God’s image. We are creators, just like God! We “create” not only our present reality, but also, how our present reality managed to come into existence! And God is ecstatic with joy every time we think of another theory, since we “pull” out of the “all that is”, another story in which souls (parts of God) can experiment!

You might find this crazy, but I believe that the “proof” of evolution that you find in skeletons that we dig out of the ground basically “materialized” there because someone formulated the thought or the “idea” of evolution. This is how any theory emerges: very rarely through random experimentation and passive observation but rather via an initial theory or idea which is tested in real life. In other words, first you think about a theory, then you devise experiments or set up observation protocols to see if it works. And guess what: you get confirmation of your theory only if at that very moment in time, your thoughts, which retroactively created an entire Universe where souls (pure energy) get to experiment those theories manage to narrate a convincing story which merges with your present timeline.

This is also why you can find proof of several theories about the genesis of Humanity. On the one side you have the skeleton of Lucy, which is thought to be the first “human” or the “mother” of humanity, and on the other you have skeletons of humans with weirdly shaped skulls which are described as being half-breeds between aliens and apes. Both stories exist simultaneously because both can merge with our present reality, starting from “nothing” in a convincing way. To better understand it, think of it this way: you are at a cross-roads between two paths that lead to exactly the same place. You suffer from temporary amnesia and you find yourself at the arrival point. Which path did you take? The one on the left or the one on the right? You could say that you took both since they both lead to where you are now, and manage to explain why you are where you are at that point in “time”.

The reason why there is such a “fight” and competition over which of these narratives should be thought of as the “truth”, is that this logic works in both ways! It not only works retrospectively, but also forward into the future. Any time someone thinks about a potential future, be it a nuclear apocalypse, climate change and natural catastrophes or aliens coming to the rescue, all of those timelines pop into existence, and souls incarnate to experiment those timelines. And obviously, there is a battle to determine the path that Humanity, as a whole, will take from this point on into the future. You could say that we are simply fighting over how many steps/shades of grey do we want to take to get back to God/the All! Some are hoping for an instantaneous “rapture”, where we are saved by Jesus coming down from the sky, which would be the equivalent of skipping all the colors/steps altogether and calling it “quits” on this reality, others advocate for a slow gradual shift in consciousness where humans will start behaving more lovingly to one another. If you want to know more about what awaits us, I suggest you dig deeper into my other articles where I try to explore the situation we are in now.

The reason why so many esoteric teachers talk about a “battle” between light and darkness in these moments, is that we have gone so far in creating new “shades of grey” that we can’t tell any more whether we are moving towards a “lighter” shade or a “darker” shade (whether we are moving towards God or the “all”, in other words, a positive future for humanity, or towards the void or “nothing”, or an “end of the world” scenario). Whenever you listen to people “chanelling” an angel or an alien (Pleadian, Arcturian, etc), ask yourself the following question: from which “logic layer” are they speaking from? Coming back to the picture above, you can think of your “higher self” as simply being your own soul on a different “logic layer”, like an angel which wondered what it was like to be human and at the moment the thought was initiated, it created a “new” logic layer in which that angel incarnated into several human bodies, while still remaining an angel. Right now, there are many “potential” futures which are lobbying our human conciousnesses to give them credence, our attention, and our energy, which increases the likelihood that that is the timeline we will get to experience, just like voting for a politician in an election…

We are indeed at a critical juncture, a crossroads which branches off into an infinite number of “potential futures” for humanity, and trying to find the one that will be experienced by us all is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. However, as I explain in this “light story”, we are at a similar point in time when the first star emerged out of a soup of hydrogen atoms, or when the first living cell emerged out of a soup of proteins and amino acids. At certain “key” moments in history, you have quantum leaps or shifts in what I call the “logic layers” of the Universe. Humanity, or each human being, is about to become part of something greater than the sum of it’s parts, just like the trillion of cells that compose us do not accurately reflect, on an individual basis, the complexity of what a human being is.


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