What does spirituality really mean?

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


Every one has a belief system that drives them daily. Belief is what makes things happen, it is the force that pushes you achieve a goal. The only thing that separates each of us, is our beliefs. The ego functions on beliefs & differences, while spirituality revolves around your state of consciousness. This state depends on your knowledge, experience and depth of understanding of self, your relationship with yourself and the environment, and recognizing your reflection in everything around you.

The ego is never satisfied with what it's given and returns back hungrier after you have fed it. The idea here, is that the mind always wants something new. As a result, every day a new trend is set, a new goal is created, a new lifestyle is introduced.
There are so many misconceptions about spirituality, as it has never been discussed openly and situated on the extreme points of beliefs - something which the illiterate, the tribals follow or something that is far superior to the human, a practice of God, the path void of materialism.

Spirituality is none of the above. As the knowledge is becoming increasingly available and perspectives are widening, I have noticed many people who claim to be spiritual. Being an atheist or a theist doesn't make you spiritual. Just because you dress up in vibrant colors with an 🕉 on it, doesn't make you elevated. Just because you use the words 'love and light' doesn't make you a good person. This is your ego that is blindly mimicking someone who could truly be spiritual, only out of the fear of being left out, or having nothing else to believe in. The ego always changes with its surroundings, acceptable enough to "fit in".
You have been tricked by your own mind if you call yourself woke, use spiritual slang, claim yourself as elevated, because you will be free of labels. These labels & separate identities are all given by the ego. Spirituality is believing in your uniqueness & persevering to become the best version of yourself.

Spirituality is not learning something new, it is remembering YOUR true self, your source. It isn't a lifestyle, it is a state of being. It doesn't mean you're perfect, or better than 'others'. It only means you accept all of your flaws and work on becoming a better self.
Unlike religion that follows a belief, the spiritual path is unique for each one and must be experienced personally. It is a practice of acknowledging, empowering and balancing all your qualities. You cannot fake being spiritual as it a feeling, an e-motion. Energy never lies.

The practice of spirituality leads to compassion, peace, a sense of oneness, viewing the bigger picture and experiencing life in duality (yin/yang). This results in loss of labels, creed, comparisons, singular (linear)beliefs such as truth/false, positive/negative.
You won't have to prove your spirituality to anyone, because only the ego needs proof and acceptance from outside. A proof acts like a catalyst that forms a firm belief. Normally, for a belief to be strong or superior, it requires acceptance from a majority. Spirituality on the other hand, only requires your acceptance and understanding.
Spirituality is not a trend or lifestyle, Its is your natural state of being. - Pritesh