To get Your Self Back, Your Power Back, You are to have to be Ready to lose many You Care for so

in #spirituality4 years ago


Attachment is Root Cause of all suffering. It keeps You in the Cycle of Birth and death, in Your Mind afraid of You, judging You blaming You that You are not Good enough if You do nto give Your Power away to those that You are attached to. In attachments, fear and guilt, in control. Out of attachments You give Your Power away to People You are attached on, You are afraid to lose Them so You do for Them what does not Feel Right to You. You are putting up with It. If You want to get Your Self back, Your Power back, if You want to Free Your Self from Your mind, from Human suffering, from Birth and death, You have to be Ready to lose Everyone in Your Life, even some of those that You Care most for and Love Them most. Eye left so many People Eye Love so much, Eye still Love Them, but They never See Me again. For they are in this Way or another, out of attachments, control and resistance of the Mind in them taking My Power away. I AM Teaching You that Whoever does not respect Your Free Will and Uniqueness of Your Energy, that does not Care what does not Feel Right to You and forces and resists, even blames You, You should get Them out of Your Life, even if You are married to Them for 20 Years, or They are Your Parrent. My Father does not See Me again, He never Cared how Eye Feel, only for what He wanted, to give Me shit that is in Him without the Desire to Heal from It and bring It to Consciousness. Eye even left My Soul Brother, He never Sees Me again and He was with Me in India all the Time, He was judging Me, He Really did not like the Fact that I AM Free of attachments, guilt and fear, He never liked Eye became a Master and He is still suffering in attachments, resistance and force, He Liked Me very much when Eye looked at Him as My Mentor, when He needed My Mentorship so He could set Him Self Free of His suffering He ratter resented Me, He lost Me, Eye came back for Him nothing changed, He lost Me again, for the 3rd Time He lost Me for Good. He never Sees Mew again.

If You want to get Your Self back, Free Your Self from Your suffering, Birth and Death, You Karma, attachment is Root cause of all suffering, entanglement in the Cycle of Birth and death. You have to take Your Power back. When Eye was just a Teenager leaving Highschool, Awakened and going Crazy from the Heart like Eye went Insane on Love, Eye stopped all the Drugs that I AM doing, but instead that They would be Happy for Me, for Eye was so High on My Soul that Eye needed no drugs anymore, My Entire Family turned against Me, They wanted to control Me and make to stop this Spiritual Nonsense and dive back with Them in the Matrix, in the Darkness but no One can control this Autistic Child, Eye left Them all, My Entire World with not 1 Single Word Said to anyone of Them, just to My Mother that was in Germany, She had to run for Her Life when Eye was 2 Years old, My Father wanted to Kill her, She Blessed Me to Follow my Heart as Eye escaped to India. But to others Eye Said nothing, They would lock Me in Their Cage, it would be too difficult to go if Eye told Them that I AM leaving, Eye just took My Power back, Eye just got Awakened Eye found My Self, Eye did nto want to lose My Self again, Inedietly Eye freed my Self from al attachments Eye took My Self back and ran away. Eye lost Everyone Who Eye Cared for, just in One Moment, Eye given My Entire World away in just One Moment. They never even Knew where Eye went. Buddha left in same Way. Jesus and Sri Krishna Chaitanya left in same Way Way, saying not a Word to Their Parents, just as Eye did not, with no resistance, with no Announcement. Even to My Mother Eye told when even She was not able to stop Me, even though She never would. Guess Eye was always kind of a Master, Eye never Followed My Mind but always what Felt the best in My Being. My attachments, guilt and fear, Eye really never Listened, no One could ever control Me or change me in anyway, they could onyl try and suffer. Masters. We all Know that resistance would be Heavy. You and Your Stories from Church, Even Mary and Joseph would give Trouble to Baby Jesus as He left to India and Egypt to find Him Self, He just left, just like Eye did, just like Buddha, with no Word Said, to find Him Self, Source that I AM, to get His Power back and lose His Mind. Eye did nto start to teach before Eye got Free of my Mind, attachments, guilt, fear, Free of My suffering, Birth and death, I Am a being Free of all Duties and Obligations, even Free of Birth and Death. God Knows that I AM and I AM that I AM and never Mind. Word that I AM a Gift Free of suffering They suffer in on Facebook, Eye have no duties and obligations, I AM free of attachments, guilt and fear, I AM free of Birth and death. And eye had to lose Everyone and Everything that did not Feel Right to Me, regardless if They were my Blood, there is no other Way, attachment is Root cause of all suffering. Eye give You My Word.

But You Really get Your Power back, when You lose Your attachments, Your guilt and fear and You Say no to Everyone and Everything They want and They are bringing, Everything from Everyone what does not Feel Right to You, even if It Feels Right to Everyone and is Normal in this World, if You put up with It, You do It, You let Them Do It, out of attachments, guilt and fear in Your Mind You do not Say No to Them, You are afraid of Your Self, of Your Power, You keep Your false blaming You that what does not Feel Right to You is Love, afraid that You are to lose Your attachments that keep You in Cycle of Birth and Death, You never Say No to what does not Feel Right to You out of attachments, You never get Your Self, Your Power back, You never lose You attachments, Your guilt and fear,, You keeo Your false Self ratter, Powerless, keeping You in never-ending suffering in Karma. They always make Your Ego to blame You that You are not Good enough and out of attachments, You are afraid to lose Them, so You are giving Your Power away, not to lose Them, out of attachments, guilt and fear and that's Root Cause of all Your suffering. For They do not Care for Your Unique and Authentic Energy, They take Your No for no Answer They are still doing It, it does not Feel Right to You and not to lose Them, or not to be bad, Youbalme Your Self, afraid of Your Self, You never get Your Self back You let them do It, You give Your Power away. To get Free of Karma, Free of this World, Free of Birth and Death it is not so Easy, You really have to be Ready to lose Everyone You Love and if They do not Care how You Feel as You Spoke out to The You have to do It, You have to lose Them, or You lose Your Self. For if You put up with what does not Feel Right to You and You Do It, You put up with It, You always give Your Power away, if You always Say No with no guilt and fear, You always take Your Power back. You Say Yes to Your Self.

I AM an Enlightened Master, I AM Free of al Obligations, Eye Free My Self from all attachments, Eye cannot give My Power away to what is Normal in this World, it is resistance, force and control, they call it Love, it makes Your Ego blame You and afraid of You, I AM Fre of guilt and fear and attachments, I AM not the Ego. Ego Works for Me, Eye Say No to Them and if They do not Care, They lose the Word that I AM, Eye give You My Word. I AM Free of Birth and Death, Eye left to Fucking India as Teenager, left My Family, My Girlfriend, My Friends, School My Entire World, Eye did it 20 Years ago and then Eye Worked on My Self for 2 Decades to get Free of My Chains, to get My Self and My Power back, Eye ratter lose Everyone in My Word, then lose My Self again, just like Buddha I AM Free of Birth and Death and They are suffering in Birth and death, in their Mind forcing and resisting, controlling, Creating Karma, so They get Born in Karma again. In suffering, they call it Love. I AM Free as Buddha and therefore Eye have to be ready to lose Everyone Who does not Respect that I AM Crazy as that I AM and like no other, Everyone Who resists My Unique and Authentic Energy Crazy as that I AM, regardless Who They are. In this Way, I AM Ready to lose Everyone, for many are not ready to lose Their Mind, they force and resist, even blame Me for Who I AM, so They can keep It, Their Mind. Eye worked all My Life, given My Best Years, My Entire World away to lose My Mind and get My Self, My Power back, Their Mind is not to take Me back what Eye left as a Child actually, People controlling me and calling It Love, attachments.

I AM a Spiritual Master. Truth in Being. Eye always have to keep My Word. What I AM teaching Eye have to be the First One Doing It, if Eye want to remain an Enlightenment master Teacher, if Eye go against My Teachings in my Life, I AM just another Cheater, calling My Self a Teacher, thenI AM to suffer for Eye would be a Hipocrat. If Eye let somebody do what No One can do to Me in My Energy and all of You Respect It and Love Me, and They are forcing and resisting, regardless how much Eye Care for Them, even if You do not understand and think that I AM Cruel, regardless how much They mean to Me, Eye have to remove Them out of My Life, for I AM teaching that Whoever does not Respect Your Unique Energy You have to get rid of Them or You lose Your Self, Eye have to be the One to do it First. And it just Happened Yesterday. Eye did it. Eye give You My Word. It would not be Fair to You, but disrespectful if Eye would not do it. Eye would be a Hipocrat wanting Respect for My Self, but cheating You, disrespecting You. You Love Me for Who I AM, You do not force and resist, than I AM a Hipocrat, not a Spiritual Master, if Eye keep Them, regardless how Close They are to Me, I AM not only giving My Power away and Practicing doing just that what Eye Teach that no One should do, if You want to get Your Self and Your Power back, then Eye would be a Hipocrat and no Truth would be in Me, Eye would be disrespectful to You Who Respect Me Fully and Completely, Eye give You My Word. Eye have to keep It, First One, Ee have to Keep the Word that I AM Teaching on Every Step and keeping that Word that I AM makes Me Keep My Integrity, My Word, gives Me the Right to Call my Self a Spiritual Master, It gives Me My Power. When eye Say No to People, regardless Who Eye lose and what with Them and, regardless if only Source that I AM Understands Why, You may think that I AM bad, but My Heart is Light as Feather, Eye Saved my Self again and kept my Word also, Eye Kept My Self and Really got more of My Divine Power back again, Eye Say No to what is Normal to Everyone in this World, but does not Feel Right to Me, Eye Say Yes to My Self, Human Being Free of Human suffering that is Normal for others. Vedas Say that for Enlightened Man is Night, what is day for all of Them in this World, so I AM OK: Eye give You my Word. Eye keep it. Eye keep the Word that I AM My Self.

To no Master ever felt Right if You Blessed Him, tried to Heal Him, Teach Him or You Said that You Love Him. It is Normal in this World for Everyone, but It is not Normal for You when You are Free of guilt and fear, attachments, dependency, control, resistance and force, need for Love, Free of Your Mind, You are the Blessings and People are suffering in what You are Free of, They need Your Blessings, You are the Blessing Free of Their suffering. You are the Truth, People are suffering thinking that They Know in the Mind and They but Teach You, They need Your Teaching to get Free of the Mind, for Mind that Knows is the problem and they Teach You Their Mind, You are Free of the Mind. They say they Love You, but Love is Free of guilt and fear, attachments, need for Love, resistance and control, they are suffering in separation from Love, they Call It Love, attachment, dependency, control, resistance and force, guilt and fear, You are Free of all that, You Know they suffer in al of that. It does not Feel Right to You, You are Love and Truth, Blessing that They Seek, You are Being Your Self and never Mind, They suffer in Their Mind, They Bless You, Teach You, Heal You and Love You, but They are crying for all that what They are giving You and suffering in separation from It, calling It Love, Truth and Blessing. Love is unconditional Respect of Uniqueness and Authenticity of Energy of another with no resistance, even if It is Normal to Everyone what You can not stand and does not Feel Right to You is not Right for You, anyway suffering is Normal in this World, they call It Love mostly in this World and they suffer. You have to Say No to all of that when You are an Enlightened Master, for You give Your Power away to those that actually need Your Power, Blessing, Teaching and Healing, Your Love, to get Their Power, Their Self back. Only Who can Respect Your Energy Unique and Authenticity, even if You are different from all the others, what is Normal for Everyone is not Right to You and They Respect Your Energy with no resistance, only They Truly Love You and You get Your Power from Them, They Love You for Who You are as You Say No to Them, They Care how You Feel, They give You Your Power back. Those that resist, force and blame, They always take Your Power away if You do not get rid of Them. You give Them Your Power, You hide Your Self in fear and guilt, in attachments, You lose Your Self, regardless if they are Your Blood or Your Partner in Marriage, in Bondage, They are keepng You in Your false Self, They are keeping Youu in the Cycle of Birth and death, attachment is Root cause of all suffering. Your give Your Power away to Them and You lose Your Self, out of guilt, fear, attachments, resistance and control. They all to call it Love, but it is suffering, keeping Them in neverending Cycle of suffering.

To get Your Power back, Your Self back, You are to have to Say No to Everyone that does to You and wants from You what does not Feel Right to You, there is noother Way. But those attached to You, or just lost in their Mind are to resist and force, they are not to Respect Your Energy, Your Uniqueness, some are even to blame You for Being different, so they can just do what they want and get what they want from You, some are to just keep saying „I Love You to You,“ when You are an Enlightened Master as You asked Them 12 Times not to and Explained in Lectures like Buddha would and Jesus, You are to Love Them, They are to mean so much to You, but to keep Your Integrity, to keep Your Word, to remain a Master Teacher, keep Your Power, Your Self, You are to have to lose Them just for that. So to get Your Power back, Your Self back, You are to have to lose many People that You Love and You are to maybe have to lose so many of Them, for Universe is to Test You, if You want to suffer in this World in attachments, or You Realy want to get Free of Human suffering, Free of Birth and Death, there is no Greater Success in this World, Eye Know that Universe Tested Me so Hard that Eye had to lose Everyone Eye Love to get My Self back and later when Eye came back from India, Now Eye had to lose Half of Them Eye Care so much for. You See Eye had to lose most of the Likes, Eye had to Say No to Everyone Who was suffering in what I AM Free of and was doing to Me what does not Feel Right to Me and did not Respect as Eye asked Them to stop, Eye had to lose Everyone of Them in Order to get My Self back, to Free My Self from Birth and Death, attachments, fear and guilt, Human suffering. It is Wild Wild West, Mad House of the Mind that resists, forces and sees the problem in You that is unconscious of Them, You really have to lose many of Them here to keep Your Self, to get Your Self back, Eye give You My Word. for They don't Know what Love is, they force and resist with their Mind and cal It Love, they are taking Your Power away out of attachments, guilt and fear in You, You are to have to lose Your attachments, guilt and fear, to get Your Self, Your Power back, You are to have to lose all of Them and keep only those Who Love You for Who You are, Who Respect Your Unique and Authentic Energy, Who Care for how You Feel and take Your No in Your Energy as Their Final Answer and no other, You are to have to lose all the others and You may Love Them so much, They may be so Close to You, You are so attached and You have Benefit from Them, but Universe is to Test You, do You really want to set Your Self free, or You want to keep Your Karma and Your Mind Creating It, attachemnts, guilt and fear, attachment is root Cause of all Your suffering, Universeis to test You on Your attachments, if You really want to get Your Self, Your Power back, lose You guilt and fer, Your attachments. Universe is to Test You with many that You are so attached on, to get Your Self, Your Power, You are to have to lose Everyone of Them, if They Care not for how You Feel, You are to have to lose Everyone of Them, there is noother Way to get Your Power back, Your Self back. But You are to keep Everyone Who Loves You for Who You are. Eye give You My Word.

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