Spiritual Path Helping my Fight Against Cancer: "Lights on Yoga" - B.K.S. Iyengar
Meditation Helping Cure
Most of the time I keep reading and relaxing as I can't do all the asanas, well, not up to now, due to my health limitations. But I strongly believe this will be gone, as treatment is on the way and also mixed with, what I call, "spiritual therapy".
Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I decided to give the medical treatment a different way so that I could acquire more knowledge and also more benefits from Yoga, the path I found nowadays and that is fulfilling me in what I am seeking.
Surely I am not able to perform all the asanas I wish I could, but I do believe that in due time all will be fine and I will be just more than happy with the outcomes of this path I am facing now.

At present, I am reading Lights on Yoga of B.K.S. Iyengar and this book is giving me some profound ideas about what Yoga means in our lives and how we could benefit from it. I can tell Yoga was a happy discovery in my life and the joy of being in the group, the support received is much more valuable than any treatment possible. Loving and caring is what we all have at our best on Earth and offering it is a gift of all of us.
I am trying and posting all I can about Yoga and this keeps me alive. Sorry if the information is wrong, as I am still learning, and if the posts are too short or with information you all may already know. But, maybe, this can also help somebody else as it is doing to me!
Thank you so much for reading!