Flow - Align with the Flow of the Universe. Don't insist that it flow YOUR way...

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The natural state of the Universe. A state of constant ebb and flow. Of push and pull. Of giving and receiving.The Universe is in constant state of energetic exchange. It is always giving. It is always receiving. And it is all happening at once.
When you can allow the inner flow inside of you to align with the outer flow of the Universe, this is true alignment.
When can you be in this state, in this place of aligned flow, you can truly harness the power of synchronicity and of manifestation.
For you are a being of the Universe. You are filled with Universal energy. The same energy that created everything is the same energy inside of you. You are a channel for the Universe to speak through. To move through. Allow it to do so.
Let your inner desires, thoughts, curiosity, and interests flow. And follow what brings you joy, bliss, inspiration. But do not get stuck on one thing. You must also allow the Universe, the outer world, to flow with ease as well. Let your inner world and outer worlds flow simultaneously.

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By allowing yourself to enter into a state of GIVING and RECEIVING.
You can only get what you give. And you will reap what you sow. But both are essential. Give and take.
If you are constantly on the giving end, you will begin to feel depleted and worn down.
If you are constantly on the receiving end, you will begin to feel constipated, blocked, unfulfilled.
Allow yourself to invite both in.
Make the intention today to give something to everyone you encounter. Maybe you can gift them with a smile, a hug, a kind word, a listening ear, a material gift, or even an energetic exchange. Allow yourself to feel full as you give, for this is the way and the will of the Universe.
At the same time, allow yourself to notice and fully receive all the gifts coming your way. From humans, animals, plants. From the clouds, the sun, and the grass. Gifts from the radio, the internet, the TV. Gifts in the form of coffee and food and clothing. Allow yourself to fully receive them, and to become fully aware of these gifts, constantly flowing to you.

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At any moment, you can ask yourself: ”What is flowing to me right now?” What is it that the Universe is sending you right now. And then, how can you use this gift, how can you use this energy to give? How can you give back what you have received, to continue the cycle of flowing alignment?
Deepak Chopra termed the word “synchrodestiny”, which means the spontaneous fulfillment of desire. The universe is always unfolding spontaneously. Allow yourself to move with it; to flow with it, not against it. And as it unfolds, allow yourself to find and follow your desires. Allow your desires to be spontaneously fulfilled, and allow your destiny to unfold before you.

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Hello beautiful being, and thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog. I hope you found something in here useful or inspiring to help you on your journey. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and share some of your energy with me.
I greatly appreciate any comments or questions, and of course, greatly appreciate every UPVOTE.
me here on steemit at @rainbowrachel 🌟 🌟
Until next time, know that you are loved, and that you are exactly where you need to be. Don't forget to notice all the gifts flowing to you in this very moment.
Sending you my love and light:
🌈 Rachel

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