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RE: On Being a Spiritual Chameleon

in #spirituality8 years ago

First; I'm sorry that I've missed so many of these posts of yours, I saw a comment on @ddschtein's page where he said he wished that you would write more, and I realized I hadn't checked your page in forever-- now here's this from a month ago, and it's great! I've been missing out here, and I apologize for only just now coming by again.

The way that your post is written sounds like a good language to me, but I don't know how it would be labeled. maybe Steemglish? I still have to wonder what version of English to use with each post, and they are all different, but mostly I'm writing here at Steemit knowing that there are people from all over the world here, so I most often try for a universal English that will hopefully make sense after it's run through a translator.

You gave a great description of the little translator in the brain that decides what flavor of religion or philosophy is safest to throw into conversations. I'm pretty sure I have that app in my brain too, while usually just listening with my full attention is a good way to communicate for me, and if I really listen, then I don't have to consciously try to form a reply or question.

I'd really like to see more of your writing, I'll be checking around here now, I don't want to miss any more, and I'm truly sorry that I haven't been by here sooner.


I know I post too sporadically for it to be worthwhile checking here much, so I'm happy you stopped by when you did!

I think my babel fish is a mostly unconscious process too. I don't set out to talk to people in their language, it just seems to happen. It's been interesting watching that become conscious as I'm trying to write. After reading your comment and some others here, I think the solution is to let it go -- just write what's true for me in the moment and see what happens.