Beyond Happiness. (You're Here to Surrender, Not to Win)

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Stop trying to be happy, or fulfilled or saved. You're not here to do that.

If anything, you’re here to be the most beaten up, kicked, smacked, whacked, hurt, broken, misunderstood, misfortunate, unrecognized, unloved, and all around unhappy little being you possibly can be.

Whoever convinced you otherwise?

Now, it’s partly because you’re the most incapable, incompetent, inept, ineffectual, unproductive, uncaring, unremarkable, ungrateful, and just-plain-unlucky little thing you possibly could be.

But it’s also partly because life is the most unfortunate, unstable, unforgiving, unpredictable, inexplicable, incomprehensible, improbable, impossible, and inconceivable thing that could’ve possibly happened to you.

So, what if your life is the most inappropriate, indefensible, inconsolable, insufficient, undervalued, understated, unenlightened and unrewarding little tragedy it possibly could be?

Maybe it was designed that way to make you the most indomitable, invaluable, intrepid, intelligent, compassionate, confident, competent, courageous, conscious, and complete being you possibly can be.

And maybe, just maybe, that’s the most miraculous, marvelous, adventurous spectacular, dazzling, exquisite, inspiring, exciting, and extraordinary way life possibly can be.

And maybe then, that’s quite alright.