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RE: The different spiritual paths of Empaths & Narcissists [The Truth Uncovered Series - Part 3]

in #spirituality7 years ago

What a post, fascinating. I believe it to be your beliefs of course! I believe all humans are potential empaths. Lost knowledge has been lost for thousands of years, our connection to the spiritual realm. Even in the past, you can see depictions of holy individuals with a glowing sense around their head or body. I myself can see these. I had always been able to see them around trees, but I thought everyone saw them. I have witnessed a spirit, and so much more has happened.

I'm not sure its good to give this path a goal. I'm not sure labeling something more powerful than us is a good idea for anything. Enlightenment, the state scares me. This shouldn't be the goal, the path is much more important. The path of an Empath, in my eyes, is to practice pure alchemy. I take negative energy and convert it into positive energy. This is all based on ionization and frequencies. Its quite a phenomena.

I really enjoy your content niche. I'll keep an eye on your account, love the thoughts and mind stimulating material! Thanks for the new perspective.

I feel different, always have. That's why I am called Diff. Its nice to come into acquaintance with you @atmosblack


Thank you for your kind words!
Well, let me start by saying, that nothing I write has anything to do with belief. I only write out of experience.
Yes, maybe "goal" is a word, that has lots of potential misunderstandings and is not the best word to use in this context.
Why does enlightenment scare you? I mean, yes, for the ego, enlightenment is the most scaring thing there is. In its world, enlightenment can mean death.
In truth, enlightenment is just the beginning. It's the recognition, that you are the Light - pure divinity in form. If your center of perception changes from the ego to the light, the whole world changes and from this moment on, you are playing the game of life in a whole new dimension.
You transcend positive & negative energies and the path changes from the 3D/4D perspective to a galactic and universal one.
Pure alchemy then, becomes something you don't do anymore, but something you are. Every energy that comes into contact with your field gets transformed, without you doing it. It can't be otherwise.
Yes, dear Diff, even the electrical body and spins of atoms, electrons and protons get transformed in the quantum state into pure plasma - when the plasma and pure crystalline body begins to awaken, the meaning of embodiment changes, as you then embody the pure Light and transmit this beingness through your heart as the carrier frequency of pure Love - all the while, the mantra of your beingness is "I am the Light, the Light I am" with every breath and heartbeat as the cosmic heart...
This my friend, is just the beginning.... 🙏