The Fear Construct

in #spirituality5 years ago

Remember that scene from the Matrix, at the beginning? When Morpheus first plugs Neo back into the matrix? There is nothing but a blank room. Everything is white. There is nothing around. Morpheus loads a leather armchair and Neo can’t believe its not real. When he finds out it is nothing but a fake reality, he loses it (eventually tossing up his lunch on the floor in the “real world”).


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I believe this is the world that is formed for most people, from birth. You come here, completely unaware of what you’ve gotten yourself into. You know nothing, remember nothing. You have a blank slate.

Throughout the first years of life comes the reality….slowly. A blade of grass, the wind in the hair, the beauty of the natural world. We don’t know anything except what is directly around us. Giant humans that we assume are authoritarian figures; many of these are people we grow to readily love: our parents, siblings, the first friends we meet. We think there isn’t a care in the world (for the most part).

Then we start to think too much. We start growing up, learning things, thinking our own thoughts. Many of these thoughts we are told are wrong. We come to believe many of these things. We start to listen to “the news”. We start to see the hardships and to see that we’re going to have to make a run of it ourselves one day. We enter school. We are told what to think, and to regurgitate it back to those that told us what to think. When we do so properly, we are rewarded with an “A+” for proper conformity. If we disagree and challenge the system, we get lower “grades” which we think matter.

Slowly, the fake armchairs of fear of disobedience begin to emerge. First its the idea that individual thought is somehow…wrong. We know deep down at first that we have our own beliefs, but yet…they are wrong alot.


This is the fear construct. It is the thought prison, the mind captivity program that holds so many people back. And someday, we will put these fears onto the younger generation before us. Rinse and repeat. The Matrix is created from generation to generation.

Isn’t it interesting how many things that are encouraged when we are very young is somehow…wrong when we grow up? When children, we are encouraged to tell people that we’ll be astronauts, or professional baseball players, or famous actors. We’re encouraged to think these thoughts because unbeknownst to us then, the people that encourage these thoughts really don’t think its possible. Its just nice to tell us that these ideas are good. Because its not nice to tell children that most likely they’re full of shit.

The fear construct grows for many. The fake reality sets in, all the limitations, the “no’s” vs the “yes’s”…until one day we have become indoctrinated into the idea that we should sit in a cubicle and collect “benefits”. That idea of being an astronaut? That was really cute when you were seven, but now you’re eighteen and its time to join the real world…the matrix control grid.

All of these limitations that we readily accept and install into the construct of our minds add up. The individual ideas are sapped out of us by massive control systems that frankly most people will never even know exist.

Pay the government your money even though you will never meet those that take it.

Do what society says or else you might be “weird”. You might actually be outside the system, and this is not allowed by the powers that be. They want to control you. They want you subdued. They just won’t say it to you in those words, because they too have been indoctrinated. The mental slaves teach the next mental slaves to teach the next mental slaves…and so on, and so on.

What if we create our own construct. What if your construct, instead of having fears of failure and fears of being on the outskirts, what if it contains unlimited potential? The potential to be free, to be healthy and happy and purposeful? This does not bode well to the system. The more these thoughts of being unique manifest, the more the system subverts them.
You do something outside of the system and it is ten times more likely to be fought. So the “path less taken” is not weedy underbrush for no reason. It is much, much harder, mentally, physically…emotionally, intellectually…spiritually.

But this is the Herculean path. The path of knowing that what you do will be met with relentless resistance, just like Neo fights off the hordes of agents time and time again, agents that are seen as too powerful to defeat. But he defeats them all the same…in his own words:

“Because I choose to.”

So choice to be unique is the real matrix-breaker. The choice to question everything and I mean EVERYTHING that you were told was true in your most susceptible and molding years. Questioning your own beliefs…the hardest thing to question of all and the mark of a true hero. Doing what’s right despite what it looks like to the rest of the Matrix occupiers. Standing up for what YOU believe in against whatever resistance.

These are the types of thoughts that are coming to a head at the current moment, when all hell seems to be breaking loose, during this insane, totalitarian nightmare sweeping worldwide. Its going to be the trait that separates the wheat from the chaff.

Creating your own construct and remolding it is the key to exiting the control matrix. And the best part is? Its all under your control. You have the key to changing your thoughts and expressing your gifts. You have the control. That’s the last thing that any control system would want to suffer.
Individual thought.


He said, 'Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.'(Matthew 3:2)

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