Is The Cursed Windeku A Hydra In Disguise? | Splinterlands #142

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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It’s been a week since Chaos Legion packs have been released, and I have been biding my time before deciding to purchase 200 packs (or 1000 packs as suggested in this post by @badrag). This hasn’t stopped me from analyzing the new Chaos Legion monsters and summoners. There are some real beauties in, and I am starting to get some serious FOMO reading all the daily pack opening posts that people are posting on!

A while back, I wrote a post on cheaper alternatives to Hydra. The Hydra is one of my biggest regrets as I didn’t purchase it when it was still relatively affordable when I joined splinterlands. Another profound regret is not picking up Gold Foil Furious Chickens for $10 apiece!! Now onto the point of my post – while looking through the set of Chaos Legion monsters, I came across a monster like the Hydra and cheaper, of course!


Cursed Windeku – a cheaper alternative to Hydra?

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If you read my post, there are a few reasons Hydra is so sought after; the Beta edition is out of print, so naturally, the prices are high, a good combination of speed, health, damage and excellent abilities. I also had identified a few categories that players could look for alternatives to Hydra. One of the categories, Melee damage 3+, Heal & Thorns ability, the Cursed Windeku fits in like a glove!

Melee damage 3+, Heal & Thorns ability

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Stats-wise, the Cursed Windeku has a lower mana-cost, has more health, and is less than a 10th of a level 2 Hydra price. The downside is the Cursed Windeku doesn’t have the same utility as a Neutral legendary powerhouse monster like Hydra, but for less than a 10th of the price, I am willing to lose a little bit on utility.


Over the next few months, I hope to uncover more of these types of hidden gem cards where I can bolster my collection with good monsters to play the new and existing battle formats that will be released in the new year for splinterlands.


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Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a good rest of the day!

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