Ready for Season Rewards, new Discord, and a new sibling on the way.

in #splinterlands5 years ago

We're less than 24 hours from the end of Season 18 of Splinterlands, and Ottermaker is ready for your season rewards, with almost half a million DEC in its balance. As Steem is falling free, DEC has been very resilient, and sending your cards to Ottermaker is an excellent way to acquire more of it. Just gift your non-max cards to @ottermaker and it will automatically send 101% of the burn value in DEC to your Steem-Engine wallet. If you missed our last announcement, Ottermaker now takes all Splinterlands cards including Alpha and Beta golds.

Gold Common757.51515
Gold Rare30306060
Gold Epic1515030300
Gold Legendary75750151500

Ottermaker also still has packs for sale at 1600 DEC apiece. We sold off around 300 packs this week, which is how that half million happened, but there are still 600+ left. To purchase, send DEC to @ottermaker on Steem-Engine.

Other News

Otterworks now has a Discord for Ottermaker and our other projects. You can still DM me elsewhere, but this makes an easy central place to get support, ask questions, or just hang out.

I also have a new Splinterlands-related service coming online soon at @herons-unlimited, where I built a system to automatically manage staking agreements where card owners lease their teams for a percentage of the earnings.