"Splinterlands" + "Drug Wars" -- Power Strategy Tips #46

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As I have now been playing "Splinterlands" and "Drug Wars" for over a year, I've wanted to contribute something of ACTIONABLE value to my fellow players (and FUTURE players) - but NOT just fill my Steemit feed with daily images of quest reward - or battle - SPAM (no offense to those doing so). Ultimately, Steemit is about ADDING VALUE to the social experience - that is the magic of blockchain social media technology. So, after some serious pondering, I decided that a weekly "Splinterlands + "Drugs Wars" player strategy diary" type series, with CONCISE and ACTIONABLE tips, would be of most value to my audience. Please let me know your thoughts (good and/or bad), and I hope that readers (now and into the future) will benefit from this series. If you gain a better understanding of blockchain, gaming, "blockchain gaming", marketing, psychology, forensics, philosophy, geopolitics, and/or any other area(s) of knowledge I end up exploring (voluntarily or involuntarily) as this series naturally progresses, then I will have done my "good deed" (of providing value) for the week. Also, feel free to hit me up on the battlefield.


[ DISCLAIMER : The past one-and-a-half weeks have been quite HELLISH for me. I've been suffering from a nasty touch of clinical depression from this whole corona virus/bioweapon thing, and generally struggling to stay focused and "keep the bad thoughts at bay". On a few days I was barely able to play, let alone function, mainly because I was getting too wound-up with DOOM from consuming too many YouTube videos about the "virus" that I burnt myself out. Then I discovered that dialing down the consumption of corona bioweapon news, PLUS taking daily naps was becoming helpful. So please excuse me BOTH for having a few of the daily log entries be a bit "thin", AND for the lateness of this post. I also made the error of not starting to write the "non "daily log"" entries at the very beginning of the week, which usually results in procrastination. So I will be finally writing the remaining section in a concise form for the sake of getting this post out (albeit a good week late). Hey, shit happens. We're only human, and this is a difficult time for everyone right now. Ultimate, my goal is to provide morale-boosting info in these posts. Everything else is a side issue. /DISCLAIMER ]

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1 ) The BEST news of this week is that, once again folks, the "crypto gods" have come through. The whole #SteemitHostileTakeover thing was really weighing down on my last week, but I am PROUD of myself for pushing through, carrying out my grander strategy (driven by my core motto that "The "crypto gods" are on our side."), and was able to avoid getting totally throw off track, and stay focused, to come out the other side a big "winner"! It turns out that as a result of "Justin "The Coronavirus" Sun's" FAILED attempt to "have his way" with the Steem community, by a stroke of divine intervention, and a bit of proactivity by the larger Steem community, the launch of the new #Hive network resulted in an UBER-JUICY "airdrop" of ~ 1,900 Hive tokens, which is equivalent to my original ~ 2,600 minus the THREE (3) weekly power-down payouts I have received since initiating the full power-down of Steem a few weeks ago, when it become clear that the #Tron-#Steem partnership was likely going to morph into an absolute #SteemTrainWreck. I must toot my own horn here, folks, just simply because my carefully calculated strategy was so effective. That is, my magical power of intuition told me simply that "the Steem token is in jeopardy", and so I made the decision (which any seasoned investor would) that since I had STRONG confidence in the fundamentals of #Splinterlands ( backed by @aggroed's clear statement that he would be able to move the @splinterlands game off of the core #Steem blockchain, if necessary ), that would AT LEAST provide a "safe haven" for the value of my Steem. I have now converted ALL of the ~ 1,100 powered-down Steem into DEC, and will continue to do so. And although @blocktrades has been kind enough to offer the ability for us to sell Steem for #Hive tokens I just feel that #Steem is "dirty money" at this point, and I also worry that @blocktrades is taking the risk of being held with a stash of Steem which will gradually decline in value. So what I have done is CANCEL the power-down of #Hive (as the airdropped Hive was in the process of being powered-down once it showed up in my wallet), and continue to power-down the Steem and covert it directly into DEC, held in my @steem-engine wallet. It's also nice to see that the value of #Hive, since it was created through hard fork, is generally actually HIGHER than #Steem. My guess is that #JustinSun will wait for the full 13 weeks of power-down before he will likely do something stupid with Steem. Maybe he will try to salvage it, but the point is that by that time I will already have gotten ALL of my Steem value out of my #Steemit wallet, with half of the DEC value used to buy cards, weekly, and the other half stored in my @steem-engine account, with the goal of using that DEC to buy land when the new upgrades are added to #Spinterlands.

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In the end, I ended up selling approximately $287.62 USD (based on Coinbase record) of Bitcoin for Tron, which I lost in the various Tron dapps, BUT then I received approximately $342.00 USD ( 1,900 Steem/HIVE airdropped tokens x ~ 0.18 Steem = ~ $324.00 ), and so in the grand scheme of things I ended up UP around $55 USD in the grand scheme of things, and #JustinSun didn't get to steal my Bitcoin on HIS terms. All I have to say to that is ---> WINNING! Plus, half of that $342.00 is now activitely working for me in the form o #Splinterlands cards (both gold and non-gold) and so it is ultimately a "no loss" situation). Now I just need to work on getting that 0.1 BTC back from those other scammers at BitcoinVideoCasino.com

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2 ) Speaking of BitcoinVideoCasino.com, we (that is, my cybersecurity professional buddy, and myself) have now attempted the following series of steps SIMPLY to (unsuccessfully) get in touch with them: contact BitcoinVideoCasino.com, to file a legitimate report, with no response to any of the emails. We then petitioned CloudFlare to find out their hosting service : SeriousTubes.network , who ALSO is not responding to emails (via a MULTITUDE of alternative email addresses we dug up on them (via Cloudflare, and other more advanced means). My cybersecurity guy also set up a separate email address to send the original abuse report, since a second plea to Cloudflare showed that my emails were being blocked by the SeriousTubes server. Those emails he sent were ALSO not responded to. Since we ALSO discovered that they are using Amazon Web Services we have now to decided to go straight to the top and file a report to AWS, with the hope of AT LEAST having AWS force BitcoinVideoCasino.com and/or SeriousTubes.network to at least respond to the original report filing. Is that too much to ask? I just can't believe that a web site can be listed on Google search with ZERO ability to be contacted (aka: transparency). Based on this, I will be willing to go as far as filing a claim with the Federal Trade Commission about the BitcoinVideoCasino.com site, with the reasoning that they are scamming unsuspecting people (who find them through a simple Google search - because Google, or WHOEVER, is not doing their job properly ( to protect searchers)) out of BTC with ZERO ability for the player to properly address grievances with the "company" in question. BitcoinVideoCasino.com's "surface" customer service is a joke, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are best buddies with #Justin "The #Coronavirus" Sun", as they seem to be using some of the standard "tactics" that he, and his cadres in the #CCP use regularly. I don't think this is an outlandish pursuit to take this all the way, if for nothing else than to SHOW just how criminal these operations are.

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3 ) On the #DrugWars front, I am now continuing to make consistent progress. My overall resource production, in combination with the two daily Level 10 solo jobs, and 1-2 gang jobs, are earning me a consistent ~ 10 DWD (Drug Wars Dollars) per day. And so I am now doing a WEEKLY conversion of my DWD earnings from DWD to DEC (from within @steem-engine) which provides a nice additional weekly boost of DEC to buy up some addition cheap cards, as part of my daily buy using earned DEC. For instance, this past week I sold 92 DWD (Drug Wars Dollars) for 579 DEC via @steem-engine. That 579 DEC is enough to buy a few cheaper cards which are needed to upgrade the cards to unleash abilities which make my decks stronger. So, indeed, DrugWars is now acting as a PROPER additional income stream of DEC with which to enhance my daily Splinterlands effort, and I believe the weekly amount of DWD (and thus DEC) will steadily increase going forward. Maybe I can even get it up to the point where I can buy some more Untamed packs to add to my "one pack per day" opening strategy far into the future.

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So, for now, I'm glad I stuck it out with @drugwars so far. I'm also continuing to upgrade my storage capacity, training levels, and defense building levels, to avoid a wipe-out of resources and/or army units. This seems to be working at this point, since I haven't been wiped out since the last one a few weeks ago. I also notice that @hightouch ( @drugwars's founder) added a few upgrades recently ( like showing which battle units the "training" upgrades apply to. I actually also chatted with him last week, and he SEEMS to have plans to continue full-force with developing the game. So as long as I can continue earning the alternative DEC income stream which #DrugWars has been providing, I will stick with it.

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4 ) Okay folks. Let me come clean -- I done messed up, once again. I had "fallen off the wagon" the day before publishing this post ( that is, I had consumed too many "doom and gloom-ish ) "corona bioweapon" YouTube videos, and with my defenses down, when I check on my BetFury.io account ( to give the slots a few pulls after claiing my ~ 10 tron which had accumulated over 2-3 days) I got the "gambling itch", and went ahead and used the second 13 half (Steem Power half) of the previous post in this series, to convert to Tron, and then into BetFury.io to see if I could mine a little extra BFG token ( the in-game token of BetFuryio ). Well, on this specific day, the "crypto gods" were NOT on my side, and when all was said and done, I have sold ALL of the ~ 366,000 DEC I had in reserve in my @steem-engine account. I know, I messed up. Shit happens, and this is a difficult time. The good news is that by playing all of that 11,000+ Tron in the BetFury slots (making some significantly high wagers over a 12 hour period) I ended up mining around 9,000 BFG ( basically THE SAME amount of BFG I had already mined over time in the account), and so even though I took a big loss of that ~ 366k DEC worth of Steem I had powered-down in the past 4-5 weeks. I did DOUBLE my daily dividend earning on BetFury, and so I can now have double the amount of daily Tron payout to play every few days when I log in there to claim the dividends and give the slots a few swift pulls. Also, it was KINDA good that this happened, because it has now forced me to make the adjustment of NOT holding any liquid DEC in my @steem-engine account, but to instead convert ALL of my Steem power-down payouts to DEC and IMMEDIATELY use ALL of it ( 192 Steem / weekly power-down) to buy #Splinterlands cards. What can I say, other than, "The "crypto god" GIVETH, and they TAKETH AWAY. However, I have already made it clear that the powered-down Steem is already "dirty money:, and so if the "crypto gods" decide to take it, maybe there is a larger purpose for that. They have performed miracles in the past, and will likely perform more in the future. I will leave it all in their hands. Since I believe that life is ultimate "a game of risk management and damage control", all I can do is act on things as they are in the present. So for now I have made the adjustment of buying Splinterlands cards immediately upon each remaining Steem power-down. I think that is the best option at this juncture.

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5 ) Okay. As I did in the last post in this series, the highly-detailed "diary" of my daily #steemmonsters / #splinterlands activity is laid out in the last part of this post, for those of you who are inclined to follow, more closely, what I am doing. It occurred to me that this "diary" section is JUST THAT - a highly detailed record of my daily activity in the game, with some JUICY "play-by-play" analysis notes, and commentary, on what works, what doesn't, and some suggestions for further tweaking and experimentation. So, with this in mind, I hope some/any of you will enjoy this information. If not, you are under no pressure to read it fully, and are free to SKIM, or even IGNORE, any parts, or ALL parts, completely - at your discretion. I lay this out because it also HELPS ME to document my progress in the game over time, and may help some people NOW, and into the perpetual future...


March 24th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,554 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 5,938 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 90.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 384 DEC = ~ 1.149 Steem x ~ $0.175 USD/Steem = ~ $0.20 USD

Spent :

7 x "Undead Badger" (non-gold - 385 DEC)
Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers - 80 DEC
nonkeepers- 25 DEC
potions - +0 legendary potions, +5 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 55 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers - 110 DEC


March 25th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,537 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 6,100 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 100.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 563 DEC = ~ 1.643 Steem x ~ $0.171 USD/Steem = ~ $0.28 USD

Spent :

11 x "Undead Badger" (non-gold - 523 DEC -- 31 cards needed to reach Level 7)

Daily Quest (today's "fire" quest).
keepers - 235 DEC
nonkeepers- 75 DEC
potions - +2 legendary potions, +3 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 60 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack - and celebration pack for reaching "Diamond II" season level --> + 10 loot chests --> +50 season loot chests)
keepers - 80 DEC


March 26th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,577 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 40,502 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 93.61%
Balance = DEC Earning = 34,925 DEC = ~ 98.921 Steem x ~ $0.170 USD/Steem = ~ $16.82 USD

Spent :

5 x "Fasting Seaweed" (Gold - 7,297 DEC - bumped up to Level 6 (same as non-gold) with "scavenger" ability added)

1 x "Furious Chicken" (Gold - Level 3 - 4,458 DEC)

4 x "Failed Summoner" (Gold - Level 3 - 11,356 DEC - bumped up to Level 6 (same as non-gold) to unlock "demoralize" abilit

34 x "Undead Badger" (non-gold - 1,900 DEC - bumped up to Level 7 to increase health to "+3")

7 x "Abatross" (Gold - Level 3 - 11,869 - bumped up to Level 6 (same as non-gold) to unlock "tank heal" ability. Accidentally miscalculated and overspent, so topped up the difference of 1,956 DEC from @steem-engine account DEC reserves)

Received payout of 68,341 DEC ( 192.700 Steem ) for weekly power-down of Steem

  • put half ( 34,170 DEC into @steem-engine wallet, and will use the other half ( 34,170 DEC ) to buy cards at the end of the day ( in-game DEC balance (at time of claim ) = 39,994 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers - 95 DEC
nonkeepers - 100 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +2 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 64 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers - 80 DEC


March 27th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,577 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 6,538 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 86.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 961 DEC = ~ 2.592 Steem x ~ $0.151 USD/Steem = ~ $0.39 USD

Spent :

2 x "Phantom Soldier " (non-gold - 961 DEC - 10 (ten) cards remaining to Level 6 MAX).

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack - and celebration pack for reaching "Diamond I" season level --> + 10 loot chests --> +60 season loot chests)
keepers - 80 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "win three battles without neutral cards" quest).
keepers - 30 DEC
nonkeepers - 145 DEC
potions - +0 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 268 DEC


March 28th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,576 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 94.41%
Ending DEC - 6,414 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 90.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 838 DEC = ~ 2.354 Steem x ~ $0.150 USD/Steem = ~ $0.353 USD

Spent :

5 x "Goblin Chariot" (non-gold - 758 DEC -- five (5) more cards remaining to bump up to Level 5 and unlock the sole (and powerful) "piercing" ability for this card)

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers -
"The Kraken" (non-gold (legendary) - Level 1 - $1.64 USD - 1,500 DEC -- bumped up to Level 3, and added "enrage" ability)

  • 20 DEC
    nonkeepers - 0 DEC
    potions - +2 legendary potions, +6 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 435 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -
"Sniping Narwhal" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.70 USD - 1,500 DEC)

  • 70 DEC


March 29th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,556 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 99.00%
Ending DEC - 6,317 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 70.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 661 DEC = ~ 1.977 Steem x ~ $0.139 USD/Steem = ~ $0.277 USD

Spent :

5 x "Goblin Chariot" (non-gold - 774 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5, to unlock the "piercing" ability. I overspent by ~ 100 DEC today because I'm getting a larger payout from the previous post tomorrow, and because it's always better to try to upgrade the cards as fast as possible (relatively within budget), because just ONE extra day of being able to play a card with an extra power can significantly increase your daily DEC earnings).

Daily Quest (today's "fire" quest).
keepers -

  • 140 DEC
    nonkeepers - 30 DEC
    potions - +4 legendary potions, +5 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 45 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 240 DEC


March 30th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,542 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 87.02%
Ending DEC - 10,470 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 83.46%
Balance = DEC Earning = 4,928 DEC = ~ 14.478 Steem x ~ $0.142 USD/Steem = ~ $2.05 USD

Spent :

6 x "Octopider" (non-gold - 446 DEC -- bumped up to Level 6, to increase help back up from "+2" to "+3")

11 x "Phantom Soldier" (non-gold - 3,656 DEC - bumped up to "max" to increase melee to "+4")

4 x "Naga Windmaster" (non-gold - 298 DEC -- bumped up to Level 6, to increase health to "+4")

converted 13.300 Steem (Steem portion of payout from previous post in this series) into 4,425 DEC (transfered to Splinterlands wallet)

Daily Quest (today's "dragon" quest).
keepers -

  • 10 DEC
    nonkeepers - 60 DEC
    potions - +4 legendary potions, +6 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 102 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 80 DEC


March 31st, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,542 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 92.00%
Ending DEC - 7,701 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 92.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 2,159 DEC = ~ 5.923 Steem x ~ $0.143 USD/Steem = ~ $0.85 USD

Spent :

3 x "Shadowy Presence" (non-gold - 1,565 DEC - bumped up to Level 2, to increase health to "+5")

4 x "Failed Summoner" (non-gold - 577 DEC)

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers -

  • 70 DEC
    nonkeepers - 435 DEC
    potions - +5 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 152 DEC

Season Rewards (finished season at "Diamond I" level (60 loot chests) -- just couldn't make it to "Champion I" - even though I really tried on the final day.).
keepers -
"Baby Unicorn" (Gold - Level 4 - $0.34 USD - 750 DEC)

  • 60 10 60 10 60 10 60 DEC
    nonkeepers - 15 120 10 10 DEC
    potions - +7 legendary potions, +6 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 624 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 80 DEC


April 1st, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,558 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 6,037 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 95.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 479 DEC = ~ 1.358 Steem x ~ $0.143 USD/Steem = ~ $0.194 USD

Spent : Dealing with some clinical depression stuff right now, so with the low daily income today I decided to just spend it tomorrow. Just need to take it nice and easy right now, which is fine in this difficult time.

Daily Quest (today's "earth" quest).
keepers -
"Barking Spider" (Gold - Level 3 - $0.27 USD - 500 DEC)

  • 10 DEC
    nonkeepers - 60 DEC
    potions - +3 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
    DEC - 97 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack + celebration pack for starting the new season at "Gold I" season level ( 30 season loot chests) )
keepers -

  • 300 DEC


April 2nd, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,037 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 40,448 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 90.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 34,411 DEC = ~ 106.001 Steem x ~ $0.1447 USD/Steem = ~ $15.19 USD

Spent :

1 x "Undead Archer" (Gold - Level 3 - 6,760 DEC -- bumped up to Level 7, to increase "range" from "+1" to "+2")

1 x "Furious Chicken" (Gold - Level 3 - 5,001 DEC - bumped up to Level 7 to increase "speed" from "+1" to "+2")

11 x "Tortisian Chief" (non-gold - Level 1 - 13,822 DEC - bumped to Level 4 to decrease health from "+6" to "+5" BUT toadd the very powerful "tank heal" ability)

4 x "Goblin Thief" (Gold - Level 3 - 3,319 DEC - bumped up to Level 7 to increase health back up from "+3" to "+4")

44 x "Failed Summoner" - (non-gold - Level 1 - 4,121 DEC - bumped up to Level 7 to increase health back to "+8")

2 x "Ice Pixie" 477 DEC - bumped up to Level4 to bump "speed" up from "+3" to "+4")
4 x "Ice Pixie" 866 DEC - 11 more cards to go to reach Level 5, and unlock the "shatter" ability

Daily Quest (today's "water" quest).
keepers - 40 DEC
nonkeepers - 55 DEC
potions - +3 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 11 DEC

Coverted 192.700 Steem payout from weekly Steem power-down to DEC ( 67,530 ) and

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 270 DEC


April 3rd, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,078 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 96.13%
Ending DEC - 7,319 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 80.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,241 DEC = ~ 3.058 Steem x ~ $0.185 USD/Steem = ~ $0.565 USD

Spent :

6 x "Ice Pixie" (non-gold - 1,266 DEC)

Daily Quest (today's "water" quest).
keepers - 30 DEC
nonkeepers - 30 DEC
potions - +4 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 583 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 270 DEC


April 4th, 2020

Starting DEC : 6,052 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 6,704 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 90.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 625 DEC = ~ 1.644 Steem x ~ $0.179 USD/Steem = ~ $0.29 USD

Spent :

5 x "Ice Pixie" (non-gold - Level 1 - 1,015 DEC -- bumped up to Level 5 to unlock the "shatter" ability).

625 DEC (today) + 479 DEC (from April 1st, 2020 - which I was too tired to spend) = 1,104 DEC

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers - 100 DEC
nonkeepers - 90 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +3 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 65 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 110 DEC


April 5th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,688 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 100.00%
Ending DEC - 7,041 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 85.61%
Balance = DEC Earning = 1,353 DEC = ~ 3.635 Steem x ~ $0.175 USD/Steem = ~ $0.636 USD

Spent :

6 x "Ice Pixie" - (non-gold - Level 1 - 1,366 DEC -- 14 cards remaining tto reach Level 6 and increase health from "+2" to "+3")

Daily Quest (today's "death" quest).
keepers - 40 DEC
nonkeepers - 15 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +1 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 106 DEC

Sold 92 DWD (Drug Wars Dollars) for 579 DEC to buy more cards in the daily shopping spree

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack + celebration pack for reaching "Diamond II" season level - + 10 loot chests -- +50 loot chests)
keepers -

  • 80 DEC


April 6th, 2020

Starting DEC : 5,675 DEC
Starting Capture Rate : ~ 92.42%
Ending DEC - 6,430 DEC
Ending Capture rate : ~ 85.00%
Balance = DEC Earning = 755 DEC = ~ 1.72 Steem x ~ $0.174 USD/Steem = ~ $0.299 USD

Spent :

4 x "Ice Pixie" (non-gold - 880 DEC - went a bit over-budget today because this combined card was discounted a little. Not a biggie.) Actually, today was a bit of a "rough/slow" day, so I was glad that I was able to complete the quest, and got a "260 DEC" loot chest, which enabled me to have enough DEC to go shopping. One day at a time...

Daily Quest (today's "win three battles without neutral cards" quest).
keepers - 120 DEC
nonkeepers - 105 DEC
potions - +1 legendary potions, +5 alchemy/gold potions
DEC - 352 DEC

Untamed (Pack #1 : daily pack)
keepers -

  • 270 DEC


Whew! These posts are growing dense - but that's okay. It's actually a miracle that I was able to finally get this one out - but also a clear sign that the "crypto gods" are watching over me. Take what resonates with you,and leave the rest. I hope you find some/any of these tips useful in increasing your understanding and/or skill level in the SteemMonsters (Splinterlands) and/or Drug Wars, and/or "Prospectors, and/or any other game(s) - and the " blockchain gaming " industry as whole - which I end up exploring as this series evolves. More JUICY tips to come with each weekly update, as I dig deeper into this whole REVOLUTIONARY PHENOMENON, and become more experienced and successful in the game(s).

See you on the battlefield...


SteemMonsters  Affiliate Banner.gif


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